import { html, nothing, render } from 'lit-html'; import { settings } from './settings.js'; import { platformTemplate, timeTemplate } from './templates.js'; import { ElementById, setThemeColor, queryBackgroundColor } from './helpers.js'; import { processLeg } from './app_functions.js'; import { formatDateTime, formatDuration, formatPrice } from './formatters.js'; import { showAlertModal, showLoader, hideOverlay, showModal } from './overlays.js'; import { go } from './router.js'; import { getHafasClient, client } from './hafasClient.js'; import { t } from './languages.js'; const departuresTemplate = (data, profile, stopId, when) => { let changes = 0; let lastArrival; return html`

Departures from ${}

refreshDeparturesView(profile, stopId, when)}>
${(data.departures || []).map(departure => html` go(`/t/${profile}/${departure.tripId}`)}> ${departure.cancelled ? html` ` : html` `} `)}
Time ${t('platform')}
${timeTemplate(departure)} ${}${departure.direction ? html` → ${departure.direction}` : nothing}${t('cancelled-ride')}${platformTemplate(departure)}
`; }; export const departuresView = async (match, isUpdate) => { if (!isUpdate) showLoader(); let profile, stopId, when, data; try { profile = match[0]; stopId = match[1]; if (match[2]) when = new Date(parseInt(match[2].substring(1))); const client = await getHafasClient(profile); const [ {departures}, stopInfo ] = await Promise.all([ client.departures(stopId, { when }), client.stop(stopId), ]); for (let departure of departures) { processLeg(departure); }; data = { ...stopInfo, departures }; } catch(e) { showAlertModal(e.toString()); throw e; } hideOverlay(); render(departuresTemplate(data, profile, stopId, when), ElementById('content')); setThemeColor(queryBackgroundColor('header')); if (history.length > 0) ElementById('back').classList.remove('invisible'); }; const refreshDeparturesView = async (profile, stopId, when) => { document.querySelector('.icon-reload').classList.add('spinning'); let data; try { const client = await getHafasClient(profile); const [ {departures}, stopInfo ] = await Promise.all([ client.departures(stopId, { when }), client.stop(stopId), ]); for (let departure of departures) { processLeg(departure); }; data = { ...stopInfo, departures }; } catch(e) { showAlertModal(e.toString()); throw e; } render(departuresTemplate(data, profile, stopId, when), ElementById('content')); document.querySelector('.icon-reload').classList.remove('spinning'); };