ctucx.git: ansible-configs

My personal ansible roles and playbooks [deprecated in favor of nixos]

commit 0ada79e03c7679f9d296b413c95ce67270290021
parent 2e7f9b62caa3ed0083e82d759238b86df62c6e54
Author: Leah (ctucx) <leah@ctu.cx>
Date: Sat, 15 May 2021 12:32:44 +0200

configuration/lollo: add new devices to smartied
1 file changed, 87 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/configuration/lollo.yml b/configuration/lollo.yml
@@ -618,6 +618,93 @@ services:
                 deviceName: modbus-20
                 relay: 2
                 toggle: true
+        tradfri-remote-bett:
+          type: Zigbee2MqttRemote
+          deviceName: ikea_remote_bett
+          actions:
+            "on":
+              - type: SwitchStateAction
+                deviceName: modbus-10
+                relay: 0
+                toggle: true
+            "off":
+              - type: SwitchStateAction
+                deviceName: modbus-10
+                relay: 0
+                state: false
+              - type: SwitchStateAction
+                deviceName: modbus-10
+                relay: 1
+                state: false
+              - type: SwitchStateAction
+                deviceName: modbus-10
+                relay: 2
+                state: false
+              - type: SwitchStateAction
+                deviceName: modbus-10
+                relay: 3
+                state: false
+              - type: SwitchStateAction
+                deviceName: modbus-20
+                relay: 0
+                state: false
+        tradfri-remote-raum:
+          type: Zigbee2MqttRemote
+          deviceName: ikea_remote_raum
+          actions:
+            "on":
+              - type: SwitchStateAction
+                deviceName: modbus-10
+                relay: 0
+                toggle: true
+            "off":
+              - type: SwitchStateAction
+                deviceName: modbus-10
+                relay: 0
+                state: false
+              - type: SwitchStateAction
+                deviceName: modbus-10
+                relay: 1
+                state: false
+              - type: SwitchStateAction
+                deviceName: modbus-10
+                relay: 2
+                state: false
+              - type: SwitchStateAction
+                deviceName: modbus-10
+                relay: 3
+                state: false
+              - type: SwitchStateAction
+                deviceName: modbus-20
+                relay: 0
+                state: false    
+        tradfri-remote-kueche:
+          type: Zigbee2MqttRemote
+          deviceName: ikea_remote_kueche
+          actions:
+            "on":
+              - type: SwitchStateAction
+                deviceName: modbus-10
+                relay: 3
+                toggle: true
+            "off":
+              - type: SwitchStateAction
+                deviceName: modbus-10
+                relay: 1
+                toggle: true            
+        tradfri-motion-sensor:
+          type: Zigbee2MqttMotionSensor
+          deviceName: ikea_motionsensor
+          occupyActions:
+            - type: SwitchStateAction
+              deviceName: modbus-20
+              relay: 0
+              state: true    
+          clearActions:
+            - type: SwitchStateAction
+              deviceName: modbus-20
+              relay: 0
+              state: false
           type: LacrosseTempSensor
           id: '21'