import assignIn from 'lodash/assignIn.js'; import colorUtils from './utils/color.js'; import weightUtils from './utils/weight.js'; const defaultOptionalFields = { images: false, price: false, worn: true, consumable: true, listDescription: false, }; const Item = function ({ id, unit }) { = id; = ''; this.description = ''; this.weight = 0; this.authorUnit = 'g'; if (unit) { this.authorUnit = unit; } this.price = 0.00; this.imageUrl = ''; this.url = ''; return this; }; = function () { return this; }; Item.prototype.load = function (input) { assignIn(this, input); if (typeof this.price === 'string') { this.price = parseFloat(this.price, 10); } }; const Category = function ({ library, id, _isNew }) { this.library = library; = id; = ''; this.categoryItems = []; this.subtotalWeight = 0; this.subtotalWornWeight = 0; this.subtotalConsumableWeight = 0; this.subtotalPrice = 0; this.subtotalConsumablePrice = 0; this.subtotalQty = 0; this._isNew = _isNew; return this; }; Category.prototype.addItem = function (partialCategoryItem) { const tempCategoryItem = { qty: 1, worn: 0, consumable: false, star: 0, itemId: null, _isNew: false, }; assignIn(tempCategoryItem, partialCategoryItem); this.categoryItems.push(tempCategoryItem); }; Category.prototype.updateCategoryItem = function (categoryItem) { const oldCategoryItem = this.getCategoryItemById(categoryItem.itemId); assignIn(oldCategoryItem, categoryItem); }; Category.prototype.removeItem = function (itemId) { const categoryItem = this.getCategoryItemById(itemId); const index = this.categoryItems.indexOf(categoryItem); this.categoryItems.splice(index, 1); }; Category.prototype.calculateSubtotal = function () { this.subtotalWeight = 0; this.subtotalWornWeight = 0; this.subtotalConsumableWeight = 0; this.subtotalPrice = 0; this.subtotalConsumablePrice = 0; this.subtotalQty = 0; for (const i in this.categoryItems) { const categoryItem = this.categoryItems[i]; const item = this.library.getItemById(categoryItem.itemId); if (!item) { continue; } this.subtotalWeight += item.weight * categoryItem.qty; this.subtotalPrice += item.price * categoryItem.qty; if (this.library.optionalFields.worn && categoryItem.worn) { this.subtotalWornWeight += item.weight * ((categoryItem.qty > 0) ? 1 : 0); } if (this.library.optionalFields.consumable && categoryItem.consumable) { this.subtotalConsumableWeight += item.weight * categoryItem.qty; this.subtotalConsumablePrice += item.price * categoryItem.qty; } this.subtotalQty += categoryItem.qty; } }; Category.prototype.getCategoryItemById = function (id) { for (const i in this.categoryItems) { const categoryItem = this.categoryItems[i]; if (categoryItem.itemId == id) return categoryItem; } return null; }; Category.prototype.getExtendedItemByIndex = function (index) { const categoryItem = this.categoryItems[index]; const item = this.library.getItemById(categoryItem.itemId); const extendedItem = assignIn({}, item); assignIn(extendedItem, categoryItem); return extendedItem; }; = function () { const out = assignIn({}, this); delete out.library; delete out.template; delete out._isNew; return out; }; Category.prototype.load = function (input) { delete input._isNew; assignIn(this, input); this.categoryItems.forEach((categoryItem, index) => { delete categoryItem._isNew; if (typeof categoryItem.price !== 'undefined') { delete categoryItem.price; } if (! { = 0; } if (!this.library.getItemById(categoryItem.itemId)) { this.categoryItems.splice(index, 1); } }); }; const List = function ({ id, library }) { this.library = library; = id; = ''; this.categoryIds = []; this.chart = null; this.description = ''; this.externalId = ''; this.totalWeight = 0; this.totalWornWeight = 0; this.totalConsumableWeight = 0; this.totalBaseWeight = 0; this.totalPackWeight = 0; this.totalPrice = 0; this.totalConsumablePrice = 0; this.totalQty = 0; return this; }; List.prototype.addCategory = function (categoryId) { this.categoryIds.push(categoryId); }; List.prototype.removeCategory = function (categoryId) { categoryId = parseInt(categoryId); let index = this.categoryIds.indexOf(categoryId); if (index == -1) { index = this.categoryIds.indexOf(`${categoryId}`); if (index == -1) { console.warn(`Unable to delete category, it does not exist in this list:${categoryId}`); return false; } } this.categoryIds.splice(index, 1); return true; }; List.prototype.renderChart = function (type, linkParent) { const chartData = { points: {} }; let total = 0; if (typeof linkParent === 'undefined') linkParent = true; for (var i in this.categoryIds) { var category = this.library.getCategoryById(this.categoryIds[i]); if (category) { category.calculateSubtotal(); if (type === 'consumable') { total += category.subtotalConsumableWeight; } else if (type === 'worn') { total += category.subtotalWornWeight; } else if (type === 'base') { total += (category.subtotalWeight - (category.subtotalConsumableWeight + category.subtotalWornWeight)); } else { // total weight total += category.subtotalWeight; } } } if (!total) return false; const getTooltipText = function (name, valueMg, unit) { return `${name}: ${weightUtils.MgToWeight(valueMg, unit)} ${unit}`; }; for (var i in this.categoryIds) { var category = this.library.getCategoryById(this.categoryIds[i]); if (category) { const points = {}; var categoryTotal; if (type === 'consumable') { categoryTotal = category.subtotalConsumableWeight; } else if (type === 'worn') { categoryTotal = category.subtotalWornWeight; } else if (type === 'base') { categoryTotal = (category.subtotalWeight - (category.subtotalConsumableWeight + category.subtotalWornWeight)); } else { // total weight categoryTotal = category.subtotalWeight; } const tempColor = category.color || colorUtils.getColor(i); category.displayColor = colorUtils.rgbToString(tempColor); const tempCategory = {}; for (const j in category.categoryItems) { const item = category.getExtendedItemByIndex(j); let value = item.weight * item.qty; if (!value) value = 0; let name = getTooltipText(, value, item.authorUnit); const color = colorUtils.getColor(j, tempColor); if (item.qty > 1) name += ` x ${item.qty}`; var percent = value / categoryTotal; const tempItem = { value, id:, name, color, percent, }; if (linkParent) tempItem.parent = tempCategory; points[j] = tempItem; } var percent = categoryTotal / total; const tempCategoryData = { points, color: category.color, id:, name: getTooltipText(, categoryTotal, this.library.totalUnit), total: categoryTotal, percent, visiblePoints: false, }; if (linkParent) tempCategoryData.parent = chartData; assignIn(tempCategory, tempCategoryData); chartData.points[i] = tempCategory; } } = total; return chartData; }; List.prototype.calculateTotals = function () { let totalWeight = 0; let totalPrice = 0; let totalWornWeight = 0; let totalConsumableWeight = 0; let totalConsumablePrice = 0; let totalBaseWeight = 0; let totalPackWeight = 0; let totalQty = 0; const out = { categories: [] }; for (const i in this.categoryIds) { const category = this.library.getCategoryById(this.categoryIds[i]); if (category) { category.calculateSubtotal(); totalWeight += category.subtotalWeight; totalWornWeight += category.subtotalWornWeight; totalConsumableWeight += category.subtotalConsumableWeight; totalPrice += category.subtotalPrice; totalConsumablePrice += category.subtotalConsumablePrice; totalQty += category.subtotalQty; out.categories.push(category); } } totalBaseWeight = totalWeight - (totalWornWeight + totalConsumableWeight); totalPackWeight = totalWeight - totalWornWeight; this.totalWeight = totalWeight; this.totalWornWeight = totalWornWeight; this.totalConsumableWeight = totalConsumableWeight; this.totalBaseWeight = totalBaseWeight; this.totalPackWeight = totalPackWeight; this.totalPrice = totalPrice; this.totalConsumablePrice = totalConsumablePrice; this.totalQty = totalQty; }; = function () { const out = assignIn({}, this); delete out.library; delete out.chart; return out; }; List.prototype.load = function (input) { assignIn(this, input); this.calculateTotals(); }; const Library = function () { this.version = '0.3'; this.idMap = {}; this.items = []; this.categories = []; this.lists = []; this.sequence = 0; this.defaultListId = 1; this.totalUnit = 'kg'; this.itemUnit = 'g'; this.showSidebar = true; this.showImages = false; this.optionalFields = assignIn({}, defaultOptionalFields); this.currencySymbol = '€'; this.firstRun(); return this; }; Library.prototype.firstRun = function () { const firstList = this.newList(); const firstCategory = this.newCategory({ list: firstList }); const firstItem = this.newItem({ category: firstCategory }); }; Library.prototype.newItem = function ({ category, _isNew }) { const temp = new Item({ id: this.nextSequence(), unit: this.itemUnit }); this.items.push(temp); this.idMap[] = temp; if (category) { category.addItem({ itemId:, _isNew }); } return temp; }; Library.prototype.updateItem = function (item) { const oldItem = this.getItemById(; assignIn(oldItem, item); return oldItem; }; Library.prototype.removeItem = function (id) { const item = this.getItemById(id); for (const i in this.lists) { const category = this.findCategoryWithItemById(id, this.lists[i].id); if (category) { category.removeItem(id); } } this.items.splice(this.items.indexOf(item), 