ctucx.git: ansible-configs

My personal ansible roles and playbooks [deprecated in favor of nixos]

commit 02663d74f44c3354c358f94c44f4c6127767e2f8
parent 8dba9a8b76894797e670d1f9ebadf3a8916092f9
Author: Leah (ctucx) <leah@ctu.cx>
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 2021 13:32:27 +0200

move the trans-agenda.de matrix and pleroma services to taurus
8 files changed, 168 insertions(+), 404 deletions(-)
diff --git a/config-files/quitschi/pleroma.exs b/config-files/taurus/pleroma.exs
diff --git a/config-files/quitschi/schildichat-web.json b/config-files/taurus/schildichat-web.json
diff --git a/configuration/quitschi.yml b/configuration/quitschi.yml
@@ -1,286 +0,0 @@
-  hostname: quitschi
-  domain: ctu.cx
-  timezone: Europe/Berlin
-  alpineVersion: v3.13
-  enableOwnRepos: true
-  enableSudo: true
-  useNTP: true
-  extraPackages:
-    - iftop
-    - iotop
-    - htop
-    - rsync
-    - mtr
-    - bind-tools
-    - tar
-    - unzip
-    - wget
-    - curl
-  fstab:
-    - device: UUID=34aba55f-c986-4fec-aa9e-78032b28d3d6
-      path: /
-      fstype: ext4
-      options: rw,relatime 
-      checks: 0 1
-    - device: UUID=62813457-7966-4ee1-b71d-2be42a60586f
-      path: /boot
-      fstype: ext4
-      options: rw,relatime
-      checks: 0 2
-  nameservers:
-    -
-    -
-  users:
-    - name: root
-      allowedSshKeys:
-        - ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCw/G6x8H3ojvHx3NsTswBMMmOhp48F3rea0GUniKSvRLMRIti5b7Q4P4FXnkQEtuNSR3u7gE5r4EacaLaIx7Az9SgHRoE+hdzSo4mPAwKTx/E3HZgIjdZhTDL8PAn4SZZT6RBqr/uGb+x9fdIjY0FbdNBLjq0MNnG3T+qd1joUL8JXoS7F//ac52RhHlsA5qJXFDOhpqR/7hRMwOFNH0GKaLN1xQKcOjhpIcdswpOf8kRDVpT7xOYwfXCFF4MaY2M8047WKarvEnGdADIIw6bvWsdJINehtOQmYEFRaMuaWp1d9bglZXZKPQKNubv5lqneMP4AI7ImDYjgW6eNLIT1 cardno:000603502829
-        - ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAACAQDb2eZ2ymt+Zsf0eTlmjW2jPdS013lbde1+EGkgu6bz9lVTR8aawshF2HcoaWp5a5dJr3SKyihDM8hbWSYB3qyTHihNGyCArqSvAtZRw301ailRVHGqiwUITTfcg1533TtmWvlJZgOIFM1VvSAfdueDRRRzbygmn749fS9nhUTDzLtjqX5LvhpqhzsD+eOqPrV6Ne8E1e42JxQb5AJPY1gj9mk6eAarvtEHQYEe+/hp9ERjtCdN5DfuOJnqfaKS0ytPj/NbQskbX/TMgeUVio11iC2NbXsnAtzMmtbLX4mxlDQrR6aZmU/rHQ4aeJqI/Tj2rrF46icri7s0tnnit1OjT5PSxXgifcOtn06qoxYZMT1x+Dyrt40vNkGmxmxCnirm8B+6MKXgd/Ys+7tnOm1ht8TmLm96x6KdOiF3Zq/tMxhPAzp8JriTKSo7k7U9XxStFghTbhhBNc7OX89ZbpalLEnvbQiz87gZxhcx8cLvzIjslOHmZOSWC5Pgr4wwuj3Akq63i4ya6/BzM6v4UoBuDAB6fz3NHKL4R5X20la7Pvt7OBysQkGClWfj6ipMR1bFE2mfYtlMioXNgTjC+NCpEl1+81MH7dv2565Hk8CLV8FMxv6GujbAZGjjcM47lpWM1cBQvpBMUA/lLkyiCPK0YxNWAB7Co+jYDl6CR0Ubew== cardno:000606445161
-    - name: leah
-      groups: "wheel"
-      password: "{{ lookup('diskcache', 'passwordstore', 'Server/leah.password')}}"
-      allowedSshKeys:
-        - ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCw/G6x8H3ojvHx3NsTswBMMmOhp48F3rea0GUniKSvRLMRIti5b7Q4P4FXnkQEtuNSR3u7gE5r4EacaLaIx7Az9SgHRoE+hdzSo4mPAwKTx/E3HZgIjdZhTDL8PAn4SZZT6RBqr/uGb+x9fdIjY0FbdNBLjq0MNnG3T+qd1joUL8JXoS7F//ac52RhHlsA5qJXFDOhpqR/7hRMwOFNH0GKaLN1xQKcOjhpIcdswpOf8kRDVpT7xOYwfXCFF4MaY2M8047WKarvEnGdADIIw6bvWsdJINehtOQmYEFRaMuaWp1d9bglZXZKPQKNubv5lqneMP4AI7ImDYjgW6eNLIT1 cardno:000603502829
-        - ssh-rsa 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 cardno:000606445161
-  nftables:
-    enable: true
-  interfaces:
-    - name: lo
-      loopback: true
-    - name: eth0
-      ipv4:
-        dhcp: true
-      ipv6:
-        address: 2a02:c206:3007:0378::1
-        gateway: fe80::1
-        netmask: 64
-  /var/lib/websites:
-    state:   "directory"
-    mode:    "0755"
-    owner:   "leah"
-    group:   "nginx"
-  /var/lib/websites/pleroma-cache:
-    state:   "directory"
-    mode:    "0755"
-    owner:   "nginx"
-    group:   "nginx"
