ctucx.git: flauschehorn.sexy

source-code of flauschehorn.sexy

commit 94be6c46bbb811dd615b9f575fb2437d38597cc3
Author: Leah (ctucx) <leah@ctu.cx>
Date: Tue, 17 May 2022 15:38:48 +0200

initial commit!
11 files changed, 2030 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/libs/moustachu.nim b/libs/moustachu.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+## This is basicly the code from fenekku's moustachu project with a few changes
+## you can find it here: https://github.com/fenekku/moustachu
+## A mustache templating engine written in Nim.
+import strutils, sequtils, json
+import moustachu_context, moustachu_tokenizer
+export moustachu_context
+proc lookupContext (contextStack: seq[Context], tagkey: string): Context =
+  ## Return the Context associated with `tagkey` where `tagkey`
+  ## can be a dotted tag e.g. a.b.c
+  ## If the Context at `tagkey` does not exist, return nil.
+  var currCtx = contextStack[contextStack.high]
+  if tagkey == ".": return currCtx
+  let subtagkeys = tagkey.split(".")
+  for i in countDown(contextStack.high, contextStack.low):
+    currCtx = contextStack[i]
+    for subtagkey in subtagkeys:
+      currCtx = currCtx[subtagkey]
+      if currCtx == nil:
+        break
+    if currCtx != nil:
+      return currCtx
+  return currCtx
+proc lookupString (contextStack: seq[Context], tagkey: string): string =
+ ## Return the string associated with `tagkey` in Context `c`.
+ ## If the Context at `tagkey` does not exist, return the empty string.
+ result = lookupContext(contextStack, tagkey).toString()
+proc ignore (tag: string, tokens: seq[Token], index: int): int =
+  #ignore
+  var i = index + 1
+  var nexttoken = tokens[i]
+  var openedsections = 1
+  let lentokens = len(tokens)
+  while i < lentokens and openedsections > 0:
+    if nexttoken.value == tag:
+      if nexttoken.tokentype in [TokenType.section, TokenType.invertedsection]:
+        openedsections += 1
+      elif nexttoken.tokentype == TokenType.ender:
+        openedsections -= 1
+      else: discard
+    else: discard
+    i += 1
+    if i < lentokens:
+      nexttoken = tokens[i]
+  return i
+proc parallelReplace (str: string, substitutions: openArray[tuple[pattern: string, by: string]]): string =
+  ## Returns a modified copy of `str` with the `substitutions` applied
+  result = str
+  for sub in substitutions:
+    result = result.replace(sub[0], sub[1])
+proc render* (tmplate: string, contextStack: seq[Context]): string =
+  ## Take a mustache template `tmplate`, a seq of evaluation Context's
+  ## and return the rendered string. This is the main procedure.
+  let
+    htmlReplaceBy = [("&", "&amp;"),
+                     ("<", "&lt;"),
+                     (">", "&gt;"),
+                     ("\\", "&#92;"),
+                     ("\"", "&quot;")]
+  var renderings : seq[string] = @[]
+  #Object
+  var sections : seq[string] = @[]
+  var contextStack = contextStack
+  #Array
+  var loopStartPositions : seq[int] = @[]
+  var loopCounters : seq[int] = @[]
+  #Indentation
+  var indentation = ""
+  let tokens = toSeq(moustachu_tokenizer.tokenize(tmplate))
+  let lentokens = len(tokens)
+  var index = 0
+  while index < lentokens:
+    let token = tokens[index]
+    case token.tokentype
+    of TokenType.comment:
+      discard
+    of TokenType.escapedvariable:
+      var viewvalue = contextStack.lookupString(token.value)
+#      viewvalue = viewvalue.parallelReplace(htmlReplaceBy)
+      renderings.add(viewvalue)
+    of TokenType.unescapedvariable:
+      var viewvalue = contextStack.lookupString(token.value)
+      renderings.add(viewvalue)
+    of TokenType.section:
+      let ctx = contextStack.lookupContext(token.value)
+      if ctx == nil:
+        index = ignore(token.value, tokens, index)
+        continue
+      elif ctx.kind == CObject:
+        # enter a new section
+        if ctx.len == 0:
+          index = ignore(token.value, tokens, index)
+          continue
+        else:
+          contextStack.add(ctx)
+          sections.add(token.value)
+      elif ctx.kind == CArray:
+        # update the array loop stacks
+        if ctx.len == 0:
+          index = ignore(token.value, tokens, index)
+          continue
+        else:
+          #do looping
+          index += 1
+          loopStartPositions.add(index)
+          loopCounters.add(ctx.len)
+          sections.add(token.value)
+          contextStack.add(ctx[ctx.len - loopCounters[^1]])
+          continue
+      elif ctx.kind == CValue:
+        if not ctx:
+          index = ignore(token.value, tokens, index)
+          continue
+        else: discard #we will render the text inside the section
+    of TokenType.invertedsection:
+      let ctx = contextStack.lookupContext(token.value)
+      if ctx != nil:
+        if ctx.kind == CObject:
+          index = ignore(token.value, tokens, index)
+          continue
+        elif ctx.kind == CArray:
+          if ctx.len != 0:
+            index = ignore(token.value, tokens, index)
+            continue
+        elif ctx.kind == CValue:
+          if ctx:
+            index = ignore(token.value, tokens, index)
+            continue
+          else: discard #we will render the text inside the section
+    of TokenType.ender:
+      var ctx = contextStack.lookupContext(token.value)
+      if ctx != nil:
+        if ctx.kind == CObject:
+          discard contextStack.pop()
+          discard sections.pop()
+        elif ctx.kind == CArray:
+          if ctx.len > 0:
+            loopCounters[^1] -= 1
+            discard contextStack.pop()
+            if loopCounters[^1] == 0:
+              discard loopCounters.pop()
+              discard loopStartPositions.pop()
+              discard sections.pop()
+            else:
+              index = loopStartPositions[^1]
+              contextStack.add(ctx[ctx.len - loopCounters[^1]])
+              continue
+    of TokenType.indenter:
+      if token.value != "":
+        indentation = token.value
+        renderings.add(indentation)
+    else:
+      renderings.add(token.value)
+    index += 1
+  result = join(renderings, "")
+proc render* (tmplate: string, c: Context): string =
+  ## Take a mustache template `tmplate`, an evaluation Context `c`
+  ## and return the rendered string.
+  var contextStack = @[c]
+  result = tmplate.render(contextStack)
+proc render* (tmplate: string, jsonContext: JsonNode): string  {.exportc.} =
+  ## Take a mustache template `tmplate`, an evaluation context as a JsonNode
+  ## and return the rendered string.
+  let nc = newContext(jsonContext)
+  var contextStack = @[nc]
+  result = tmplate.render(contextStack)
diff --git a/libs/moustachu_context.nim b/libs/moustachu_context.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
+import json, sequtils, strutils, tables
+  ContextKind* = enum ## possible Context types
+    CArray,
+    CObject,
+    CValue
+  ## Context used to render a mustache template
+  Context* = ref ContextObj
+  ContextObj = object
+    case kind*: ContextKind
+    of CValue:
+      val: JsonNode
+    of CArray:
+      elems: seq[Context]
+    of CObject:
+      fields: Table[string, Context]
+## Builders
+proc newContext*(j : JsonNode = nil): Context =
+  ## Create a new Context based on a JsonNode object
+  new(result)
+  if j == nil:
+    result = Context(kind: CObject)
+    result.fields = initTable[string, Context](4)
+  else:
+    case j.kind
+    of JObject:
+      result = Context(kind: CObject)
+      result.fields = initTable[string, Context](4)
+      for key, val in pairs(j.fields):
+        result.fields[key] = newContext(val)
+    of JArray:
+      result = Context(kind: CArray)
+      result.elems = @[]
+      for val in j.elems:
+        result.elems.add(newContext(val))
+    else:
+      result = Context(kind: CValue)
+      result.val = j
+proc newContext*(c: Context): Context {.exportc.} =
+  ## Create a new Context based on an existing context. The new Context
+  ## is an unconnected copy of the existing context simply containing the
+  ## values of the original.
+  ## 
+  ## Some code to demonstrate:
+  ## 
+  ## .. code:: nim
+  ## 
+  ##     import moustachu
+  ## 
+  ##     var a = newContext()
+  ##     a["test"] = "original"
+  ## 
+  ##     var b = a              # copy the pointer to b
+  ##     var c = newContext(a)  # copy the content to c
+  ##
+  ##     b["test"] = "changed"
+  ## 
+  ##     echo a["test"].toString()  # -> "changed"
+  ##     echo b["test"].toString()  # -> "changed"
+  ##     echo c["test"].toString()  # -> "original"
+  new(result)
+  if c == nil:
+    result.kind = CObject
+    result.fields = initTable[string, Context](4)
+  else:
+    result.kind = c.kind
+    case c.kind
+    of CValue:
+      result.val = c.val
+    of CArray:
+      result.elems = @[]
+      for item in c.elems:
+        result.elems.add(newContext(item))
+    of CObject:
+      result.fields = initTable[string, Context](4)
+      for key, val in pairs(c.fields):
+        result.fields[key] = newContext(val)
+proc newArrayContext*(): Context =
+  ## Create a new Context of kind CArray
+  result = Context(kind: CArray)
+  result.elems = @[]
+proc internal_set(value: string): Context =
+  newContext(newJString(value))
+proc internal_set(value: int): Context =
+  newContext(newJInt(value))
+proc internal_set(value: float): Context =
+  newContext(newJFloat(value))
+proc internal_set(value: bool): Context =
+  newContext(newJBool(value))
+## ## Getters
+proc `[]`*(c: Context, key: string): Context =
+  ## Return the Context associated with `key`.
+  ## If the Context at `key` does not exist, return nil.
+  assert(c != nil, "Context is nil. Did you forget to initialize with newContext()?")