1); delete this.idMap[id]; return true; }; Library.prototype.newCategory = function ({ list, _isNew }) { const temp = new Category({ id: this.nextSequence(), _isNew, library: this }); this.categories.push(temp); this.idMap[] = temp; if (list) { list.addCategory(; } return temp; }; Library.prototype.removeCategory = function (id, force) { const category = this.getCategoryById(id); const list = this.findListWithCategoryById(id); if (list && list.categoryIds.length == 1 && !force) { alert("Can't remove the last category in a list!"); return false; } if (list) { list.removeCategory(id); } this.categories.splice(this.categories.indexOf(category), 1); delete this.idMap[id]; return true; }; Library.prototype.newList = function () { const temp = new List({ id: this.nextSequence(), library: this }); this.lists.push(temp); this.idMap[] = temp; if (!this.defaultListId) this.defaultListId =; return temp; }; Library.prototype.removeList = function (id) { if (Object.size(this.lists) == 1) return; const list = this.getListById(id); for (var i = 0; i < list.categoryIds; i++) { this.removeCategory(list.categoryIds[i], true); } this.lists.splice(this.lists.indexOf(list), 1); delete this.idMap[id]; if (this.defaultListId == id) { let newId = -1; for (var i in lists) { newId = i; break; } this.defaultListId = newId; } }; Library.prototype.copyList = function (id) { const oldList = this.getListById(id); if (!oldList) return; const copiedList = this.newList(); = `Copy of ${}`; for (const i in oldList.categoryIds) { const oldCategory = this.getCategoryById(oldList.categoryIds[i]); const copiedCategory = this.newCategory({ list: copiedList }); =; for (const j in oldCategory.categoryItems) { copiedCategory.addItem(oldCategory.categoryItems[j]); } } return copiedList; }; Library.prototype.renderChart = function (type) { return this.getListById(this.defaultListId).renderChart(type); }; Library.prototype.getCategoryById = function (id) { return this.idMap[id]; }; Library.prototype.getItemById = function (id) { return this.idMap[id]; }; Library.prototype.getListById = function (id) { return this.idMap[id]; }; Library.prototype.getItemsInCurrentList = function () { const out = []; const list = this.getListById(this.defaultListId); for (let i = 0; i < list.categoryIds.length; i++) { const category = this.getCategoryById(list.categoryIds[i]); if (category) { for (const j in category.categoryItems) { const categoryItem = category.categoryItems[j]; out.push(categoryItem.itemId); } } } return out; }; Library.prototype.findCategoryWithItemById = function (itemId, listId) { if (listId) { const list = this.getListById(listId); for (i in list.categoryIds) { var category = this.getCategoryById(list.categoryIds[i]); if (category) { for (var j in category.categoryItems) { var categoryItem = category.categoryItems[j]; if (categoryItem.itemId == itemId) return category; } } } } else { for (var i in this.categories) { var category = this.categories[i]; if (category) { for (var j in category.categoryItems) { var categoryItem = category.categoryItems[j]; if (categoryItem.itemId == itemId) return category; } } } } }; Library.prototype.findListWithCategoryById = function (id) { for (const i in this.lists) { const list = this.lists[i]; for (const j in list.categoryIds) { if (list.categoryIds[j] == id) return list; } } }; Library.prototype.nextSequence = function () { return ++this.sequence; }; = function () { const out = {}; out.version = this.version; out.totalUnit = this.totalUnit; out.itemUnit = this.itemUnit; out.defaultListId = this.defaultListId; out.sequence = this.sequence; out.showSidebar = this.showSidebar; out.optionalFields = this.optionalFields; out.currencySymbol = this.currencySymbol; out.items = []; for (var i in this.items) { out.items.push(this.items[i].save()); } out.categories = []; for (var i in this.categories) { out.categories.push(this.categories[i].save()); } out.lists = []; for (var i in this.lists) { out.lists.push(this.lists[i].save()); } return out; }; Library.prototype.load = function (serializedLibrary) { // upgrades should update "serializedLibrary" in-place instead of modifying "this" if (serializedLibrary.version === '0.1' || !serializedLibrary.version) { this.upgrade01to02(serializedLibrary); } if (serializedLibrary.version === '0.2') { this.upgrade02to03(serializedLibrary); } this.items = []; assignIn(this.optionalFields, serializedLibrary.optionalFields); for (var i in serializedLibrary.items) { var temp = new Item({ id: serializedLibrary.items[i].id }); temp.load(serializedLibrary.items[i]); this.items.push(temp); this.idMap[] = temp; } this.categories = []; for (var i in serializedLibrary.categories) { var temp = new Category({ id: serializedLibrary.categories[i].id, library: this }); temp.load(serializedLibrary.categories[i]); this.categories.push(temp); this.idMap[] = temp; } this.lists = []; for (var i in serializedLibrary.lists) { var temp = new List({ id: serializedLibrary.lists[i].id, library: this }); temp.load(serializedLibrary.lists[i]); this.lists.push(temp); this.idMap[] = temp; } if (serializedLibrary.showSidebar) this.showSidebar = serializedLibrary.showSidebar; if (serializedLibrary.totalUnit) this.totalUnit = serializedLibrary.totalUnit; if (serializedLibrary.itemUnit) this.itemUnit = serializedLibrary.itemUnit; if (serializedLibrary.currencySymbol) this.currencySymbol = serializedLibrary.currencySymbol; this.version = serializedLibrary.version; this.sequence = serializedLibrary.sequence; this.defaultListId = serializedLibrary.defaultListId; }; Library.prototype.upgrade01to02 = function (serializedLibrary) { if (!serializedLibrary.optionalFields) { serializedLibrary.optionalFields = assignIn({}, defaultOptionalFields); } if (serializedLibrary.showImages) { serializedLibrary.optionalFields.images = true; } else { serializedLibrary.optionalFields.images = false; } serializedLibrary.version = '0.2'; }; Library.prototype.upgrade02to03 = function (serializedLibrary) { this.sequenceShouldBeCorrect(serializedLibrary); this.idsShouldBeInts(serializedLibrary); this.renameCategoryIds(serializedLibrary); this.fixDuplicateIds(serializedLibrary); serializedLibrary.version = '0.3'; }; Library.prototype.sequenceShouldBeCorrect = function (serializedLibrary) { let sequence = 0; serializedLibrary.lists.forEach((list) => { if ( > sequence) { sequence =; } }); serializedLibrary.categories.forEach((category) => { if ( > sequence) { sequence =; } }); serializedLibrary.items.forEach((item) => { if ( > sequence) { sequence =; } }); serializedLibrary.sequence = (sequence + 1); }; Library.prototype.idsShouldBeInts = function (serializedLibrary) { // Some lists of Ids were strings previously. They should be numbers. serializedLibrary.lists.forEach((list) => { list.categoryIds = => parseInt(categoryId, 10)); }); }; Library.prototype.renameCategoryIds = function (serializedLibrary) { // categoryIds was previously itemIds. Renaming for clarity. serializedLibrary.categories.forEach((category) => { if (typeof category.itemIds !== 'undefined') { if (!category.categoryItems || category.categoryItems.length === 0) { category.categoryItems = category.itemIds; delete category.itemIds; } else { delete category.itemIds; } } if (typeof category.categoryItems === 'undefined') { category.categoryItems = []; } }); }; Library.prototype.fixDuplicateIds = function (serializedLibrary) { const foundIds = {}; serializedLibrary.items.forEach((item) => { if (!foundIds[]) { foundIds[] = []; } foundIds[].push({ type: 'item', item }); }); serializedLibrary.categories.forEach((category) => { if (!foundIds[]) { foundIds[] = []; } foundIds[].push({ type: 'category', category }); }); serializedLibrary.lists.forEach((list) => { if (!foundIds[]) { foundIds[] = []; } foundIds[].push({ type: 'list', list }); }); for (id in foundIds) { if (foundIds[id].length > 1) { const duplicateSet = foundIds[id]; duplicateSet.forEach((duplicate, index) => { if (index === 0) { return; } if (duplicate.type === 'item') { this.updateItemId(serializedLibrary, duplicate.item, ++serializedLibrary.sequence); } else if (duplicate.type === 'category') { this.updateCategoryId(serializedLibrary, duplicate.category, ++serializedLibrary.sequence); } else if (duplicate.type === 'list') { this.updateListId(serializedLibrary, duplicate.list, ++serializedLibrary.sequence); } }); } } }; Library.prototype.updateListId = function (serializedLibrary, list, newId) { = newId; }; Library.prototype.updateCategoryId = function (serializedLibrary, category, newId) { const oldId =; = newId; serializedLibrary.lists.forEach((list) => { list.categoryIds.forEach((categoryId, index) => { if (categoryId === oldId) { list.categoryIds[index] = newId; } }); }); }; Library.prototype.updateItemId = function (serializedLibrary, item, newId) { const oldId =; = newId; serializedLibrary.categories.forEach((category) => { category.categoryItems.forEach((categoryItem) => { if (categoryItem.itemId === oldId) { categoryItem.itemId = newId; } }); }); }; Object.size = function (obj) { let size = 0; let key; for (key in obj) { if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) size++; } return size; }; export default { Library, List, Category, Item, };