-  /etc/nginx/passwd/synapse:
-    state:   "file"
-    content: "{{ lookup('diskcache', 'passwordstore', 'Server/{{system.hostname}}/passwd/synapse returnall=true')}}"
-    mode:    "0600"
-    owner:   "nginx"
-    group:   "nginx"
-  openssh:
-    enable: true
-    port: 22
-    permitRootLogin: true
-    passwordAuthentication: false
-  prometheus_node_exporter:
-    enable: true
-  postgresql:
-    enable: true
-  vnstat:
-    enable: true
-  acme_redirect:
-    enable: true
-    email: lets-encrypt@ctu.cx
-    certs:
-      quitschi.ctu.cx:
-        renewTasks:
-          - sudo rc-service nginx restart
-      trans-agenda.de:
-        renewTasks:
-          - sudo rc-service nginx restart
-      matrix.trans-agenda.de:
-        renewTasks:
-          - sudo rc-service nginx restart
-  nginx:
-    enable: true
-    user: nginx
-    group: nginx
-    sslOnly: true
-    extraConfig: "
-      proxy_cache_path /var/lib/websites/pleroma-cache levels=1:2 keys_zone=pleroma_media_cache:10m max_size=10g inactive=720m use_temp_path=off;
-    "
-    vhosts:
-      quitschi.ctu.cx:
-        defaultServer: true
-        ssl:
-          enable: true
-          cert: "/var/lib/acme-redirect/live/quitschi.ctu.cx/fullchain"
-          privkey: "/var/lib/acme-redirect/live/quitschi.ctu.cx/privkey"
-        locations:
-          - path: /node-exporter
-            proxy:
-  synapse:
-    enable: true
-    setupPostgreSQL: true
-    homeserverConfig:
-      suppress_key_server_warning: true
-      admin_contact: 'mailto:leah@ctu.cx'
-      no_tls: false
-      server_name: "trans-agenda.de"
-      pid_file: "/run/matrix-synapse.pid"
-      public_baseurl: "https://matrix.trans-agenda.de/"
-      listeners:
-        - port: 8008
-          bind_address: ""
-          type: http
-          tls: false
-          x_forwarded: true
-          resources:
-            - names: ["client", "metrics"]
-              compress: true
-            - names: ["federation"]
-              compress: false
-      database:
-        name: "psycopg2"
-        args:
-          database: "synapse"
-      event_cache_size: "10K"
-      verbose: 0
-      rc_messages_per_second: 0.2
-      rc_message_burst_count: 10.0
-      federation_rc_window_size: 1000
-      federation_rc_sleep_limit: 10
-      federation_rc_sleep_delay: 500
-      federation_rc_reject_limit: 50
-      federation_rc_concurrent: 3
-      media_store_path: "/var/lib/synapse/media"
-      uploads_path: "/var/lib/synapse/uploads"
-      max_upload_size: "150M"
-      max_image_pixels: "32M"
-      dynamic_thumbnails: true
-      url_preview_enabled: true
-      url_preview_ip_range_blacklist: ["","","","","","","::1/128","fe80::/64","fc00::/7"]
-      url_preview_ip_range_whitelist: []
-      url_preview_url_blacklist: []
-      enable_registration: true
-      registration_shared_secret: "{{ lookup('diskcache', 'passwordstore', 'Server/quitschi/synapse/secret')}}"
-      enable_registration_captcha: true
-      recaptcha_siteverify_api: "https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api/siteverify"
-      recaptcha_public_key: "{{ lookup('diskcache', 'passwordstore', 'Server/quitschi/synapse/recaptcha.pub')}}"
-      recaptcha_private_key: "{{ lookup('diskcache', 'passwordstore', 'Server/quitschi/synapse/recaptcha.priv')}}"
-      turn_uris: []
-      turn_shared_secret: ""
-      turn_user_lifetime: "1h"
-      enable_metrics: true
-      user_creation_max_duration: 1209600000
-      bcrypt_rounds: 12
-      allow_guest_access: false
-      room_invite_state_types: ["m.room.join_rules", "m.room.canonical_alias", "m.room.avatar", "m.room.name"]
-      expire_access_token: false
-      report_stats: false