+  if c.kind != CObject: return nil
+  if c.fields.hasKey(key): return c.fields[key] else: return nil
+proc `[]`*(c: Context, index: int): Context =
+  assert(c != nil, "Context is nil. Did you forget to initialize with newContext()?")
+  if c.kind != CArray: return nil else: return c.elems[index]
+## Setters
+proc `[]=`*(c: var Context, key: string, value: Context) =
+  ## Assign a context `value` to `key` in context `c`
+  assert(c != nil, "Context is nil. Did you forget to initialize with newContext()?")
+  assert(c.kind == CObject)
+  c.fields[key] = value
+proc `[]=`*(c: var Context, key: string, value: JsonNode) =
+  ## Convert and assign `value` to `key` in `c`
+  assert(c != nil, "Context is nil. Did you forget to initialize with newContext()?")
+  assert(c.kind == CObject)
+  c[key] = newContext(value)
+proc `[]=`*(c: var Context; key: string, value: BiggestInt) =
+  ## Assign `value` to `key` in Context `c`
+  assert(c != nil, "Context is nil. Did you forget to initialize with newContext()?")
+  assert(c.kind == CObject)
+  c[key] = newContext(newJInt(value))
+proc `[]=`*(c: var Context; key: string, value: string) =
+  ## Assign `value` to `key` in Context `c`
+  assert(c != nil, "Context is nil. Did you forget to initialize with newContext()?")
+  assert(c.kind == CObject)
+  c[key] = newContext(newJString(value))
+proc `[]=`*(c: var Context; key: string, value: float) =
+  ## Assign `value` to `key` in Context `c`
+  assert(c != nil, "Context is nil. Did you forget to initialize with newContext()?")
+  assert(c.kind == CObject)
+  c[key] = newContext(newJFloat(value))
+proc `[]=`*(c: var Context; key: string, value: bool) =
+  ## Assign `value` to `key` in Context `c`
+  assert(c != nil, "Context is nil. Did you forget to initialize with newContext()?")
+  assert(c.kind == CObject)
+  c[key] = newContext(newJBool(value))
+proc `[]=`*(c: var Context, key: string, value: openarray[Context]) =
+  ## Assign `value` to `key` in Context `c`
+  assert(c != nil, "Context is nil. Did you forget to initialize with newContext()?")
+  assert(c.kind == CObject)
+  var contextList = newArrayContext()
+  for v in value:
+    contextList.elems.add(v)
+  c[key] = contextList
+proc `[]=`*(c: var Context, key: string, value: openarray[string]) =
+  ## Assign `value` to `key` in Context `c`
+  assert(c != nil, "Context is nil. Did you forget to initialize with newContext()?")
+  assert(c.kind == CObject)
+  c[key] = map(value, proc(x: string): Context = newContext(newJString(x)))
+proc `[]=`*(c: var Context, key: string, value: openarray[int]) =
+  ## Assign `value` to `key` in Context `c`
+  assert(c != nil, "Context is nil. Did you forget to initialize with newContext()?")
+  assert(c.kind == CObject)
+  c[key] = map(value, proc(x: int): Context = newContext(newJInt(x)))
+proc `[]=`*(c: var Context, key: string, value: openarray[float]) =
+  ## Assign `value` to `key` in Context `c`
+  assert(c != nil, "Context is nil. Did you forget to initialize with newContext()?")
+  assert(c.kind == CObject)
+  c[key] = map(value, proc(x: float): Context = newContext(newJFloat(x)))
+proc `[]=`*(c: var Context, key: string, value: openarray[bool]) =
+  ## Assign `value` to `key` in Context `c`
+  assert(c != nil, "Context is nil. Did you forget to initialize with newContext()?")
+  assert(c.kind == CObject)
+  c[key] = map(value, proc(x: bool): Context = newContext(newJBool(x)))
+proc add*(c: Context, value: Context) =
+  ## Add 'value' object to array.
+  assert(c.kind == CArray)
+  c.elems.add(value)
+proc add*[T: string, int, float, bool](c: Context, value: T) =
+  ## Add 'value' to array. Reference later with dot substitution "{{.}}"
+  assert(c.kind == CArray)
+  c.elems.add(internal_set(value))
+## Printers
+proc `$`*(c: Context): string =
+  ## Return a string representing the context. Useful for debugging
+  if c == nil:
+    result = "Context->nil"
+    return
+  result = "Context->[kind: " & $c.kind
+  case c.kind
+  of CValue:
+    if c.val.str == "":
+      result &= "\nval: "
+    else:
+      result &= "\nval: " & $c.val
+  of CArray:
+    if c.elems == @[]:
+      result &= "\nnot initialized"
+    else:
+      var strArray = map(c.elems, proc(c: Context): string = $c)
+      result &= "\nelems: [" & join(strArray, ", ") & "]"
+  of CObject:
+    var strArray : seq[string] = @[]
+    for key, val in pairs(c.fields):
+      strArray.add(key & ": " & $val)
+    result &= "\nfields: {" & join(strArray, ", ") & "}"
+  result &= "\n]"
+proc toString*(c: Context): string =
+  ## Return string representation of `c` relevant to mustache
+  if c != nil:
+    if c.kind == CValue:
+      case c.val.kind
+      of JString:
+        if c.val.str == "":
+          return ""
+        return c.val.str
+      of JFloat:
+       return c.val.fnum.formatFloat(ffDefault, -1)
+      of JInt:
+       return $c.val.num
+      of JNull:
+       return ""
+      of JBool:
+       return if c.val.bval: "true" else: ""
+      else:
+       return $c.val
+    else:
+      return $c
+  else:
+    return ""
+proc len*(c: Context): int =
+  if c.kind == CArray: 
+    result = c.elems.len
+  elif c.kind == CObject:
+    result = c.fields.len
+  else: discard
+converter toBool*(c: Context): bool =
+  assert(c.kind == CValue)
+  case c.val.kind
+  of JBool: result = c.val.bval
+  of JNull: result = false
+  of JString: result = c.val.str != ""
+  else: result = true
+proc newContext*[T: string | int | bool | float](d: openarray[tuple[key: string, value: T ]]): Context =
+  ## Create a new Context based on an array of [string, T] tuples
+  ## 
+  ## For example, you could do:
+  ##     var c = NewContext({"x": 7, "y": -20})
+  ## or,
+  ##     var c = NewContext({"r": "apple", "b": "bike"})
+  ## or, if you must:
+  ##     var c = NewContext([("r", "apple"), ("b", "tunnel")])
+  var c = newContext()
+  for entry in d:
+    c[entry.key] = entry.value
+  return c
diff --git a/libs/moustachu_tokenizer.nim b/libs/moustachu_tokenizer.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+import strutils
+  TokenType* {.pure.} = enum
+    rawtext,
+    escapedvariable,
+    unescapedvariable,
+    section,
+    invertedsection,
+    comment,
+    ender,
+    indenter
+  Token* = tuple[tokentype: TokenType, value: string]
+proc left_side_empty(tmplate: string, pivotindex: int): tuple[empty: bool, newlineindex: int] =
+  var ls_i = 0
+  var ls_empty = false
+  var i = pivotindex - 1
+  while i > -1 and tmplate[i] in {' ', '\t'}: dec(i)
+  if (i == -1) or (tmplate[i] == '\l'):
+    ls_i = i
+    ls_empty = true
+  return (empty: ls_empty, newlineindex: ls_i)
+iterator tokenize*(tmplate: string): Token =
+  let opening = "{{"
+  var pos = 0
+  while pos < tmplate.len:
+    let originalpos = pos
+    var closing = "}}"
+    # find start of tag
+    var opening_index = tmplate.find(opening, start=pos)
+    if opening_index == -1:
+      yield (tokentype: TokenType.rawtext, value: tmplate[pos..high(tmplate)])
+      break
+    #Check if the left side is empty
+    var left_side = left_side_empty(tmplate, opening_index)
+    var ls_empty = left_side.empty
+    var ls_i = left_side.newlineindex
+    #Deal with text before tag
+    var beforetoken = (tokentype: TokenType.rawtext, value: "")
+    if opening_index > pos:
+      #safe bet for now
+      beforetoken.value = tmplate[pos..opening_index-1]
+    pos = opening_index + opening.len
+    if not (pos < tmplate.len):
+      yield (tokentype: TokenType.rawtext, value: tmplate[opening_index..high(tmplate)])
+      break
+    #Determine TokenType
+    var tt = TokenType.escapedvariable
+    case tmplate[pos]
+    of '!':
+      tt = TokenType.comment
+      pos += 1
+    of '&':
+      tt = TokenType.unescapedvariable
+      pos += 1
+    of '{':
+      tt = TokenType.unescapedvariable
+      pos += 1
+      closing &= "}"
+    of '#':
+      tt = TokenType.section
+      pos += 1
+    of '^':
+      tt = TokenType.invertedsection
+      pos += 1
+    of '/':
+      tt = TokenType.ender
+      pos += 1
+    else:
+      tt = TokenType.escapedvariable
+    #find end of tag
+    var closingindex = tmplate.find(closing, start=pos)
+    if closingindex == -1:
+      if beforetoken.value != "": yield beforetoken
+      yield (tokentype: TokenType.rawtext, value: tmplate[opening_index..pos-1])
+      continue
+    #Check if the right side is empty
+    var rs_i = 0
+    var rs_empty = false
+    var i = 0
+    if ls_empty:
+      i = closingindex + closing.len
+      while i < tmplate.len and tmplate[i] in {' ', '\t'}: inc(i)
+      if i == tmplate.len:
+        rs_i = i - 1
+        rs_empty = true
+      elif tmplate[i] == '\c' and (i+1 < tmplate.len) and (tmplate[i+1] == '\l'):
+        rs_i = i + 1
+        rs_empty = true
+      elif tmplate[i] == '\l':
+        rs_i = i
+        rs_empty = true
+      else:
+        discard
+    if tt in [TokenType.comment, TokenType.section,
+              TokenType.invertedsection, TokenType.ender]:
+      # Standalone tokens
+      if rs_empty:
+        if beforetoken.value != "":
+          beforetoken.value = tmplate[originalpos..ls_i]
+          yield beforetoken
+        yield (tokentype: tt, value: tmplate[pos..closingindex-1].strip)
+        pos = rs_i + 1 # remove new line of this line
+      else:
+        if beforetoken.value != "": yield beforetoken
+        yield (tokentype: tt, value: tmplate[pos..closingindex-1].strip)
+        pos = closingindex + closing.len
+    else:
+      if beforetoken.value != "": yield beforetoken
+      yield (tokentype: tt, value: tmplate[pos..closingindex-1].strip)
+      pos = closingindex + closing.len
diff --git a/libs/tiny_sqlite.nim b/libs/tiny_sqlite.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,662 @@
+## .. include:: ./tiny_sqlite/private/documentation.rst
+import std / [options, typetraits, sequtils]
+from tiny_sqlite / sqlite_wrapper as sqlite import nil
+import tiny_sqlite / private / stmtcache
+when not declared(tupleLen):
+    import macros
+    macro tupleLen(typ: typedesc[tuple]): int =
+        let impl = getType(typ)
+        result = newIntlitNode(impl[1].len - 1)
+export options.get, options.isSome, options.isNone
+    DbConnImpl = ref object 
+        handle: sqlite.Sqlite3 ## The underlying SQLite3 handle
+        cache: StmtCache
+    DbConn* = distinct DbConnImpl ## Encapsulates a database connection.
