--- title: ctucx.homepage subtitle: page-projects: true --- # Projects Some projects of mine that you might _not_ know. - ## [mqtt-webui](https://git.ctu.cx/mqtt-webui) A generic webui that can be used to display and control data on a websocket-exposed mqtt-broker - ## [webmusic-nginx](https://git.ctu.cx/webmusic-nginx) Uses nginx's xslt-filter module to generate nice looking index-pages that are optimized for music - ## [gallery](https://git.ctu.cx/gallery) A static-site generator that generates a nice looking photo-gallery - ## [sdm2mqtt](https://git.ctu.cx/sdm2mqtt) Expose data from SDM120M meters via MQTT - ## [travelynx2fedi](https://git.ctu.cx/travelynx2fedi) Automaticly post travelynx checkins on the fediverse - ## [nixfiles](https://git.ctu.cx/nixfiles) Nix-configs i've written to deploy my servers/desktops
There are some smaller projects to look at on my [stagit-instance](https://git.ctu.cx).