-      signing_key_path: "/var/lib/synapse/homeserver.signing.key"
-      key_refresh_interval: "1d"
-      redaction_retention_period: 7
-      perspectives:
-        servers:
-          "matrix.org":
-            verify_keys:
-              "ed25519:auto":
-                key: "Noi6WqcDj0QmPxCNQqgezwTlBKrfqehY1u2FyWP9uYw"
-      email:
-        smtp_host: wanderduene.ctu.cx
-        smtp_port: 587
-        smtp_user: "matrix@trans-agenda.de"
-        smtp_pass: "{{ lookup('diskcache', 'passwordstore', 'Server/quitschi/synapse/email.passwd')}}"
-        require_transport_security: true
-        notif_from: "trans-agenda.de Matrix Server <matrix@trans-agenda.de>"
-        app_name: Matrix
-        enable_notifs: true
-        notif_for_new_users: false
-        client_base_url: "https://matrix.trans-agenda.de"
-        validation_token_lifetime: 1h
-    logConfig:
-      version: 1
-      formatters:
-          precise:
-              format: '%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(lineno)d - %(levelname)s - %(request)s - %(message)s'
-      handlers:
-          file:
-              class: logging.handlers.TimedRotatingFileHandler
-              formatter: precise
-              filename: /var/log/synapse/homeserver.log
-              when: midnight
-              backupCount: 3  # Does not include the current log file.
-              encoding: utf8
-          buffer:
-              class: logging.handlers.MemoryHandler
-              target: file
-              capacity: 10
-              flushLevel: 30  # Flush for WARNING logs as well
-          console:
-              class: logging.StreamHandler
-              formatter: precise
-      loggers:
-          synapse.storage.SQL:
-              level: INFO
-          twisted:
-              handlers: [file]
-              propagate: false
-      root:
-          level: INFO
-          handlers: [buffer]
-      disable_existing_loggers: false
-    webClient:
-      enable: true
-      configFile: config-files/quitschi/schildichat-web.json
-    nginx:
-      enable: true
-      domain: "matrix.trans-agenda.de"
-      sslOnly: true
-      ssl:
-        enable: true
-        cert: "/var/lib/acme-redirect/live/matrix.trans-agenda.de/fullchain"
-        privkey: "/var/lib/acme-redirect/live/matrix.trans-agenda.de/privkey"
-      extraConfig: "
-        location /_synapse {
-          proxy_pass;
-          proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
-          auth_basic 'Authorization required';
-          auth_basic_user_file /etc/nginx/passwd/synapse;
-        }
-      "
-  pleroma:
-    enable: true
-    configFile: config-files/quitschi/pleroma.exs
-    secretsContent: "{{ lookup('diskcache', 'passwordstore', 'Server/{{system.hostname}}/pleroma.secrets returnall=true')}}"
-    nginx:
-      enable: true
-      domain: "trans-agenda.de"
-      sslOnly: true
-      ssl:
-        enable: true
-        cert: "/var/lib/acme-redirect/live/trans-agenda.de/fullchain"
-        privkey: "/var/lib/acme-redirect/live/trans-agenda.de/privkey"
-      extraConfig: "
-        location /proxy {
-          proxy_cache pleroma_media_cache;
-          proxy_cache_lock on;
-          proxy_pass http://localhost:4000;
-        }
-        location /.well-known/matrix/server {
-              add_header Content-Type application/json;
-              return 200 '{\"m.server\": \"matrix.trans-agenda.de:443\"}';          
-        }
-        location /.well-known/matrix/client {
-              add_header Content-Type application/json;
-              return 200 '{\"m.homeserver\": {\"base_url\": \"https://matrix.trans-agenda.de\"}}';
-        }
-      "-
