ctucx.git: nixfiles

ctucx' nixfiles

commit 66cb8d4491ab07174ab336112622ee7a75301499
parent 2ec3b00777bc2307f1fd724877d0468958b82f7c
Author: Leah (ctucx) <git@ctu.cx>
Date: Mon, 17 Oct 2022 14:02:11 +0200

configurations/common/programs/scripts: add `backup-lollo` script
1 file changed, 122 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/configurations/common/programs/scripts.nix b/configurations/common/programs/scripts.nix
@@ -16,8 +16,129 @@ let
     nix-store --optimise
+  backup-lollo = pkgs.writeShellScriptBin "backup-lollo" ''
+    set -euo pipefail
+    IFS=$'\n\t'
+    function repeatCharacter {
+      local count="$1";
+      local character="$2";
+      for (( i = 0; i < "$count"; ++i ))
+      do
+        echo -n "$character";
+      done
+      echo "";
+    }
+    function printEnd {
+      echo "";
+    }
+    function printStep {
+      repeatCharacter $(expr ''${#1} + 3) "#";
+      echo -e "$1";
+      repeatCharacter $(expr ''${#1} + 3) "#";
+    }
+    function checkRequirements {
+      # check if root
+      if [ "$USER" != "root" ]; then
+        echo "This script needs to be executed by root!";
+        exit;
+      fi
+      # check for disk
+      if [ ! -e /dev/disk/by-uuid/635a0d41-b702-45d6-8aff-605d11da343c ]; then
+        echo "Backup drive is not connected!";
+        exit;
+      fi
+    }
+    function mountDrive {
+      printStep "Mount backup-drive!"
+      mkdir -p /mnt/backup;
+      ${pkgs.cryptsetup}/bin/cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/disk/by-uuid/635a0d41-b702-45d6-8aff-605d11da343c backup;
+      mount /dev/mapper/backup /mnt/backup;
+      printEnd;
+    }
+    function unmountDrive {
+      sync;
+      if grep -qs '/dev/mapper/backup ' /proc/mounts; then
+        printStep "Unmount backup-drive!";
+        umount /dev/mapper/backup;
+        ${pkgs.cryptsetup}/bin/cryptsetup luksClose backup;
+        sync;
+      fi
+      echo "done!";
+    }
+    function copyResticRepos {
+      printStep "Copying /var/lib/restic to the backup-drive";
+      ${pkgs.rsync}/bin/rsync -ah --partial --delete --info=progress2 /var/lib/restic/ /mnt/backup/restic-servers/;
+      sync;
+      printEnd;
+    }
+    function resticBackupFolder {
+      printStep "Backing up '$2' to the backup-drive";
+      mkdir -p /mnt/backup/restic-$HOSTNAME;
+      # check if password-file exists, if not create it
+      if [ ! -e /mnt/backup/restic-$HOSTNAME/$1.restic-passwd ]; then
+        echo -e "$(pwgen -N1 -B 32)" > /mnt/backup/restic-$HOSTNAME/$1.restic-passwd;
+        sync;
+      fi
+      # check if restic repo is initialized, if not initialize it
+      if ! ${pkgs.restic}/bin/restic --cleanup-cache --password-file  /mnt/backup/restic-$HOSTNAME/$1.restic-passwd --repo /mnt/backup/restic-$HOSTNAME/$1 snapshots &>/dev/null; then
+        ${pkgs.restic}/bin/restic --quiet --cleanup-cache --password-file  /mnt/backup/restic-$HOSTNAME/$1.restic-passwd --repo /mnt/backup/restic-$HOSTNAME/$1 \
+          init;
+        sync;
+      fi;
+      #do the backup
+      ${pkgs.restic}/bin/restic --cleanup-cache --password-file  /mnt/backup/restic-$HOSTNAME/$1.restic-passwd --repo /mnt/backup/restic-$HOSTNAME/$1 \
+        backup $2;
+      sync;
+      #cleanup
+      ${pkgs.restic}/bin/restic --cleanup-cache --password-file  /mnt/backup/restic-$HOSTNAME/$1.restic-passwd --repo /mnt/backup/restic-$HOSTNAME/$1 \
+        forget --keep-within-daily 14d --keep-within-weekly 2m --keep-within-monthly 2y --keep-within-yearly 99y;
+      ${pkgs.restic}/bin/restic --cleanup-cache --password-file  /mnt/backup/restic-$HOSTNAME/$1.restic-passwd --repo /mnt/backup/restic-$HOSTNAME/$1 \
+        prune;
+      sync;
+      printEnd;
+    }
+    trap unmountDrive EXIT;
+    checkRequirements;
+    mountDrive;
+    copyResticRepos;
+    #restic backups
+    resticBackupFolder audiobooks /home/leah/syncthing/Audiobooks;
+    resticBackupFolder bahn-richtlinien /home/leah/syncthing/Bahn-Richtlinien;
+    resticBackupFolder cutieshare /home/leah/syncthing/Cutieshare;
+    resticBackupFolder documents /home/leah/syncthing/Documents;
+    resticBackupFolder media-legacy /home/leah/syncthing/Media\ \(legacy\);
+    resticBackupFolder music /home/leah/syncthing/Music;
+    resticBackupFolder music-originals /home/leah/syncthing/Music\ \(Originals\);
+    resticBackupFolder pictures /home/leah/syncthing/Pictures;
+    resticBackupFolder videos /home/leah/syncthing/Videos;
+    resticBackupFolder wiki /home/leah/syncthing/Wiki;
+  '';
 in {
-  home-manager.users.leah.home.packages = [ nix-cleanup ];
+  home-manager.users.leah.home.packages = [ nix-cleanup backup-lollo ];