+    SqlStatementImpl = ref object
+        handle: sqlite.Stmt
+        db: DbConn
+    SqlStatement* = distinct SqlStatementImpl ## A prepared SQL statement.
+    DbMode* = enum
+        dbRead,
+        dbReadWrite
+    SqliteError* = object of CatchableError ## \
+        ## Raised when whenever a database related error occurs.
+        ## Errors are typically a result of API misuse,
+        ## e.g trying to close an already closed database connection.
+    DbValueKind* = enum ## \
+        ## Enum of all possible value types in a SQLite database.
+        sqliteNull,
+        sqliteInteger,
+        sqliteReal,
+        sqliteText,
+        sqliteBlob
+    DbValue* = object ## \
+        ## Can represent any value in a SQLite database.
+        case kind*: DbValueKind
+        of sqliteInteger:
+            intVal*: int64
+        of sqliteReal:
+            floatVal*: float64
+        of sqliteText:
+            strVal*: string
+        of sqliteBlob:
+            blobVal*: seq[byte]
+        of sqliteNull:
+            discard
+    Rc = cint
+    ResultRow* = object
+        values: seq[DbValue]
+        columns: seq[string]
+const SqliteRcOk = [ sqlite.SQLITE_OK, sqlite.SQLITE_DONE, sqlite.SQLITE_ROW ]
+# Forward declarations
+proc isInTransaction*(db: DbConn): bool {.noSideEffect.}
+proc isOpen*(db: DbConn): bool {.noSideEffect, inline.}
+template handle(db: DbConn): sqlite.Sqlite3 = DbConnImpl(db).handle
+template handle(statement: SqlStatement): sqlite.Stmt = SqlStatementImpl(statement).handle
+template db(statement: SqlStatement): DbConn = SqlStatementImpl(statement).db
+template cache(db: DbConn): StmtCache = DbConnImpl(db).cache
+template hasCache(db: DbConn): bool = db.cache.capacity > 0
+template assertCanUseDb(db: DbConn) =
+    doAssert (not DbConnImpl(db).isNil) and (not db.handle.isNil), "Database is closed"
+template assertCanUseStatement(statement: SqlStatement, busyOk: static[bool] = false) =
+    doAssert (not SqlStatementImpl(statement).isNil) and (not statement.handle.isNil),
+        "Statement cannot be used because it has already been finalized."
+    doAssert not statement.db.handle.isNil,
+        "Statement cannot be used because the database connection has been closed"
+    when not busyOk:
+        doAssert not sqlite.stmt_busy(statement.handle),
+            "Statement cannot be used while inside the 'all' iterator"
+proc newSqliteError(db: DbConn): ref SqliteError =
+    ## Raises a SqliteError exception.
+    (ref SqliteError)(msg: "sqlite error: " & $sqlite.errmsg(db.handle))
+proc newSqliteError(msg: string): ref SqliteError =
+    ## Raises a SqliteError exception.
+    (ref SqliteError)(msg: msg)
+template checkRc(db: DbConn, rc: Rc) =
+    if rc notin SqliteRcOk:
+        raise newSqliteError(db)
+proc skipLeadingWhiteSpaceAndComments(sql: var cstring) =
+    let original = sql
+    template `&+`(s: cstring, offset: int): cstring =
+        cast[cstring](cast[ByteAddress](sql) + offset)
+    while true:
+        case sql[0]
+        of {' ', '\t', '\v', '\r', '\l', '\f'}:
+            sql = sql &+ 1
+        of '-':
+            if sql[1] == '-':
+                sql = sql &+ 2
+                while sql[0] != '\n':
+                    sql = sql &+ 1
+                    if sql[0] == '\0':
+                        return
+                sql = sql &+ 1
+            else:
+                return;
+        of '/':
+            if sql[1] == '*':
+                sql = sql &+ 2
+                while sql[0] != '*' or sql[1] != '/':
+                    sql = sql &+ 1
+                    if sql[0] == '\0':
+                        sql = original
+                        return
+                sql = sql &+ 2
+            else:
+                return;
+        else:
+            return
+# DbValue
+proc toDbValue*[T: Ordinal](val: T): DbValue =
+    ## Convert an ordinal value to a Dbvalue.
+    DbValue(kind: sqliteInteger, intVal: val.int64)
+proc toDbValue*[T: SomeFloat](val: T): DbValue =
+    ## Convert a float to a DbValue.
+    DbValue(kind: sqliteReal, floatVal: val)
+proc toDbValue*[T: string](val: T): DbValue =
+    ## Convert a string to a DbValue.
+    DbValue(kind: sqliteText, strVal: val)
+proc toDbValue*[T: seq[byte]](val: T): DbValue =
+    ## Convert a sequence of bytes to a DbValue.
+    DbValue(kind: sqliteBlob, blobVal: val)
+proc toDbValue*[T: Option](val: T): DbValue =
+    ## Convert an optional value to a DbValue.
+    if val.isNone:
+        DbValue(kind: sqliteNull)
+    else:
+        toDbValue(val.get)
+proc toDbValue*[T: type(nil)](val: T): DbValue =
+    ## Convert a nil literal to a DbValue.
+    DbValue(kind: sqliteNull)
+proc toDbValues*(values: varargs[DbValue, toDbValue]): seq[DbValue] =
+    ## Convert several values to a sequence of DbValue's.
+    runnableExamples:
+        doAssert toDbValues("string", 23) == @[toDbValue("string"), toDbValue(23)] 
+    @values
+proc fromDbValue*(value: DbValue, T: typedesc[Ordinal]): T =
+    # Convert a DbValue to an ordinal.
+    value.intval.T
+proc fromDbValue*(value: DbValue, T: typedesc[SomeFloat]): float64 =
+    ## Convert a DbValue to a float.
+    value.floatVal
+proc fromDbValue*(value: DbValue, T: typedesc[string]): string =
+    ## Convert a DbValue to a string.
+    value.strVal
+proc fromDbValue*(value: DbValue, T: typedesc[seq[byte]]): seq[byte] =
+    ## Convert a DbValue to a sequence of bytes.
+    value.blobVal
+proc fromDbValue*[T](value: DbValue, _: typedesc[Option[T]]): Option[T] =
+    ## Convert a DbValue to an optional value.
+    if value.kind == sqliteNull:
+        none(T)
+    else:
+        some(value.fromDbValue(T))
+proc fromDbValue*(value: DbValue, T: typedesc[DbValue]): T =
+    ## Special overload that simply return `value`.
+    ## The purpose of this overload is to do partial unpacking.
+    ## For example, if the type of one column in a result row is unknown,
+    ## the DbValue type can be kept just for that column.
+    ## 
+    ## .. code-block:: nim
+    ## 
+    ##   for row in db.iterate("SELECT name, extra FROM Person"):
+    ##       # Type of 'extra' is unknown, so we don't unpack it.
+    ##       # The 'extra' variable will be of type 'DbValue'
+    ##       let (name, extra) = row.unpack((string, DbValue))
+    value
+proc `$`*(dbVal: DbValue): string =
+    result.add "DbValue["
+    case dbVal.kind
+    of sqliteInteger: result.add $dbVal.intVal
+    of sqliteReal:    result.add $dbVal.floatVal
+    of sqliteText:    result.addQuoted dbVal.strVal
+    of sqliteBlob:    result.add "<blob>"
+    of sqliteNull:    result.add "nil"
+    result.add "]"
+proc `==`*(a, b: DbValue): bool =
+    ## Returns true if `a` and `b` represents the same value.
+    if a.kind != b.kind:
+        false
+    else:
+        case a.kind
+        of sqliteInteger: a.intVal == b.intVal
+        of sqliteReal:    a.floatVal == b.floatVal
+        of sqliteText:    a.strVal == b.strVal
+        of sqliteBlob:    a.blobVal == b.blobVal
+        of sqliteNull:    true
+# PStmt
+proc bindParams(db: DbConn, stmtHandle: sqlite.Stmt, params: varargs[DbValue]): Rc =
+    result = sqlite.SQLITE_OK
+    let expectedParamsLen = sqlite.bind_parameter_count(stmtHandle) 
+    if expectedParamsLen != params.len:
+        raise newSqliteError("SQL statement contains " & $expectedParamsLen &
+            " parameters but only " & $params.len & " was provided.")