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/configuration/taurus.yml b/configuration/taurus.yml
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ system:
   hostname: taurus
   domain: ctu.cx
   timezone: Europe/Berlin
-  alpineVersion: v3.13
+  alpineVersion: v3.14
   enableOwnRepos: true
   enableSudo: true
   useNTP: true

@@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ system:
     - unzip
     - wget
     - curl
-    - webmusic-nginx

@@ -60,14 +59,14 @@ files:
     mode:    "0755"
     owner:   "leah"
     group:   "nginx"
-#  /var/lib/websites/photos.ctu.cx:
-#    state:   "directory"
-#    mode:    "0755"
-#    owner:   "leah"
-#    group:   "nginx"
-  /etc/nginx/passwd/music.ctu.cx:
+  /var/lib/websites/pleroma-cache:
+    state:   "directory"
+    mode:    "0755"
+    owner:   "nginx"
+    group:   "nginx"
+  /etc/nginx/passwd/synapse:
     state:   "file"
-    content: "{{ lookup('diskcache', 'passwordstore', 'Server/{{system.hostname}}/passwd/music.ctu.cx returnall=true')}}"
+    content: "{{ lookup('diskcache', 'passwordstore', 'Server/{{system.hostname}}/passwd/synapse returnall=true')}}"
     mode:    "0600"
     owner:   "nginx"
     group:   "nginx"

@@ -82,6 +81,9 @@ services:
     enable: true
+  postgresql:
+    enable: true
     enable: true
     zonesRepo: https://cgit.ctu.cx/dns-zones

@@ -103,10 +105,10 @@ services:
           - sudo rc-service nginx restart
-      syncthing.taurus.ctu.cx:
+      trans-agenda.de:
           - sudo rc-service nginx restart
-      music.ctu.cx:
+      matrix.trans-agenda.de:
           - sudo rc-service nginx restart

@@ -117,27 +119,7 @@ services:
     group: nginx
     sslOnly: true
     extraConfig: "
-      server {
-              server_name webmusic.local;
-              listen 81;
-              access_log off;
-              allow;
-              deny all;
-              root /var/lib/websites/music.ctu.cx;
-              location / {
-                      autoindex on;
-                      autoindex_exact_size off;
-                      autoindex_format xml;
-                      xslt_string_param domain $http_domain;
-                      xslt_string_param path $uri;
-                      xslt_stylesheet /usr/share/webapps/webmusic-nginx/webmusic-playlist.xslt;
-              }
-      }
+      proxy_cache_path /var/lib/websites/pleroma-cache levels=1:2 keys_zone=pleroma_media_cache:10m max_size=10g inactive=720m use_temp_path=off;

@@ -149,75 +131,164 @@ services:
           - path: /node-exporter
-      music.ctu.cx:
-        root: /var/lib/websites/music.ctu.cx
-        ssl:
-          enable: true
-          cert: "/var/lib/acme-redirect/live/music.ctu.cx/fullchain"
-          privkey: "/var/lib/acme-redirect/live/music.ctu.cx/privkey"
-        extraConfig: "
-          satisfy any;
-          allow 2a0f:4ac0:acab::/48;
-          allow;
-          allow;
-        "
-        locations:
-          - path: "~ ^(.*/)$"
-            directoryListing: true
-            extraConfig: "
-              auth_basic 'Auth required';
-              auth_basic_user_file /etc/nginx/passwd/music.ctu.cx;
-              autoindex_format xml;
-              xslt_string_param path $uri;
-              xslt_stylesheet /usr/share/webapps/webmusic-nginx/webmusic.xslt;
-            "
-          - path: "~(.*)playlist.m3u$"
-            extraConfig: "
-              set $url$1;
-              proxy_pass $url;
-              proxy_set_header Domain $scheme://$host;
-              proxy_hide_header 'Content-Type';
-              add_header 'Content-Type' 'text/plain';
-            "
-          - path: /assets/
-            extraConfig: "alias /usr/share/webapps/webmusic-nginx/;"
+  synapse:
+    enable: true
