ctucx.git: nixfiles

ctucx' nixfiles

commit 882874336bb8c8402bc0f7e72ab39583a71ee7de
parent ed9534a4a78d8c7901205c4a8fe5b950cc07ec05
Author: Leah (ctucx) <git@ctu.cx>
Date: Tue, 19 Dec 2023 16:42:36 +0100

configurations/linux/services: refator with the goal of modularity :3
11 files changed, 292 insertions(+), 226 deletions(-)
diff --git a/configurations/linux/default.nix b/configurations/linux/default.nix
@@ -2,6 +2,10 @@
+  imports = [
+    ./services
+  ];
   deployment = {
     buildOnTarget = lib.mkDefault false;
     targetUser    = lib.mkDefault "root";
diff --git a/configurations/linux/services/default.nix b/configurations/linux/services/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+{ config, lib, ... }:
+  imports = [
+    ./prometheus-exporters.nix
+    ./restic-server.nix
+    ./dns.nix
+    ./syncthing.nix
+    ./syncthing-nginx.nix
+  ];
+  ctucxConfig.monitoring.exporters.enable = (lib.mkDefault (if (config.networking.primaryIP != "") || (config.networing.primaryIP4 != "") then true else false));
+  ctucxConfig.dnsServer.enable            = (lib.mkDefault (builtins.elem "dnsServer" config.deployment.tags));
+  ctucxConfig.resticServer.enable         = (lib.mkDefault (builtins.elem "resticServer" config.deployment.tags));
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/configurations/linux/services/dns.nix b/configurations/linux/services/dns.nix
@@ -1,131 +1,140 @@
 { nodes, config, lib, pkgs, ...}:
-  deployment.tags = [ "dns" ];
-  dns = {
-    enable      = true;
-    allZones    = with pkgs.dns.lib.combinators; let
-      CAA = [ { issuerCritical = false; tag = "issue"; value = "letsencrypt.org"; } ];
-      NS  = [ "ns1.ctu.cx." "ns2.ctu.cx." ];
-      SOA = {
-        nameServer = "ns1.ctu.cx.";
-        adminEmail = "dns@ctu.cx"; # Email address with a real `@`!
-        serial     = lib.toInt ("2023" + "03" + "04" + "1");
-      };
+  cfg = config.ctucxConfig.dnsServer;
+in {
+  options = {
+    ctucxConfig.dnsServer = {
+      enable = lib.mkEnableOption "dns";
+    };
+  };
-      MXApple  = with mx; [
-        (mx 10 "mx01.mail.icloud.com.")
-        (mx 10 "mx02.mail.icloud.com.")
-      ];
-      SPFApple = [
-        "v=spf1 include:icloud.com ~all"
-      ];
-    in {
-      "ctu.cx" = {
-        inherit SOA NS CAA;
-#        MX = MXApple;
-#        TXT = SPFApple ++ [ "apple-domain=8Z4zfabXhvO0cjZi" ];
-        subdomains = {
-          ns1          = (host nodes.trabbi.config.networking.primaryIP4      nodes.trabbi.config.networking.primaryIP);
-          ns2          = (host nodes.wanderduene.config.networking.primaryIP4 nodes.wanderduene.config.networking.primaryIP);
-          _atproto.TXT              = [ "did=did:plc:zaeuok3fmh2pcp4cjiicku4i" ];
-          blechkasten.CNAME         = [ "blechkasten.home" ];
-          "internet-of-plants".AAAA = [ "2a0f:4ac0:acab::103" ];
-          "gateway.home"        = (host "" "2a0f:4ac0:acab::1");
-          "stasicontainer.home" = (host "" "2a0f:4ac0:acab::35");
-          "blechkasten.home"    = (host "" "2a0f:4ac0:acab::43");
-          "desktop.home"        = (host "" "2a0f:4ac0:acab::44");
- #         "sig1._domainkey".CNAME = [ "sig1.dkim.ctu.cx.at.icloudmailadmin.com." ];
-          "48-247-39-195.wireguard".A = [ (a "") ];
-          "49-247-39-195.wireguard".A = [ (a "") ];
-          "50-247-39-195.wireguard".A = [ (a "") ];
-          "51-247-39-195.wireguard".A = [ (a "") ];
-          "52-247-39-195.wireguard".A = [ (a "") ];
-          "53-247-39-195.wireguard".A = [ (a "") ];
-          "54-247-39-195.wireguard".A = [ (a "") ];
-          "55-247-39-195.wireguard".A = [ (a "") ];
-          "32-246-39-195.dynamic".A   = [ (a "") ];
-          "33-246-39-195.dynamic".A   = [ (a "") ];