+    var idx = 1'i32
+    for value in params:
+        let rc =
+            case value.kind
+            of sqliteNull:
+                sqlite.bind_null(stmtHandle, idx)
+            of sqliteInteger:
+                sqlite.bind_int64(stmtHandle, idx, value.intval)
+            of sqliteReal:
+                sqlite.bind_double(stmtHandle, idx, value.floatVal)
+            of sqliteText:   
+                sqlite.bind_text(stmtHandle, idx, value.strVal.cstring, value.strVal.len.int32, sqlite.SQLITE_TRANSIENT)
+            of sqliteBlob:
+                sqlite.bind_blob(stmtHandle, idx.int32, cast[string](value.blobVal).cstring,
+                    value.blobVal.len.int32, sqlite.SQLITE_TRANSIENT)
+        if rc notin SqliteRcOk:
+            return rc
+        idx.inc
+proc prepareSql(db: DbConn, sql: string): sqlite.Stmt =
+    var tail: cstring
+    let rc = sqlite.prepare_v2(db.handle, sql.cstring, sql.len.cint + 1, result, tail)
+    db.checkRc(rc)
+    tail.skipLeadingWhiteSpaceAndComments()
+    assert tail.len == 0,
+        "Only single SQL statement is allowed in this context. " &
+        "To execute several SQL statements, use 'execScript'"
+proc prepareSql(db: DbConn, sql: string, params: seq[DbValue]): sqlite.Stmt
+        {.raises: [SqliteError].} =
+    if db.hasCache:
+        result = db.cache.getOrDefault(sql)
+        if result.isNil:
+            result = prepareSql(db, sql)
+            db.cache[sql] = result
+    else:
+        result = prepareSql(db, sql)
+    let rc = db.bindParams(result, params)
+    db.checkRc(rc)
+proc readColumn(stmtHandle: sqlite.Stmt, col: int32): DbValue =
+    let columnType = sqlite.column_type(stmtHandle, col)
+    case columnType
+    of sqlite.SQLITE_INTEGER:
+        result = toDbValue(sqlite.column_int64(stmtHandle, col))
+    of sqlite.SQLITE_FLOAT:
+        result = toDbValue(sqlite.column_double(stmtHandle, col))
+    of sqlite.SQLITE_TEXT:
+        result = toDbValue($sqlite.column_text(stmtHandle, col))
+    of sqlite.SQLITE_BLOB:
+        let blob = sqlite.column_blob(stmtHandle, col)
+        let bytes = sqlite.column_bytes(stmtHandle, col)
+        var s = newSeq[byte](bytes)
+        if bytes != 0:
+            copyMem(addr(s[0]), blob, bytes)
+        result = toDbValue(s)
+    of sqlite.SQLITE_NULL:
+        result = toDbValue(nil)
+    else:
+        raiseAssert "Unexpected column type: " & $columnType
+iterator iterate(db: DbConn, stmtOrHandle: sqlite.Stmt | SqlStatement, params: varargs[DbValue],
+        errorRc: var int32): ResultRow =
+    let stmtHandle = when stmtOrHandle is sqlite.Stmt: stmtOrHandle else: stmtOrHandle.handle
+    errorRc = db.bindParams(stmtHandle, params)
+    if errorRc in SqliteRcOk:
+        var rowLen = sqlite.column_count(stmtHandle)
+        var columns = newSeq[string](rowLen)
+        for idx in 0 ..< rowLen:
+            columns[idx] = $sqlite.column_name(stmtHandle, idx)
+        while true:
+            var row = ResultRow(values: newSeq[DbValue](rowLen), columns: columns)
+            when stmtOrHandle is sqlite.Stmt:
+                assertCanUseDb db
+            else:
+                assertCanUseStatement stmtOrHandle, busyOk = true
+            let rc = sqlite.step(stmtHandle)
+            if rc == sqlite.SQLITE_ROW:
+                for idx in 0 ..< rowLen:
+                    row.values[idx] = readColumn(stmtHandle, idx)
+                yield row
+            elif rc == sqlite.SQLITE_DONE:
+                break
+            else:
+                errorRc = rc
+                break
+# DbConn
+proc exec*(db: DbConn, sql: string, params: varargs[DbValue, toDbValue]) =
+    ## Executes ``sql``, which must be a single SQL statement.
+    runnableExamples:
+        let db = openDatabase(":memory:")
+        db.exec("CREATE TABLE Person(name, age)")
+        db.exec("INSERT INTO Person(name, age) VALUES(?, ?)",
+            "John Doe", 23)
+    assertCanUseDb db
+    let stmtHandle = db.prepareSql(sql, @params)
+    let rc = sqlite.step(stmtHandle)
+    if db.hasCache:
+        discard sqlite.reset(stmtHandle)
+    else:
+        discard sqlite.finalize(stmtHandle)
+    db.checkRc(rc)
+template transaction*(db: DbConn, body: untyped) =
+    ## Starts a transaction and runs `body` within it. At the end the transaction is commited.
+    ## If an error is raised by `body` the transaction is rolled back. Nesting transactions is a no-op.
+    if db.isInTransaction:
+        body
+    else:
+        db.exec("BEGIN")
+        var ok = true
+        try:
+            try:
+                body
+            except Exception:
+                ok = false
+                db.exec("ROLLBACK")
+                raise
+        finally:
+            if ok:
+                db.exec("COMMIT")
+proc execMany*(db: DbConn, sql: string, params: seq[seq[DbValue]]) =
+    ## Executes ``sql``, which must be a single SQL statement, repeatedly using each element of
+    ## ``params`` as parameters. The statements are executed inside a transaction.
+    assertCanUseDb db
+    db.transaction:
+        for p in params:
+            db.exec(sql, p)
+proc execScript*(db: DbConn, sql: string) =
+    ## Executes ``sql``, which can consist of multiple SQL statements.
+    ## The statements are executed inside a transaction.
+    assertCanUseDb db
+    db.transaction:
+        var remaining = sql.cstring
+        while remaining.len > 0:
+            var tail: cstring
+            var stmtHandle: sqlite.Stmt
+            var rc = sqlite.prepare_v2(db.handle, remaining, -1, stmtHandle, tail)
+            db.checkRc(rc)
+            rc = sqlite.step(stmtHandle)
+            discard sqlite.finalize(stmtHandle)
+            db.checkRc(rc)
+            remaining = tail
+            remaining.skipLeadingWhiteSpaceAndComments()
+iterator iterate*(db: DbConn, sql: string,
+        params: varargs[DbValue, toDbValue]): ResultRow =
+    ## Executes ``sql``, which must be a single SQL statement, and yields each result row one by one.
+    assertCanUseDb db
+    let stmtHandle = db.prepareSql(sql, @params)
+    var errorRc: int32
+    try:
+        for row in db.iterate(stmtHandle, params, errorRc):
+            yield row
+    finally:
+        # The database might have been closed while iterating, in which
+        # case we don't need to clean up the statement.
+        if not db.handle.isNil:
+            if db.hasCache:
+                discard sqlite.reset(stmtHandle)
+            else:
+                discard sqlite.finalize(stmtHandle)
+        db.checkRc(errorRc)
+proc all*(db: DbConn, sql: string,
+        params: varargs[DbValue, toDbValue]): seq[ResultRow] =
+    ## Executes ``sql``, which must be a single SQL statement, and returns all result rows.
+    for row in db.iterate(sql, params):
+        result.add row
+proc one*(db: DbConn, sql: string,
+        params: varargs[DbValue, toDbValue]): Option[ResultRow] =
+    ## Executes `sql`, which must be a single SQL statement, and returns the first result row.
+    ## Returns `none(seq[DbValue])` if the result was empty.
+    for row in db.iterate(sql, params):
+        return some(row)
+proc value*(db: DbConn, sql: string,
+        params: varargs[DbValue, toDbValue]): Option[DbValue] =
+    ## Executes `sql`, which must be a single SQL statement, and returns the first column of the first result row.
+    ## Returns `none(DbValue)` if the result was empty.
+    for row in db.iterate(sql, params):
+        return some(row.values[0])
+proc close*(db: DbConn) =
+    ## Closes the database connection. This should be called once the connection will no longer be used
+    ## to avoid leaking memory. Closing an already closed database is a harmless no-op.
+    if not db.isOpen:
+        return
+    var stmtHandle = sqlite.next_stmt(db.handle, nil)
+    while not stmtHandle.isNil:
+        discard sqlite.finalize(stmtHandle)
+        stmtHandle = sqlite.next_stmt(db.handle, nil)
+    db.cache.clear()
+    let rc = sqlite.close(db.handle)
+    db.checkRc(rc)
+    DbConnImpl(db).handle = nil
+proc lastInsertRowId*(db: DbConn): int64 =
+    ## Get the row id of the last inserted row.
+    ## For tables with an integer primary key,
+    ## the row id will be the primary key.
+    ##
+    ## For more information, refer to the SQLite documentation
+    ## (https://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/last_insert_rowid.html).
+    assertCanUseDb db
+    sqlite.last_insert_rowid(db.handle)
+proc changes*(db: DbConn): int32 =
+    ## Get the number of changes triggered by the most recent INSERT, UPDATE or
+    ## DELETE statement.
+    ##
+    ## For more information, refer to the SQLite documentation
+    ## (https://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/changes.html).
+    assertCanUseDb db
+    sqlite.changes(db.handle)
+proc isReadonly*(db: DbConn): bool =
+    ## Returns true if ``db`` is in readonly mode.
