ctucx.git: ansible-configs

My personal ansible roles and playbooks [deprecated in favor of nixos]

commit 16b489a261d56a4edc1edf2b2f5a1ca4d4328218
parent 6db09bee8c68f7acdcd9464453b63ae770748792
Author: Leah (ctucx) <leah@ctu.cx>
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 2021 12:09:03 +0200

move f2k1de's stuff to own playbook and config-subfolder
4 files changed, 76 insertions(+), 48 deletions(-)
configuration/isa-nuc.yml -> configuration/f2k1de/isa-nuc.yml
configuration/luna.yml -> configuration/f2k1de/luna.yml
diff --git a/configuration/isa-nuc.yml b/configuration/f2k1de/isa-nuc.yml
diff --git a/configuration/luna.yml b/configuration/f2k1de/luna.yml
diff --git a/playbook-f2k1de.yml b/playbook-f2k1de.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+- hosts: all
+  remote_user: root
+  gather_facts: false
+  tasks:
+    - name: "[Alpine] Install Python"
+      changed_when: false
+      raw: test -e /usr/bin/python || (test -e /sbin/apk && apk update && apk add python3; true)
+    - name: "[Archlinux] Install Python"
+      changed_when: false
+      raw: test -e /usr/bin/python || (test -e /usr/bin/pacman && pacman -Sy --noconfirm python; true)
+- hosts: luna
+  name:  Install luna
+  vars_files: configuration/f2k1de/luna.yml
+  roles:
+    - role: common
+      tags: common
+    - role: openssh
+      tags: [ openssh, common ]
+    - role: files
+      tags: files
+    - role: systemd-timers
+      tags: timers
+    - role: systemd-networkd
+      tags: systemd-networkd
+    - role: php-fpm
+      tags: php-fpm
+    - role: nginx
+      tags: nginx
+    - role: prometheus
+      tags: prometheus
+    - role: grafana
+      tags: grafana
+    - role: fritzboxExporter
+      tags: fritzboxExporter
+    - role: vnstat
+      tags: vnstat
+    - role: mumble
+      tags: mumble
+    - role: ctucx-gallery
+      tags: ctucx-gallery
+- hosts: isanuc
+  name:  Install isa-nuc
+  vars_files: configuration/f2k1de/isa-nuc.yml
+  roles:
+    - role: common
+      tags: common
+    - role: systemd-networkd
+      tags: systemd-networkd
+    - role: openssh
+      tags: [ openssh, common ]
+    - role: files
+      tags: files
+    - role: vnstat
+      tags: vnstat
+    - role: nginx
+      tags: nginx
+- hosts: matrix
+  name:  Install matrix
+  vars_files: configuration/f2k1de/matrix.yml
+  roles:
+    - role: common
+      tags: common
+    - role: openssh
+      tags: [ openssh, common ]
+    - role: files
+      tags: files
+    - role: vnstat
+      tags: vnstat
+#    - role: nginx
+#      tags: nginx
+#    - role: synapse
+#      tags: synapse
diff --git a/playbook.yml b/playbook.yml
@@ -200,37 +200,6 @@
     - role: nginx
       tags: nginx
-- hosts: luna
-  name:  Install luna
-  vars_files: configuration/luna.yml
-  roles: 
-    - role: common
-      tags: common
-    - role: openssh
-      tags: [ openssh, common ]
-    - role: files
-      tags: files
-    - role: systemd-timers
-      tags: timers
-    - role: systemd-networkd
-      tags: systemd-networkd
-    - role: php-fpm
-      tags: php-fpm
-    - role: nginx
-      tags: nginx
-    - role: prometheus
-      tags: prometheus
-    - role: grafana
-      tags: grafana
-    - role: fritzboxExporter
-      tags: fritzboxExporter
-    - role: vnstat
-      tags: vnstat
-    - role: mumble
-      tags: mumble
-    - role: ctucx-gallery
-      tags: ctucx-gallery
 - hosts: osterei
   name:  Install osterei
   vars_files: configuration/osterei.yml

@@ -277,20 +246,3 @@
       tags: ctucx-gallery
     - role: backup
       tags: backup
-- hosts: isanuc
-  name:  Install isa-nuc
-  vars_files: configuration/isa-nuc.yml
-  roles: 
-    - role: common
-      tags: common
-    - role: systemd-networkd
-      tags: systemd-networkd
-    - role: openssh
-      tags: [ openssh, common ]
-    - role: files
-      tags: files
-    - role: vnstat
-      tags: vnstat
-    - role: nginx
-      tags: nginx