{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:

  cfg = config.services.vnstati;

in {

  options.services.vnstati = with lib; {

    enable = mkEnableOption "just some fancy traffic pics";

    title = mkOption {
      type    = types.str;
      default = "${if config.networking ? domain then config.networking.hostName else config.networking.fqdn}";

    domain = mkOption {
      type    = types.str;
      default = "${config.networking.fqdn}";

    subdirectory = mkOption {
      type    = types.str;
      default = "/traffic/";


  config = lib.mkIf cfg.enable {

    assertions = [
        assertion = config.services.vnstat.enable;
        message   = "vnstati requires vnstat.enable == true";

    fileSystems."/var/lib/vnstati" = {
      device  = "tmpfs";
      fsType  = "tmpfs";
      options = [ "rw" "size=30M" ];

    services.nginx.virtualHosts.${cfg.domain} = {
      locations.${cfg.subdirectory} = {
        alias = "/var/lib/vnstati/";
        index = "index.html";

    systemd.services.vnstati = {
      wantedBy    = [ "multi-user.target" ];
      after       = [ "var-lib-vnstati.mount" "vnstat.service" ];
      startAt     = "*-*-* *:0/10:00";

      path        = with pkgs; [ vnstat jq nix ];

      serviceConfig = {
        User           = "vnstatd";
        Group          = "vnstatd";
        StateDirectory = "vnstati";
        PrivateTmp     = true;
        ProtectHome    = true;
        ProtectSystem  = "strict";

      script = ''
        set -x
        ifaces=$(vnstat --json | jq -r .interfaces[].name | grep -v "^lo$")
        echo $ifaces

        nix eval -I nixpkgs=${lib.cleanSource pkgs.path} --raw -f ${./vnstati-html.nix} html \
          --argstr ifaces "$ifaces" \
          --argstr hostname "${cfg.title}" \
          > /var/lib/vnstati/index.html

        for iface in $ifaces
          vnstati -s -nh -i $iface -o /var/lib/vnstati/$iface-summary.png
          vnstati -h -nh -i $iface -o /var/lib/vnstati/$iface-hourly.png
          vnstati -d -nh -i $iface -o /var/lib/vnstati/$iface-daily.png
          vnstati -m -nh -i $iface -o /var/lib/vnstati/$iface-monthly.png
          vnstati -t -nh -i $iface -o /var/lib/vnstati/$iface-top10.png