+    runnableExamples:
+        let db = openDatabase(":memory:")
+        doAssert not db.isReadonly
+        let db2 = openDatabase(":memory:", dbRead)
+        doAssert db2.isReadonly
+    assertCanUseDb db
+    sqlite.db_readonly(db.handle, "main") == 1
+proc isOpen*(db: DbConn): bool {.inline.} =
+    ## Returns true if `db` has been opened and not yet closed.
+    runnableExamples:
+        var db: DbConn
+        doAssert not db.isOpen
+        db = openDatabase(":memory:")
+        doAssert db.isOpen
+        db.close()
+        doAssert not db.isOpen
+    (not DbConnImpl(db).isNil) and (not db.handle.isNil)
+proc isInTransaction*(db: DbConn): bool =
+    ## Returns true if a transaction is currently active.
+    runnableExamples:
+        let db = openDatabase(":memory:")
+        doAssert not db.isInTransaction
+        db.transaction:
+            doAssert db.isInTransaction
+    assertCanUseDb db
+    sqlite.get_autocommit(db.handle) == 0
+proc unsafeHandle*(db: DbConn): sqlite.Sqlite3 {.inline.} =
+    ## Returns the raw SQLite3 handle. This can be used to interact directly with the SQLite C API
+    ## with the `tiny_sqlite/sqlite_wrapper` module. Note that the handle should not be used after `db.close` has
+    ## been called as doing so would break memory safety.
+    assert not DbConnImpl(db).handle.isNil, "Database is closed"
+    DbConnImpl(db).handle
+# SqlStatement
+proc stmt*(db: DbConn, sql: string): SqlStatement =
+    ## Constructs a prepared statement from `sql`.
+    assertCanUseDb db
+    let handle = prepareSql(db, sql)
+    SqlStatementImpl(handle: handle, db: db).SqlStatement
+proc exec*(statement: SqlStatement, params: varargs[DbValue, toDbValue]) =
+    ## Executes `statement` with `params` as parameters.
+    assertCanUseStatement statement
+    var rc = statement.db.bindParams(statement.handle, params)
+    if rc notin SqliteRcOk:
+        discard sqlite.reset(statement.handle)
+        statement.db.checkRc(rc)
+    else:
+        rc = sqlite.step(statement.handle)
+        discard sqlite.reset(statement.handle)
+        statement.db.checkRc(rc)
+proc execMany*(statement: SqlStatement, params: seq[seq[DbValue]]) =
+    ## Executes ``statement`` repeatedly using each element of ``params`` as parameters.
+    ## The statements are executed inside a transaction.
+    assertCanUseStatement statement
+    statement.db.transaction:
+        for p in params:
+            statement.exec(p)
+iterator iterate*(statement: SqlStatement, params: varargs[DbValue, toDbValue]): ResultRow =
+    ## Executes ``statement`` and yields each result row one by one.
+    assertCanUseStatement statement
+    var errorRc: int32
+    try:
+        for row in statement.db.iterate(statement, params, errorRc):
+            yield row
+    finally:
+        # The database might have been closed while iterating, in which
+        # case we don't need to clean up the statement.
+        if not statement.db.handle.isNil:
+            discard sqlite.reset(statement.handle)
+        statement.db.checkRc errorRc
+proc all*(statement: SqlStatement, params: varargs[DbValue, toDbValue]): seq[ResultRow] =
+    ## Executes ``statement`` and returns all result rows.
+    assertCanUseStatement statement
+    for row in statement.iterate(params):
+        result.add row
+proc one*(statement: SqlStatement,
+        params: varargs[DbValue, toDbValue]): Option[ResultRow] =
+    ## Executes `statement` and returns the first row found.
+    ## Returns `none(seq[DbValue])` if no result was found.
+    assertCanUseStatement statement
+    for row in statement.iterate(params):
+        return some(row)
+proc value*(statement: SqlStatement,
+        params: varargs[DbValue, toDbValue]): Option[DbValue] =
+    ## Executes `statement` and returns the first column of the first row found. 
+    ## Returns `none(DbValue)` if no result was found.
+    assertCanUseStatement statement
+    for row in statement.iterate(params):
+        return some(row.values[0])
+proc finalize*(statement: SqlStatement): void =
+    ## Finalize the statement. This needs to be called once the statement is no longer used to
+    ## prevent memory leaks. Finalizing an already finalized statement is a harmless no-op.
+    if SqlStatementImpl(statement).isNil:
+        return
+    discard sqlite.finalize(statement.handle)
+    SqlStatementImpl(statement).handle = nil
+proc isAlive*(statement: SqlStatement): bool =
+    ## Returns true if ``statement`` has been initialized and not yet finalized.
+    (not SqlStatementImpl(statement).isNil) and (not statement.handle.isNil) and
+        (not statement.db.handle.isNil)
+proc openDatabase*(path: string, mode = dbReadWrite, cacheSize: Natural = 100): DbConn =
+    ## Open a new database connection to a database file. To create an
+    ## in-memory database the special path `":memory:"` can be used.
+    ## If the database doesn't already exist and ``mode`` is ``dbReadWrite``,
+    ## the database will be created. If the database doesn't exist and ``mode``
+    ## is ``dbRead``, a ``SqliteError`` exception will be raised.
+    ##
+    ## NOTE: To avoid memory leaks, ``db.close`` must be called when the
+    ## database connection is no longer needed.
+    runnableExamples:
+        let memDb = openDatabase(":memory:")
+    var handle: sqlite.Sqlite3
+    let db = new DbConnImpl
+    db.handle = handle
+    if cacheSize > 0:
+        db.cache = initStmtCache(cacheSize)
+    result = DbConn(db)
+    case mode
+    of dbReadWrite:
+        let rc = sqlite.open(path, db.handle)
+        result.checkRc(rc)
+    of dbRead:
+        let rc = sqlite.open_v2(path, db.handle, sqlite.SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY, nil)
+        result.checkRc(rc)
+# ResultRow
+proc `[]`*(row: ResultRow, idx: Natural): DbValue =
+    ## Access a column in the result row based on index.
+    row.values[idx]
+proc `[]`*(row: ResultRow, column: string): DbValue =
+    ## Access a column in te result row based on column name.
+    ## The column name must be unambiguous.
+    let idx = row.columns.find(column)
+    assert idx != -1, "Column does not exist in row: '" & column & "'"
+    doAssert count(row.columns, column) == 1, "Column exists multiple times in row: '" & column & "'"
+    row.values[idx]
+proc len*(row: ResultRow): int =
+    ## Returns the number of columns in the result row.
+    row.values.len
+proc values*(row: ResultRow): seq[DbValue] =
+    ## Returns all column values in the result row.
+    row.values
+proc columns*(row: ResultRow): seq[string] =
+    ## Returns all column names in the result row.
+    row.columns
+proc unpack*[T: tuple](row: ResultRow, _: typedesc[T]): T =
+    ## Calls ``fromDbValue`` on each element of ``row`` and returns it
+    ## as a tuple.
+    doAssert row.len == result.typeof.tupleLen,
+        "Unpack expected a tuple with " & $row.len & " field(s) but found: " & $T
+    var idx = 0
+    for value in result.fields:
+        value = row[idx].fromDbValue(type(value))
+        idx.inc
+# Deprecations
+proc rows*(db: DbConn, sql: string, params: varargs[DbValue, toDbValue]): seq[seq[DbValue]]
+        {.deprecated: "use 'all' instead".} =
+    db.all(sql, params).mapIt(it.values)
+iterator rows*(db: DbConn, sql: string, params: varargs[DbValue, toDbValue]): seq[DbValue]
+        {.deprecated: "use 'iterate' instead".} =
+    for row in db.all(sql, params):
+        yield row.values
+proc unpack*[T: tuple](row: seq[DbValue], _: typedesc[T]): T {.deprecated.} =
+    ResultRow(values: row).unpack(T)+
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/libs/tiny_sqlite/private/documentation.rst b/libs/tiny_sqlite/private/documentation.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+Opening a database connection.
+A database connection is opened by calling the `openDatabase <#openDatabase,string,Natural>`_ procedure with the
+path to the database file as an argument. If the file doesn't exist, it will be created. An in-memory database can
+be created by using the special path `":memory:"` as an argument. Once the database connection is no longer needed
+`close <#close,DbConn>`_ must be called to prevent memory leaks.
+.. code-block:: nim
+    let db = openDatabase("path/to/file.db")
+    # ... (do something with `db`)
+    db.close()
+Executing SQL
+The `exec <#exec,DbConn,string,varargs[DbValue,toDbValue]>`_ procedure can be used to execute a single SQL statement.
+The `execScript <#execScript,DbConn,string>`_ procedure is used to execute several statements, but it doesn't support
+parameter substitution.
+.. code-block:: nim
+    db.execScript("""
+        CREATE TABLE Person(
+            name TEXT,
+            age INTEGER
+        );
+        CREATE TABLE Log(
+            message TEXT
+        );
+    """)
+    db.exec("""
+        INSERT INTO Person(name, age)
+        VALUES(?, ?);
+    """, "John Doe", 37)
+Reading data
+Four different procedures for reading data are available:
+- `all <#all,DbConn,string,varargs[DbValue,toDbValue]>`_: procedure returning all result rows
+- `iterate <#iterate.i,DbConn,string,varargs[DbValue,toDbValue]>`_: iterator yielding each result row one by one
+- `one <#one,DbConn,string,varargs[DbValue,toDbValue]>`_: procedure returning the first result row, or `none` if no result row exists
+- `value <#value,DbConn,string,varargs[DbValue,toDbValue]>`_: procedure returning the first column of the first result row, or `none` if no result row exists
+Note that the procedures `one` and `value` returns the result wrapped in an `Option`. See the standard library
+`options module <https://nim-lang.org/docs/options.html>`_ for documentation on how to deal with `Option` values.
+For convenience the `tiny_sqlite` module exports the `options.get`, `options.isSome`, and `options.isNone` procedures so the options
+module doesn't need to be explicitly imported for typical usage.
