import { html } from 'lit-html'; import { db } from './dataStorage.js'; import { go } from './router.js'; import { settings, subscribeSettings } from './settings.js'; import { showLoader, hideOverlay, showModal, showAlertModal } from './overlays.js'; import { languages } from './languages.js'; import { isEmptyObject, generateSlug, loyaltyCardToString, loyaltyCardFromString } from './helpers.js'; import { formatDateTime } from './formatters.js'; import { getHafasClient, client } from './hafasClient.js'; import { trainsearchToHafas, hafasToTrainsearch } from './refresh_token/index.js'; import { default as ds100 } from './ds100.json'; let ds100R = {}; const journeySettings = () => { return { stopovers: true, polylines: false, tickets: true, language: settings.language, }; if (settings.profile !== 'db') { params.accessibility = settings.accessibility; params.walkingSpeed = settings.walkingSpeed; } else { const card = loyaltyCardFromString(settings.loyaltyCard) params.loyaltyCard = card; params.ageGroup = settings.ageGroup; } return params; }; export const getFrom = journeys => journeys[0].legs[0].origin; export const getTo = journeys => journeys[0].legs[journeys[0].legs.length-1].destination; export const addJourneys = async data => { if (!data) return false; const historyEntry = { profile: data.profile, fromPoint: getFrom(data.journeys), viaPoint: data.params.via, toPoint: getTo(data.journeys), slug: data.slug }; const journeyEntries = => { return { ...j, settings: data.settings, slug: data.slug, }; }); if (typeof data.params.loyaltyCard === 'object') data.params.loyaltyCard = loyaltyCardToString(data.params.loyaltyCard); const journeysOverviewEntry = {, journeys: => j.refreshToken), }; await db.addJourneys(journeyEntries, journeysOverviewEntry, historyEntry); }; const processJourneys = data => { for (const journey of data.journeys) processJourney(journey) }; const processJourney = journey => { for (const leg of journey.legs) processLeg(leg) }; export const processLeg = leg => { if (leg.plannedDeparture) leg.plannedDeparture = new Date(leg.plannedDeparture); if (leg.plannedArrival) leg.plannedArrival = new Date(leg.plannedArrival); if (leg.plannedWhen) leg.plannedWhen = new Date(leg.plannedWhen); if (leg.departure) leg.departure = new Date(leg.departure); if (leg.arrival) leg.arrival = new Date(leg.arrival); if (leg.when) leg.when = new Date(leg.when); for (const stopover of (leg.stopovers || [])) { if (stopover.plannedDeparture) stopover.plannedDeparture = new Date(stopover.plannedDeparture); if (stopover.plannedArrival) stopover.plannedArrival = new Date(stopover.plannedArrival); if (stopover.plannedWhen) stopover.plannedWhen = new Date(stopover.plannedWhen); if (stopover.departure) stopover.departure = new Date(stopover.departure); if (stopover.arrival) stopover.arrival = new Date(stopover.arrival); if (stopover.when) stopover.when = new Date(stopover.when); } }; export const newJourneys = async (params) => { const { from, to, ...moreOpts } = params; let data; data = await client.journeys(from, to, { ...journeySettings(), ...moreOpts }); for (const journey of data.journeys) { journey.refreshToken = hafasToTrainsearch(journey.refreshToken); } data.slug = generateSlug(); data.indexOffset = 0; data.params = params; data.settings = journeySettings(); data.profile = settings.profile; await addJourneys(data); processJourneys(data); return data; }; export const getJourneys = async slug => { let data = await db.getJourneysOverview(slug); if (!data) return null; return {, journeys: await Promise.all( => getJourney(x, data.profile))), }; }; export const getMoreJourneys = async (slug, mode) => { const saved = await db.getJourneysOverview(slug); const params = { ...saved.params, ...journeySettings() }; if (typeof params.loyaltyCard === 'string') params.loyaltyCard = loyaltyCardFromString(params.loyaltyCard); params[mode+'Than'] = saved[mode+'Ref']; let { departure, arrival, from, to, ...moreOpt } = params; const [newData, ...existingJourneys] = await Promise.all( [ client.journeys(from, to, moreOpt) ] .concat( => getJourney(x, saved.profile))) ); const res = { ...saved, ...newData, }; for (const journey of newData.journeys) journey.refreshToken = hafasToTrainsearch(journey.refreshToken); if (mode === 'earlier') { res.journeys = newData.journeys.concat(existingJourneys); res.indexOffset += newData.journeys.length; // keep old laterRef res.laterRef = saved.laterRef; } else { res.journeys = existingJourneys.concat(newData.journeys); // keep old earlierRef res.earlierRef = saved.earlierRef; } await addJourneys(res); }; export const refreshJourneys = async (slug) => { const saved = await db.getJourneysOverview(slug); await Promise.all( => refreshJourney(x, saved.profile || "db"))); }; export const getJourney = async (refreshToken, profile) => { let journeyObject = await db.getJourney(refreshToken); if (!journeyObject || JSON.stringify(journeyObject.settings) != JSON.stringify(journeySettings())) journeyObject = await refreshJourney(refreshToken, profile); processJourney(journeyObject); return journeyObject; }; export const refreshJourney = async (refreshToken, profile) => { const client = await getHafasClient(profile || settings.profile || "db"); const [saved, data] = await Promise.all([ db.getJourney(refreshToken), client.refreshJourney(trainsearchToHafas(refreshToken), journeySettings()) ]); const {journey} = data; journey.settings = journeySettings(); journey.refreshToken = hafasToTrainsearch(journey.refreshToken); if (saved) journey.slug = saved.slug; db.updateJourney(journey); return journey; }; export const ds100Name = (id) => { if (!settings.showDS100) return null; if (!ds100[Number(id)]) return null; return ds100[Number(id)]; }; export const ds100Reverse = (name) => { if (!settings.showDS100) return null; if (isEmptyObject(ds100R)) { for (let [id, names] of Object.entries(ds100)) { for (let name of names.split(", ")) ds100R[name] = id; } } if (!ds100R[name]) return null; return ds100R[name]; };