+    setupPostgreSQL: true
+    homeserverConfig:
+      suppress_key_server_warning: true
+      admin_contact: 'mailto:leah@ctu.cx'
+      no_tls: false
+      server_name: "trans-agenda.de"
+      pid_file: "/run/matrix-synapse.pid"
+      public_baseurl: "https://matrix.trans-agenda.de/"
+      listeners:
+        - port: 8008
+          bind_address: ""
+          type: http
+          tls: false
+          x_forwarded: true
+          resources:
+            - names: ["client", "metrics"]
+              compress: true
+            - names: ["federation"]
+              compress: false
+      database:
+        name: "psycopg2"
+        args:
+          database: "synapse"
+      event_cache_size: "10K"
+      verbose: 0
+      rc_messages_per_second: 0.2
+      rc_message_burst_count: 10.0
+      federation_rc_window_size: 1000
+      federation_rc_sleep_limit: 10
+      federation_rc_sleep_delay: 500
+      federation_rc_reject_limit: 50
+      federation_rc_concurrent: 3
+      media_store_path: "/var/lib/synapse/media"
+      uploads_path: "/var/lib/synapse/uploads"
+      max_upload_size: "150M"
+      max_image_pixels: "32M"
+      dynamic_thumbnails: true
+      url_preview_enabled: true
+      url_preview_ip_range_blacklist: ["","","","","","","::1/128","fe80::/64","fc00::/7"]
+      url_preview_ip_range_whitelist: []
+      url_preview_url_blacklist: []
+      enable_registration: true
+      registration_shared_secret: "{{ lookup('diskcache', 'passwordstore', 'Server/{{system.hostname}}/synapse/secret')}}"
+      enable_registration_captcha: true
+      recaptcha_siteverify_api: "https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api/siteverify"
+      recaptcha_public_key: "{{ lookup('diskcache', 'passwordstore', 'Server/{{system.hostname}}/synapse/recaptcha.pub')}}"
+      recaptcha_private_key: "{{ lookup('diskcache', 'passwordstore', 'Server/{{system.hostname}}/synapse/recaptcha.priv')}}"
+      turn_uris: []
+      turn_shared_secret: ""
+      turn_user_lifetime: "1h"
+      enable_metrics: true
+      user_creation_max_duration: 1209600000
+      bcrypt_rounds: 12
+      allow_guest_access: false
+      room_invite_state_types: ["m.room.join_rules", "m.room.canonical_alias", "m.room.avatar", "m.room.name"]
+      expire_access_token: false
+      report_stats: false
+      signing_key_path: "/var/lib/synapse/homeserver.signing.key"
+      key_refresh_interval: "1d"
+      redaction_retention_period: 7
+      perspectives:
+        servers:
+          "matrix.org":
+            verify_keys:
+              "ed25519:auto":
+                key: "Noi6WqcDj0QmPxCNQqgezwTlBKrfqehY1u2FyWP9uYw"
+      email:
+        smtp_host: wanderduene.ctu.cx
+        smtp_port: 587
+        smtp_user: "matrix@trans-agenda.de"
+        smtp_pass: "{{ lookup('diskcache', 'passwordstore', 'Server/{{system.hostname}}/synapse/email.passwd')}}"
+        require_transport_security: true
+        notif_from: "trans-agenda.de Matrix Server <matrix@trans-agenda.de>"
+        app_name: Matrix
+        enable_notifs: true
+        notif_for_new_users: false
+        client_base_url: "https://matrix.trans-agenda.de"
+        validation_token_lifetime: 1h
+    logConfig:
+      version: 1
+      formatters:
+          precise:
+              format: '%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(lineno)d - %(levelname)s - %(request)s - %(message)s'
+      handlers:
+          file:
+              class: logging.handlers.TimedRotatingFileHandler
+              formatter: precise
+              filename: /var/log/synapse/homeserver.log
+              when: midnight
+              backupCount: 3  # Does not include the current log file.