+.. code-block:: nim
+    for row in db.iterate("SELECT name, age FROM Person"):
+        # The 'row' variable is of type ResultRow.
+        # The column values can be accesed by both index and column name:
+        echo row[0].strVal      # Prints the name
+        echo row["name"].strVal # Prints the name
+        echo row[1].intVal      # Prints the age
+        # Above we're using the raw DbValue's directly. Instead, we can unpack the
+        # DbValue using the fromDbValue procedure:
+        echo fromDbValue(row[0], string) # Prints the name
+        echo fromDbValue(row[1], int)    # Prints the age
+        # Alternatively, the entire row can be unpacked at once:
+        let (name, age) = row.unpack((string, int))
+        # Unpacking the value is preferable as it makes it possible to handle
+        # bools, enums, distinct types, nullable types and more. For example, nullable
+        # types are handled using Option[T]:
+        echo fromDbValue(row[0], Option[string]) # Will work even if the db value is NULL
+    # Example of reading a single value. In this case, 'value' will be of type `Option[DbValue]`.
+    let value = db.one("SELECT age FROM Person WHERE name = ?", "John Doe")
+    if value.isSome:
+        echo fromDbValue(value.get, int) # Prints age of John Doe
+Inserting data in bulk
+The `exec <#exec,DbConn,string,varargs[DbValue,toDbValue]>`_ procedure works fine for inserting single rows,
+but it gets awkward when inserting many rows. For this purpose the `execMany <#execMany,DbConn,string,varargs[DbValue,toDbValue]>`_
+procedure can be used instead. It executes the same SQL repeatedly, but with different parameters each time.
+.. code-block:: nim
+    let parameters = @[toDbValues("Person 1", 17), toDbValues("Person 2", 55)]
+    # Will insert two rows
+    db.execMany("""
+        INSERT INTO Person(name, age)
+        VALUES(?, ?);
+    """, parameters)
+The procedures that can execute multiple SQL statements (`execScript` and `execMany`) are wrapped in a transaction by
+`tiny_sqlite`. Transactions can also be controlled manually by using one of these two options:
+- Option 1: using the `transaction <#transaction.t,DbConn,untyped>`_ template
+.. code-block:: nim
+    db.transaction:
+        # Anything inside here is executed inside a transaction which
+        # will be rolled back in case of an error
+        db.exec("DELETE FROM Person")
+        db.exec("""INSERT INTO Person(name, age) VALUES("Jane Doe", 35)""")
+- Option 2: using the `exec` procedure manually
+.. code-block:: nim
+    db.exec("BEGIN")
+    try:
+        db.exec("DELETE FROM Person")
+        db.exec("""INSERT INTO Person(name, age) VALUES("Jane Doe", 35)""")
+        db.exec("COMMIT")
+    except:
+        db.exec("ROLLBACK")
+Prepared statements
+All the procedures for executing SQL described above create and execute prepared statements internally. In addition to
+those procedures, ``tiny_sqlite`` also offers an API for preparing SQL statements explicitly. Prepared statements are
+created with the `stmt <#stmt,DbConn,string>`_ procedure, and the same procedures for executing SQL that are available
+directly on the connection object are also available for the prepared statement:
+.. code-block:: nim
+    let stmt = db.stmt("INSERT INTO Person(name, age) VALUES (?, ?)")
+    stmt.exec("John Doe", 21)
+    # Once the statement is no longer needed it must be finalized
+    # to prevent memory leaks.
+    stmt.finalize()
+There are performance benefits of reusing prepared statements, since the preparation only needs to be done once.
+However, `tiny_sqlite` keeps an internal cache of prepared statements, so it's typically not necesarry to manage
+prepared statements manually. If you prefer if `tiny_sqlite` doesn't perform this caching, you can disable it by
+setting the `cacheSize` parameter when opening the database:
+.. code-block:: nim
+    let db = openDatabase(":memory:", cacheSize = 0)
+Supported types
+For a type to be supported when using unpacking and parameter substitution the procedures `toDbValue` and `fromDbValue`
+must be implemented for the type. Below is table describing which types are supported by default and to which SQLite
+type they are mapped to:
+====================  =================================================================================
+Nim type              SQLite type
+====================  =================================================================================
+``Ordinal``           | ``INTEGER``
+``SomeFloat``         | ``REAL``
+``string``            | ``TEXT``
+``seq[byte]``         | ``BLOB``
+``Option[T]``         | ``NULL`` if value is ``none(T)``, otherwise the type that ``T`` would use
+====================  =================================================================================
+This can be extended by implementing `toDdValue`  and `fromDbValue` for other types on your own. Below is an example
+how support for `times.Time` can be added:
+.. code-block:: nim
+    import times
+    proc toDbValue(t: Time): DbValue =
+        DbValue(kind: sqliteInteger, intVal: toUnix(t))
+    proc fromDbValue(value: DbValue, T: typedesc[Time]): Time =
+        fromUnix(value.intval)
diff --git a/libs/tiny_sqlite/private/stmtcache.nim b/libs/tiny_sqlite/private/stmtcache.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+## Implements a least-recently-used cache for prepared statements based on
+## https://github.com/jackhftang/lrucache.nim.
+import std / [lists, tables]
+from .. / sqlite_wrapper as sqlite import nil
+  Node = object
+    key: string
+    val: sqlite.Stmt
+  StmtCache* = object 
+    capacity: int
+    list: DoublyLinkedList[Node]
+    table: Table[string, DoublyLinkedNode[Node]]
+proc initStmtCache*(capacity: Natural): StmtCache =
+  ## Create a new Least-Recently-Used (LRU) cache that store the last `capacity`-accessed items.
+  StmtCache(
+    capacity: capacity,
+    list: initDoublyLinkedList[Node](),
+    table: initTable[string, DoublyLinkedNode[Node]](rightSize(capacity))
+  )
+proc resize(cache: var StmtCache) =
+  while cache.table.len > cache.capacity:
+    let t = cache.list.tail
+    cache.table.del(t.value.key)
+    discard sqlite.finalize(t.value.val)
+    cache.list.remove t
+proc capacity*(cache: StmtCache): int = 
+  ## Get the maximum capacity of cache
+  cache.capacity
+proc len*(cache: StmtCache): int = 
+  ## Return number of keys in cache
+  cache.table.len
+proc contains*(cache: StmtCache, key: string): bool =
+  ## Check whether key in cache. Does *NOT* update recentness.
+  cache.table.contains(key)
+proc clear*(cache: var StmtCache) =
+  ## remove all items
+  cache.list = initDoublyLinkedList[Node]()
+  cache.table.clear()
+proc `[]`*(cache: var StmtCache, key: string): sqlite.Stmt =
+  ## Read value from `cache` by `key` and update recentness
+  ## Raise `KeyError` if `key` is not in `cache`.
+  let node = cache.table[key]
+  result = node.value.val
+  cache.list.remove node
+  cache.list.prepend node
+proc `[]=`*(cache: var StmtCache, key: string, val: sqlite.Stmt) =
+  ## Put value `v` in cache with key `k`.
+  ## Remove least recently used value from cache if length exceeds capacity.
