# # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019 Kirill Elagin # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Naïm Favier # # SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0 or MIT # { lib }: let inherit (builtins) attrValues filter map removeAttrs; inherit (lib) concatMapStringsSep concatStringsSep mapAttrs mapAttrsToList optionalString; inherit (lib) mkOption literalExample types; inherit (import ./record.nix { inherit lib; }) recordType writeRecord; rsubtypes = import ./records { inherit lib; }; rsubtypes' = removeAttrs rsubtypes ["SOA"]; subzoneOptions = { subdomains = mkOption { type = types.attrsOf subzone; default = {}; example = { www = { A = [ { address = ""; } ]; }; staging = { A = [ { address = ""; } ]; }; }; description = "Records for subdomains of the domain"; }; } // mapAttrs (n: t: mkOption rec { type = types.listOf (recordType t); default = []; # example = [ t.example ]; # TODO: any way to auto-generate an example for submodule? description = "List of ${n} records for this zone/subzone"; }) rsubtypes'; subzone = types.submodule { options = subzoneOptions; }; writeSubzone = name: zone: let groupToString = pseudo: subt: concatMapStringsSep "\n" (writeRecord name subt) (zone."${pseudo}"); groups = mapAttrsToList groupToString rsubtypes'; groups' = filter (s: s != "") groups; writeSubzone' = subname: writeSubzone "${subname}.${name}"; sub = concatStringsSep "\n\n" (mapAttrsToList writeSubzone' zone.subdomains); in concatStringsSep "\n\n" groups' + optionalString (sub != "") ("\n\n" + sub); zoneToString = name: zone@{SOA, ...}: '' ${writeRecord name rsubtypes.SOA SOA} '' + writeSubzone name zone + "\n"; zone = types.submodule ({ name, ... }: { options = { TTL = mkOption { type = types.ints.unsigned; default = 60 * 60; example = literalExample "60 * 60"; description = "Default record caching duration. Sets the $TTL variable"; }; SOA = mkOption rec { type = recordType rsubtypes.SOA; example = { ttl = 24 * 60 * 60; } // type.example; description = "SOA record"; }; } // subzoneOptions; }); in { inherit zone; inherit subzone; inherit zoneToString; }