+              encoding: utf8
+          buffer:
+              class: logging.handlers.MemoryHandler
+              target: file
+              capacity: 10
+              flushLevel: 30  # Flush for WARNING logs as well
+          console:
+              class: logging.StreamHandler
+              formatter: precise
+      loggers:
+          synapse.storage.SQL:
+              level: INFO
+          twisted:
+              handlers: [file]
+              propagate: false
+      root:
+          level: INFO
+          handlers: [buffer]
+      disable_existing_loggers: false
+    webClient:
+      enable: true
+      configFile: config-files/taurus/schildichat-web.json
+    nginx:
+      enable: true
+      domain: "matrix.trans-agenda.de"
+      sslOnly: true
+      ssl:
+        enable: true
+        cert: "/var/lib/acme-redirect/live/matrix.trans-agenda.de/fullchain"
+        privkey: "/var/lib/acme-redirect/live/matrix.trans-agenda.de/privkey"
+      extraConfig: "
+        location /_synapse {
+          proxy_pass;
+          proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
+          auth_basic 'Authorization required';
+          auth_basic_user_file /etc/nginx/passwd/synapse;
+        }
+      "
-  syncthing:
+  pleroma:
     enable: true
-    user: leah
+    configFile: config-files/taurus/pleroma.exs
+    secretsContent: "{{ lookup('diskcache', 'passwordstore', 'Server/{{system.hostname}}/pleroma.secrets returnall=true')}}"
       enable: true
-      domain: "syncthing.taurus.ctu.cx"
+      domain: "trans-agenda.de"
       sslOnly: true
         enable: true
-        cert: "/var/lib/acme-redirect/live/syncthing.taurus.ctu.cx/fullchain"
-        privkey: "/var/lib/acme-redirect/live/syncthing.taurus.ctu.cx/privkey"
+        cert: "/var/lib/acme-redirect/live/trans-agenda.de/fullchain"
+        privkey: "/var/lib/acme-redirect/live/trans-agenda.de/privkey"
+      extraConfig: "
+        location /proxy {
+          proxy_cache pleroma_media_cache;
+          proxy_cache_lock on;
+          proxy_pass http://localhost:4000;
+        }
-#  rest_server:
-#    enable: true
-#    port: 8060
-#    user: leah
-#    nginx:
-#      enable: true
-#      domain: "restic.ctu.cx"
-#      password: "{{ lookup('diskcache', 'passwordstore', 'Server/taurus/rest-server.htpasswd returnall=true') }}"
-#      sslOnly: true
-#      ssl:
-#        enable: true
-#        cert: "/var/lib/acme-redirect/live/restic.ctu.cx/fullchain"
-#        privkey: "/var/lib/acme-redirect/live/restic.ctu.cx/privkey"
+        location /.well-known/matrix/server {
+              add_header Content-Type application/json;
+              return 200 '{\"m.server\": \"matrix.trans-agenda.de:443\"}';          
+        }
-  nfsserver:
-    enable: true
-    exports:
-      - path: /srv/wanderduene/pleroma
-        address:
-        options: rw,fsid=0,sync,no_subtree_check,no_auth_nlm,insecure,no_root_squash
-      - path: /srv/wanderduene/synapse
-        address:
-        options: rw,fsid=1,sync,no_subtree_check,no_auth_nlm,insecure,no_root_squash
-      - path: /srv/wanderduene/oeffisearch
-        address:
-        options: rw,fsid=2,sync,no_subtree_check,no_auth_nlm,insecure,no_root_squash
+        location /.well-known/matrix/client {
+              add_header Content-Type application/json;
+              return 200 '{\"m.homeserver\": {\"base_url\": \"https://matrix.trans-agenda.de\"}}';
+        }
+      "+
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/playbook.yml b/playbook.yml
@@ -66,27 +66,6 @@
       tags: bind
     - role: vnstat
       tags: vnstat
-    - role: nfsserver
-      tags: nfs
-    - role: nginx
-      tags: nginx
-    - role: syncthing
-      tags: syncthing
-    - role: rest-server
-      tags: [ backup, rest-server, restic ]
-- hosts: quitschi
-  name:  Install quitschi
-  vars_files: configuration/quitschi.yml
-  roles: 
-    - role: common
-      tags: common
-    - role: openssh
-      tags: [ openssh, common ]
-    - role: files
-      tags: files
-    - role: vnstat
-      tags: vnstat
     - role: nginx
       tags: nginx
     - role: synapse
diff --git a/roles/backup/tasks/main.yml b/roles/backup/tasks/main.yml
@@ -11,5 +11,5 @@
 - import_tasks: osterei.yml
   when: system.hostname == "osterei"
-- import_tasks: quitschi.yml
-  when: system.hostname == "quitschi"
+- import_tasks: taurus.yml
+  when: system.hostname == "taurus"
diff --git a/roles/backup/tasks/quitschi.yml b/roles/backup/tasks/taurus.yml
diff --git a/scripts/restic-backup/quitschi.sh b/scripts/restic-backup/taurus.sh