ctucx.git: ctucxbot

[nimlang] A telegram bot

commit 53ee52d5b3d82c6d97dce4ad24505790fdc50c56
parent f51601b0655f3d1b92a20f96c4837b620c3cfa5c
Author: Sebastian Walz <sivizius@ohai.su>
Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2020 17:11:45 +0100

daysuntilcongress added. some var→let. if less complex.
2 files changed, 32 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/cmd/daysuntilcongress.nim b/src/cmd/daysuntilcongress.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+import asyncdispatch, strformat, strutils, times, telebot
+proc daysUntilCongressCmd(bot: Telebot, command: Command) {.async.} =
+  let difference                        =   parse("2020-12-26", "yyyy-MM-dd") - now()
+  let days                              =   difference.inDays()
+  let answer                            =   fmt"{days}"
+  var message                           =   newMessage(command.message.chat.id, answer)
+  message.replyToMessageId              =   command.message.messageId
+  message.parseMode                     =   "markdown"
+  discard bot.send(message)
diff --git a/src/ctucxbot.nim b/src/ctucxbot.nim
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 import asyncdispatch, telebot, options, strutils, random, os, re, unicode
-include cmd/[uptime, yesorno, stats]
+include cmd/[daysuntilcongress, stats, uptime, yesorno]
 const API_KEY = slurp("secret.key")

@@ -9,43 +9,41 @@ proc updateHandler(bot: Telebot, update: Update) {.async.} =
     discard statsHandler(message)
     if message.text.isSome:
-      var text = message.text.get
+      let text = message.text.get
-      var answers = [
-        "Höhö! Penis!", 
+      let answers = [
+        "Höhö! Penis!",
         "Gihihihi, Pimmel!",
         "Höhö, Döödel!",
-        "8===D" 
+        "8===D"
-      #react to sarcasm to make it more obvious 
+      let penisCount = text.normalize.count("penis")
+      #react to sarcasm to make it more obvious
       if text.contains(re"\/s"):
         var response = newSticker(message.chat.id, "file://" & getCurrentDir() & "/data/pics/sarcasm_sign.webp")
         response.replyToMessageId = message.messageId
         discard await bot.send(response)
+      elif penisCount > 4:
+        var response = newPhoto(message.chat.id, "file://" & getCurrentDir() & "/data/pics/penis.jpg")
+        response.replyToMessageId = message.messageId
+        discard await bot.send(response)
-      let penisCount = text.normalize.count("penis")
-      if penisCount > 0:
-        if penisCount > 4:
-          var response = newPhoto(message.chat.id, "file://" & getCurrentDir() & "/data/pics/penis.jpg")
-          response.replyToMessageId = message.messageId
-          discard await bot.send(response)
-        else:
-          var response = newMessage(message.chat.id, sample(answers))
-          response.replyToMessageId = message.messageId
-          discard await bot.send(response)
+      elif penisCount > 0:
+        var response = newMessage(message.chat.id, sample(answers))
+        response.replyToMessageId = message.messageId
+        discard await bot.send(response)
-      if text.normalize.contains("sinep"):
+      elif text.normalize.contains("sinep"):
         var response = newMessage(message.chat.id, reversed(sample(answers)))
         response.replyToMessageId = message.messageId
-        discard await bot.send(response)        
+        discard await bot.send(response)
-      if text == "egg_irl":
+      elif text == "egg_irl":
         var response = newPhoto(message.chat.id, "file://" & getCurrentDir() & "/data/pics/egg.jpg")
         response.replyToMessageId = message.messageId
         discard await bot.send(response)

@@ -53,7 +51,8 @@ proc updateHandler(bot: Telebot, update: Update) {.async.} =
 let bot = newTeleBot(API_KEY)
+bot.onCommand("daysuntilcongress", daysUntilCongressCmd)
+bot.onCommand("stats", statsCmd)
 bot.onCommand("uptime", uptimeCmd)
 bot.onCommand("yesorno", yesornoCmd)
-bot.onCommand("stats", statsCmd)
\ No newline at end of file