+  var node = cache.table.getOrDefault(key, nil)
+  if node.isNil:
+    let node = newDoublyLinkedNode[Node](
+      Node(key: key, val: val)
+    )
+    cache.table[key] = node
+    cache.list.prepend node
+    cache.resize()
+  else:
+    # set value 
+    node.value.val = val
+    # move to head
+    cache.list.remove node
+    cache.list.prepend node
+proc getOrDefault*(cache: StmtCache, key: string, val: sqlite.Stmt = nil): sqlite.Stmt =
+  ## Similar to get, but return `val` if `key` is not in `cache`
+  let node = cache.table.getOrDefault(key, nil)
+  if node.isNil:
+    result = val
+  else:
+    result = node.value.val
diff --git a/libs/tiny_sqlite/sqlite_wrapper.nim b/libs/tiny_sqlite/sqlite_wrapper.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
+when defined(windows):
+  when defined(nimOldDlls):
+    const Lib = "sqlite3.dll"
+  elif defined(cpu64):
+    const Lib = "sqlite3_64.dll"
+  else:
+    const Lib = "sqlite3_32.dll"
+elif defined(macosx):
+  const
+    Lib = "libsqlite3(|.0).dylib"
+  const
+    Lib = "libsqlite3.so(|.0)"
+    Sqlite3* = ptr object
+    Stmt* = ptr object
+    Callback* = proc (p: pointer, para2: cint, para3, para4: cstringArray): cint
+        {.cdecl, raises: [].}
+    SqliteDestructor* = proc (p: pointer)
+        {.cdecl, locks: 0, tags: [], raises: [], gcsafe.}
+    SQLITE_OK*         = 0.cint
+    SQLITE_ERROR*      = 1.cint # SQL error or missing database
+    SQLITE_INTERNAL*   = 2.cint # An internal logic error in SQLite
+    SQLITE_PERM*       = 3.cint # Access permission denied
+    SQLITE_ABORT*      = 4.cint # Callback routine requested an abort
+    SQLITE_BUSY*       = 5.cint # The database file is locked
+    SQLITE_LOCKED*     = 6.cint # A table in the database is locked
+    SQLITE_NOMEM*      = 7.cint # A malloc() failed
+    SQLITE_READONLY*   = 8.cint # Attempt to write a readonly database
+    SQLITE_INTERRUPT*  = 9.cint # Operation terminated by sqlite3_interrupt()
+    SQLITE_IOERR*      = 10.cint # Some kind of disk I/O error occurred
+    SQLITE_CORRUPT*    = 11.cint # The database disk image is malformed
+    SQLITE_NOTFOUND*   = 12.cint # (Internal Only) Table or record not found
+    SQLITE_FULL*       = 13.cint # Insertion failed because database is full
+    SQLITE_CANTOPEN*   = 14.cint # Unable to open the database file
+    SQLITE_PROTOCOL*   = 15.cint # Database lock protocol error
+    SQLITE_EMPTY*      = 16.cint # Database is empty
+    SQLITE_SCHEMA*     = 17.cint # The database schema changed
+    SQLITE_TOOBIG*     = 18.cint # Too much data for one row of a table
+    SQLITE_CONSTRAINT* = 19.cint # Abort due to contraint violation
+    SQLITE_MISMATCH*   = 20.cint # Data type mismatch
+    SQLITE_MISUSE*     = 21.cint # Library used incorrectly
+    SQLITE_NOLFS*      = 22.cint # Uses OS features not supported on host
+    SQLITE_AUTH*       = 23.cint # Authorization denied
+    SQLITE_FORMAT*     = 24.cint # Auxiliary database format error
+    SQLITE_RANGE*      = 25.cint # 2nd parameter to sqlite3_bind out of range
+    SQLITE_NOTADB*     = 26.cint # File opened that is not a database file
+    SQLITE_NOTICE*     = 27.cint
+    SQLITE_WARNING*    = 28.cint
+    SQLITE_ROW*        = 100.cint # sqlite3_step() has another row ready
+    SQLITE_DONE*       = 101.cint # sqlite3_step() has finished executing
+  SQLITE_INTEGER* = 1.cint
+  SQLITE_FLOAT* = 2.cint
+  SQLITE_TEXT* = 3.cint
+  SQLITE_BLOB* = 4.cint
+  SQLITE_NULL* = 5.cint
+  SQLITE_UTF8* = 1.cint
+  SQLITE_UTF16LE* = 2.cint
+  SQLITE_UTF16BE* = 3.cint         # Use native byte order
+  SQLITE_UTF16* = 4.cint           # sqlite3_create_function only
+  SQLITE_ANY* = 5.cint             #sqlite_exec return values
+  SQLITE_COPY* = 0.cint
+  SQLITE_DELETE* = 9.cint
+  SQLITE_DROP_INDEX* = 10.cint
+  SQLITE_DROP_TABLE* = 11.cint
+  SQLITE_DROP_VIEW* = 17.cint
+  SQLITE_INSERT* = 18.cint
+  SQLITE_PRAGMA* = 19.cint
+  SQLITE_READ* = 20.cint
+  SQLITE_SELECT* = 21.cint
+  SQLITE_UPDATE* = 23.cint
+  SQLITE_ATTACH* = 24.cint
+  SQLITE_DETACH* = 25.cint
+  SQLITE_ALTER_TABLE* = 26.cint
+  SQLITE_REINDEX* = 27.cint
+  SQLITE_DENY* = 1.cint
+  SQLITE_IGNORE* = 2.cint 
+  SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY* =        0x00000001.cint  #/* Ok for sqlite3_open_v2() */
+  SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE* =       0x00000002.cint  #/* Ok for sqlite3_open_v2() */
+  SQLITE_OPEN_CREATE* =          0x00000004.cint  #/* Ok for sqlite3_open_v2() */
+  SQLITE_OPEN_DELETEONCLOSE* =   0x00000008.cint    #/* VFS only */
+  SQLITE_OPEN_EXCLUSIVE* =       0x00000010.cint    #/* VFS only */
+  SQLITE_OPEN_AUTOPROXY* =       0x00000020.cint    #/* VFS only */
+  SQLITE_OPEN_URI* =             0x00000040.cint  #/* Ok for sqlite3_open_v2() */
+  SQLITE_OPEN_MEMORY* =          0x00000080.cint  #/* Ok for sqlite3_open_v2() */
+  SQLITE_OPEN_MAIN_DB* =         0x00000100.cint    #/* VFS only */
+  SQLITE_OPEN_TEMP_DB* =         0x00000200.cint    #/* VFS only */
+  SQLITE_OPEN_TRANSIENT_DB* =    0x00000400.cint    #/* VFS only */
+  SQLITE_OPEN_MAIN_JOURNAL* =    0x00000800.cint    #/* VFS only */
+  SQLITE_OPEN_TEMP_JOURNAL* =    0x00001000.cint    #/* VFS only */
+  SQLITE_OPEN_SUBJOURNAL* =      0x00002000.cint    #/* VFS only */
+  SQLITE_OPEN_MASTER_JOURNAL* =  0x00004000.cint    #/* VFS only */
+  SQLITE_OPEN_NOMUTEX* =         0x00008000.cint  #/* Ok for sqlite3_open_v2() */
+  SQLITE_OPEN_FULLMUTEX* =       0x00010000.cint  #/* Ok for sqlite3_open_v2() */
+  SQLITE_OPEN_SHAREDCACHE* =     0x00020000.cint  #/* Ok for sqlite3_open_v2() */
+  SQLITE_OPEN_PRIVATECACHE* =    0x00040000.cint  #/* Ok for sqlite3_open_v2() */
+  SQLITE_OPEN_WAL* =             0x00080000.cint    #/* VFS only */
+  SQLITE_TRANSIENT* = cast[SqliteDestructor](-1)
+proc close*(db: Sqlite3): cint
+    {.cdecl, dynlib: Lib, importc: "sqlite3_close".}
+proc exec*(db: Sqlite3, sql: cstring, cb: Callback, p: pointer, errmsg: var cstring): cint
+    {.cdecl, dynlib: Lib, importc: "sqlite3_exec".}
+proc last_insert_rowid*(db: Sqlite3): int64
+    {.cdecl, dynlib: Lib, importc: "sqlite3_last_insert_rowid".}
+proc changes*(db: Sqlite3): cint
+    {.cdecl, dynlib: Lib, importc: "sqlite3_changes".}
+proc total_changes*(db: Sqlite3): cint
+    {.cdecl, dynlib: Lib, importc: "sqlite3_total_changes".}
+proc busy_handler*(db: Sqlite3,
+                   handler: proc (p: pointer, x: cint): cint {.cdecl.},
+                   p: pointer): cint
+    {.cdecl, dynlib: Lib, importc: "sqlite3_busy_handler".}
+proc busy_timeout*(db: Sqlite3, ms: cint): cint
+    {.cdecl, dynlib: Lib, importc: "sqlite3_busy_timeout".}
+proc open*(filename: cstring, db: var Sqlite3): cint
+    {.cdecl, dynlib: Lib, importc: "sqlite3_open".}
+proc open_v2*(filename: cstring, db: var Sqlite3, flags: cint, zVfsName: cstring ): cint
+    {.cdecl, dynlib: Lib, importc: "sqlite3_open_v2".}
+proc errcode*(db: Sqlite3): cint
+    {.cdecl, dynlib: Lib, importc: "sqlite3_errcode".}
+proc errmsg*(db: Sqlite3): cstring
+    {.cdecl, dynlib: Lib, importc: "sqlite3_errmsg".}
+proc prepare_v2*(db: Sqlite3, zSql: cstring, nByte: cint, stmt: var Stmt,
+                pzTail: var cstring): cint
+    {.importc: "sqlite3_prepare_v2", cdecl, dynlib: Lib.}
+proc bind_blob*(stmt: Stmt, col: cint, value: pointer, len: cint,
+                para5: SqliteDestructor): cint
+    {.cdecl, dynlib: Lib, importc: "sqlite3_bind_blob".}
+proc bind_double*(stmt: Stmt, col: cint, value: float64): cint
+    {.cdecl, dynlib: Lib, importc: "sqlite3_bind_double".}
+proc bind_int*(stmt: Stmt, col: cint, value: cint): cint
+    {.cdecl, dynlib: Lib, importc: "sqlite3_bind_int".}
+proc bind_int64*(stmt: Stmt, col: cint, value: int64): cint
+    {.cdecl, dynlib: Lib, importc: "sqlite3_bind_int64".}
+proc bind_null*(stmt: Stmt, col: cint): cint
+    {.cdecl, dynlib: Lib, importc: "sqlite3_bind_null".}
+proc bind_text*(stmt: Stmt, col: cint, value: cstring, len: cint,
+                destructor: SqliteDestructor): cint
+    {.cdecl, dynlib: Lib, importc: "sqlite3_bind_text".}
+proc bind_parameter_count*(stmt: Stmt): cint
+    {.cdecl, dynlib: Lib, importc: "sqlite3_bind_parameter_count".}
+proc bind_parameter_name*(stmt: Stmt, col: cint): cstring
+    {.cdecl, dynlib: Lib, importc: "sqlite3_bind_parameter_name".}
+proc bind_parameter_index*(stmt: Stmt, colName: cstring): cint
+    {.cdecl, dynlib: Lib, importc: "sqlite3_bind_parameter_index".}
+proc clear_bindings*(stmt: Stmt): cint
+    {.cdecl, dynlib: Lib, importc: "sqlite3_clear_bindings".}
+proc column_count*(stmt: Stmt): cint
+    {.cdecl, dynlib: Lib, importc: "sqlite3_column_count".}
+proc column_name*(stmt: Stmt, col: cint): cstring
+    {.cdecl, dynlib: Lib, importc: "sqlite3_column_name".}
+proc column_table_name*(stmt: Stmt, col: cint): cstring
+    {.cdecl, dynlib: Lib, importc: "sqlite3_column_table_name".}
+proc column_decltype*(stmt: Stmt, col: cint): cstring
+    {.cdecl, dynlib: Lib, importc: "sqlite3_column_decltype".}
+proc step*(stmt: Stmt): cint
+    {.cdecl, dynlib: Lib, importc: "sqlite3_step".}
+proc data_count*(stmt: Stmt): cint
+    {.cdecl, dynlib: Lib, importc: "sqlite3_data_count".}
+proc column_blob*(stmt: Stmt, col: cint): pointer
