ctucx.git: ctucxbot

[nimlang] A telegram bot

commit 7387b66befe41a14f3878a1a03ce1c1022a4c3b7
parent 82dd7f5122a1674598c2bc534bb2a043fa60c6db
Author: Milan Pässler <me@pbb.lc>
Date: Thu, 16 Jan 2020 01:41:27 +0100

new commands: /penguin, /dog, /doggo, /cat, /catgif
2 files changed, 50 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/cmd/animalpics.nim b/src/cmd/animalpics.nim
@@ -1,13 +1,48 @@
-import asyncdispatch, telebot, strutils, os, times,  httpClient
+import asyncdispatch, telebot, strutils, os, times, httpClient, json
-proc foxCommand(bot: Telebot, command: Command) {.async.} =
-  var httpClient = newHttpClient()
+  AnimalType = enum
+    fox, cat, dog, penguin
-  let tmpFile = getCurrentDir() & "/data/tmp/" & $(toUnix(getTime())) & ".image"
+proc animalCommand(animalType: AnimalType, animated: bool): proc =
+  return proc(bot: Telebot, command: Command) {.async.} =
+    var httpClient = newHttpClient()
-  httpClient.downloadFile("https://foxrudor.de", tmpFile)
+    let ext = if animated: ".gif" else: ".image"
+    var tmpFile = getCurrentDir() & "/data/tmp/" & $(toUnix(getTime())) & ext
+    var url = ""
-  var message = newPhoto(command.message.chat.id, "file://" & tmpFile)
-  message.replyToMessageId = command.message.messageId
-  discard bot.send(message)
-  removeFile(tmpFile)-
\ No newline at end of file
+    if animalType == fox and not animated:
+      url = "https://foxrudor.de"
+    elif animalType == penguin and not animated:
+      url = "https://pingudor.de"
+    elif animalType == dog and not animated:
+      httpClient.headers = newHttpHeaders({ "x-api-key": "be36a500-d33f-4c64-a100-4269a9dc177f" })
+      let imginfo = parseJson(httpClient.getContent("https://api.thedogapi.com/v1/images/search?format=json&mime_types=png,jpg&order=RANDOM&limit=1"))
+      url = imginfo[0]["url"].getStr()
+    elif animalType == cat:
+      var filetypes = ""
+      if animated:
+        filetypes = "gif"
+      else:
+        filetypes = "png,jpg"
+      httpClient.headers = newHttpHeaders({ "x-api-key": "fe9beabb-d02d-4eb4-984e-5772f7a49703" })
+      let imginfo = parseJson(httpClient.getContent("https://api.thecatapi.com/v1/images/search?format=json&mime_types=" & filetypes & "&order=RANDOM&limit=1"))
+      url = imginfo[0]["url"].getStr()
+    else:
+      tmpFile = getCurrentDir() & "/data/pics/unknown_animal.webp"
+    if url != "":
+      httpClient.downloadFile(url, tmpFile)
+    template `sendMessage` (messageExp: untyped): untyped =
+      var message = messageExp
+      message.replyToMessageId = command.message.messageId
+      discard bot.send(message)
+      removeFile(tmpFile)
+    if animated:
+      sendMessage(newDocument(command.message.chat.id, "file://" & tmpFile))
+    else:
+      sendMessage(newPhoto(command.message.chat.id, "file://" & tmpFile))
diff --git a/src/ctucxbot.nim b/src/ctucxbot.nim
@@ -56,7 +56,12 @@ let bot = newTeleBot(API_KEY)
 bot.onCommand("daysuntilcongress", daysUntilCongressCommand)
-bot.onCommand("fox", foxCommand)
+bot.onCommand("fox", animalCommand(fox, false))
+#bot.onCommand("penguin", animalCommand(penguin, false))  # pingudor.de is offline
+bot.onCommand("dog", animalCommand(dog, false))
+bot.onCommand("doggo", animalCommand(dog, false))
+bot.onCommand("cat", animalCommand(cat, false))
+bot.onCommand("catgif", animalCommand(cat, true))
 bot.onCommand("help", helpCommand)
 bot.onCommand("stats", statsCommand)
 bot.onCommand("uptime", uptimeCommand)