+    {.cdecl, dynlib: Lib, importc: "sqlite3_column_blob".}
+proc column_bytes*(stmt: Stmt, col: cint): cint
+    {.cdecl, dynlib: Lib, importc: "sqlite3_column_bytes".}
+proc column_double*(stmt: Stmt, col: cint): float64
+    {.cdecl, dynlib: Lib, importc: "sqlite3_column_double".}
+proc column_int*(stmt: Stmt, col: cint): cint
+    {.cdecl, dynlib: Lib, importc: "sqlite3_column_int".}
+proc column_int64*(stmt: Stmt, col: cint): int64
+    {.cdecl, dynlib: Lib, importc: "sqlite3_column_int64".}
+proc column_text*(stmt: Stmt, col: cint): cstring
+    {.cdecl, dynlib: Lib, importc: "sqlite3_column_text".}
+proc column_type*(stmt: Stmt, col: cint): cint
+    {.cdecl, dynlib: Lib, importc: "sqlite3_column_type".}
+proc finalize*(stmt: Stmt): cint
+    {.cdecl, dynlib: Lib, importc: "sqlite3_finalize".}
+proc reset*(stmt: Stmt): cint
+    {.cdecl, dynlib: Lib, importc: "sqlite3_reset".}
+proc libversion*(): cstring
+    {.cdecl, dynlib: Lib, importc: "sqlite3_libversion".}
+proc libversion_number*(): cint
+    {.cdecl, dynlib: Lib, importc: "sqlite3_libversion_number".}
+proc db_handle*(stmt: Stmt): Sqlite3
+    {.cdecl, dynlib: Lib, importc: "sqlite3_db_handle".}
+proc get_autocommit*(db: Sqlite3): cint
+    {.cdecl, dynlib: Lib, importc: "sqlite3_get_autocommit".}
+proc db_readonly*(db: Sqlite3, dbname: cstring): cint
+    {.cdecl, dynlib: Lib, importc: "sqlite3_db_readonly".}
+proc next_stmt*(db: Sqlite3, stmt: Stmt): Stmt
+    {.cdecl, dynlib: Lib, importc: "sqlite3_next_stmt".}
+proc stmt_busy*(stmt: Stmt): bool
+    {.cdecl, dynlib: Lib, importc: "sqlite3_stmt_busy".}+
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mastofetch.nim b/mastofetch.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+import std/[os, strutils, json, httpclient, times]
+import libs/tiny_sqlite
+  User = object
+    id*             : int64
+    username*       : string
+    displayName*    : string
+    url*            : string
+  Image = object
+    id*             : int64
+    url*            : string
+    width*          : int
+    height*         : int
+  Post = object
+    id*             : int64
+    url*            : string
+    user*           : User
+    createdAt*      : DateTime
+    content*        : string
+    attachedImages* : seq[Image]
+proc fetchPosts (client: HttpClient, instance: string, userId: int64, maxId: int64 = 0): seq[Post] = 
+  var
+    url      : string = "https://" & instance & "/api/v1/accounts/" & $userId & "/statuses"
+    response : string
+  if maxId != 0: url.add("?max_id=" & $maxId)
+  while true:
+    try:
+      response = client.getContent(url)
+      break
+    except HttpRequestError:
+      let msg = getCurrentExceptionMsg()
+      if msg == "429 Too Many Requests":
+        echo "Hit a rate-limit! I'll take a 30 sec break!"
+        sleep(30000)
+      else:
+        break
+  let jsonData = response.parseJson
+  for post in jsonData:
+    var images = newSeq[Image]()
+    for image in post["media_attachments"]:
+      images.add(Image(
+        id     : image["id"].getStr.parseInt,
+        url    : image["url"].getStr,
+        width  : image["meta"]["original"]["width"].getInt,
+        height : image["meta"]["original"]["height"].getInt
+      ))
+    result.add(Post(
+      id             : post["id"].getStr.parseInt,
+      url            : post["url"].getStr,
+      user           : User(
+        id           : post["account"]["id"].getStr.parseInt,
+        username     : post["account"]["username"].getStr,
+        displayName  : post["account"]["display_name"].getStr,
+        url          : post["account"]["url"].getStr,
+      ),
+      createdAt      : parse(post["created_at"].getStr, "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'.'fff'Z'"),
+      content        : post["content"].getStr,
+      attachedImages : images
+    ))
+proc postExists(db: DbConn, id: int64): bool =
+  let query = db.one("SELECT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM posts WHERE id=?);", id)
+  if query.isSome:
+    return fromDbValue(query.get[0], bool)
+  else:
+    return false
+if getEnv("DB_PATH") == "": quit "No DB_PATH given!"
+let db = openDatabase(getEnv("DB_PATH"))
+  id           INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
+  url          TEXT NOT NULL,
+  userId       INTEGER NOT NULL,
+  userName     TEXT NOT NULL,
+  userDisplay  TEXT NOT NULL,
+  userUrl      TEXT NOT NULL,
+  createdAt    VACHAR(20) NOT NULL,
+  content      TEXT
+  id           INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
+  post_id      INTEGER NOT NULL,
+  url          TEXT NOT NULL,
+  width        INTEGER NOT NULL,
+  height       INTEGER NOT NULL,
+  containsHorn BOOL NOT NULL
+ client          : HttpClient = newHttpClient()
+ instance        : string     = if getEnv("INSTANCE")    != "": getEnv("INSTANCE")             else: "chaos.social"
+ userId          : int64      = if getEnv("USER_ID")     != "": getEnv("USER_ID").parseInt     else: 000069675
+ oldestPostId    : int64      = if getEnv("OLDEST_POST") != "": getEnv("OLDEST_POST").parseBiggestInt else: 101063382828117630
+ allPostsFetched : bool       = db.postExists(oldestPostId)
+ posts      : seq[Post] = client.fetchPosts(instance, userId)
+ lastPostId : int64     = 0
+block fetchPosts:
+  while true:
+    for post in posts:
+      lastPostId = post.id
+      if not db.postExists(post.id):
+        db.exec("""
+          INSERT INTO posts(id, url, userId, userName, userDisplay, userUrl, createdAt, content)
+          VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);
+        """, post.id, post.url, post.user.id, post.user.username, post.user.displayName, post.user.url, post.createdAt.format("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss"), post.content)
+        for image in post.attachedImages:
+          db.exec("""
+            INSERT INTO images(id, post_id, url, width, height, containsHorn)
+            VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);
+          """, image.id, post.id, image.url, image.width, image.height, true)
+        echo "Inserted new post with id: " & $post.id
+        if post.id == oldestPostId:
+          echo "All posts successfully fetched!"
+          break fetchPosts
+      else:
+        if allPostsFetched:
+          echo "All new posts fetched!"
+          break fetchPosts
+        else:
+          echo "Post exists!"
+    posts = client.fetchPosts(instance, userId, lastPostId)
diff --git a/website.nim b/website.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+import std/[os, options, cgi, times, strutils]
+import libs/tiny_sqlite
+import libs/[moustachu, moustachu_context]
+write(stdout, "Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8\n")
+write(stdout, "Cache-Control: no-store, must-revalidate\n")
+write(stdout, "Pragma: no-cache\n")
+write(stdout, "Expires: 0\n")
+write(stdout, "\n")
+if getEnv("DB_PATH") == "":
+  write(stdout, "No DB_PATH given!")
+  quit(QuitSuccess)
+const websiteTemplate : string  = staticRead "website.tpl"
+var   templateContext : Context = newContext()
+  db        : DbConn            = openDatabase(getEnv("DB_PATH"))
+  image     : Option[ResultRow] = db.one("SELECT post_id, url FROM images WHERE containsHorn = 1 ORDER BY RANDOM() LIMIT 1;")
+templateContext["SCRIPT_URL"] = getRequestURI()
+if image.isSome:
+  templateContext["IMAGE_URL"] = fromDbValue(image.get["url"], string)
+  let post : Option[ResultRow] = db.one("SELECT url, content, createdAt FROM posts WHERE id = ? LIMIT 1;", fromDbValue(image.get["post_id"], int64))
+  if post.isSome:
+    let postDateTime : DateTime = fromDbValue(post.get["createdAt"], string).parse("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss")
+    templateContext["POST_CONTENT"]  = fromDbValue(post.get["content"], string).replace("<p>", "").replace("</p>", "")
+    templateContext["POST_URL"]      = fromDbValue(post.get["url"], string)
+    templateContext["POST_DATE"]     = postDateTime.format("dd'.'MM'.'yyyy")
+    templateContext["POST_TIME"]     = postDateTime.format("HH:mm")
+  write(stdout, "Database seems empty! :(")
+  quit(QuitSuccess)
+write(stdout, render(websiteTemplate, templateContext))
diff --git a/website.tpl b/website.tpl
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+	<head>
+		<title>flauschehorn.sexy</title>
+		<meta name=viewport content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
+		<style>
+			html {
+				background-color: black;
+			}
+			img {
+				position: absolute;
+				margin: auto;
+				top: 0;
+				left: 0;
+				right: 0;
+				bottom: 0;
+				height: 95%;
+			}
+			p {
+				position: fixed;
+				bottom: 0;
+				left: 50%;
+				transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
+				background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8);
+				padding: 10px;
+				font-family: sans-serif;
+			}
+			@media only screen and (max-width: 600px) {
+				img {
+					height: unset;
+					width: 98%;
+				}
+				p {
+					left: 0;
+					right 0;
+					transform: unset;
+					margin:0;
+				}
+			}
+		</style>
+	</head>
+	<body>
+		<a href="{{SCRIPT_URL}}"><img src="{{IMAGE_URL}}"></a>
+		<p>{{POST_CONTENT}} <a href="{{POST_URL}}" target="_blank">{{POST_DATE}}, {{POST_TIME}} Uhr</a></p>
+	</body>