-          "34-246-39-195.dynamic".A   = [ (a "") ];
-          "35-246-39-195.dynamic".A   = [ (a "") ];
-          "36-246-39-195.dynamic".A   = [ (a "") ];
-          "37-246-39-195.dynamic".A   = [ (a "") ];
-          "38-246-39-195.dynamic".A   = [ (a "") ];
-          "39-246-39-195.dynamic".A   = [ (a "") ];
-          "40-246-39-195.dynamic".A   = [ (a "") ];
-          "41-246-39-195.dynamic".A   = [ (a "") ];
-          "42-246-39-195.dynamic".A   = [ (a "") ];
-          "43-246-39-195.dynamic".A   = [ (a "") ];
-          "44-246-39-195.dynamic".A   = [ (a "") ];
-          "45-246-39-195.dynamic".A   = [ (a "") ];
-          "46-246-39-195.dynamic".A   = [ (a "") ];
-          "47-246-39-195.dynamic".A   = [ (a "") ];
+  config = lib.mkIf cfg.enable {
+    dns = {
+      enable      = true;
+      allZones    = with pkgs.dns.lib.combinators; let
+        CAA = [ { issuerCritical = false; tag = "issue"; value = "letsencrypt.org"; } ];
+        NS  = [ "ns1.ctu.cx." "ns2.ctu.cx." ];
+        SOA = {
+          nameServer = "ns1.ctu.cx.";
+          adminEmail = "dns@ctu.cx"; # Email address with a real `@`!
+          serial     = lib.toInt ("2023" + "03" + "04" + "1");
-      };
-      "oeffisear.ch" = {
-        inherit SOA NS CAA;
-      };
+        MXApple  = with mx; [
+          (mx 10 "mx01.mail.icloud.com.")
+          (mx 10 "mx02.mail.icloud.com.")
+        ];
+        SPFApple = [
+          "v=spf1 include:icloud.com ~all"
+        ];
+      in {
+        "ctu.cx" = {
+          inherit SOA NS CAA;
+  #        MX = MXApple;
+  #        TXT = SPFApple ++ [ "apple-domain=8Z4zfabXhvO0cjZi" ];
+          subdomains = {
+            ns1          = (host nodes.trabbi.config.networking.primaryIP4      nodes.trabbi.config.networking.primaryIP);
+            ns2          = (host nodes.wanderduene.config.networking.primaryIP4 nodes.wanderduene.config.networking.primaryIP);
+            _atproto.TXT              = [ "did=did:plc:zaeuok3fmh2pcp4cjiicku4i" ];
+            blechkasten.CNAME         = [ "blechkasten.home" ];
+            "internet-of-plants".AAAA = [ "2a0f:4ac0:acab::103" ];
+            "gateway.home"        = (host "" "2a0f:4ac0:acab::1");
+            "stasicontainer.home" = (host "" "2a0f:4ac0:acab::35");
+            "blechkasten.home"    = (host "" "2a0f:4ac0:acab::43");
+            "desktop.home"        = (host "" "2a0f:4ac0:acab::44");
+   #         "sig1._domainkey".CNAME = [ "sig1.dkim.ctu.cx.at.icloudmailadmin.com." ];
+            "48-247-39-195.wireguard".A = [ (a "") ];
+            "49-247-39-195.wireguard".A = [ (a "") ];
+            "50-247-39-195.wireguard".A = [ (a "") ];
+            "51-247-39-195.wireguard".A = [ (a "") ];
+            "52-247-39-195.wireguard".A = [ (a "") ];
+            "53-247-39-195.wireguard".A = [ (a "") ];
+            "54-247-39-195.wireguard".A = [ (a "") ];
+            "55-247-39-195.wireguard".A = [ (a "") ];
+            "32-246-39-195.dynamic".A   = [ (a "") ];
+            "33-246-39-195.dynamic".A   = [ (a "") ];
+            "34-246-39-195.dynamic".A   = [ (a "") ];
+            "35-246-39-195.dynamic".A   = [ (a "") ];
+            "36-246-39-195.dynamic".A   = [ (a "") ];
+            "37-246-39-195.dynamic".A   = [ (a "") ];
+            "38-246-39-195.dynamic".A   = [ (a "") ];
+            "39-246-39-195.dynamic".A   = [ (a "") ];
+            "40-246-39-195.dynamic".A   = [ (a "") ];
+            "41-246-39-195.dynamic".A   = [ (a "") ];
+            "42-246-39-195.dynamic".A   = [ (a "") ];
+            "43-246-39-195.dynamic".A   = [ (a "") ];
+            "44-246-39-195.dynamic".A   = [ (a "") ];
+            "45-246-39-195.dynamic".A   = [ (a "") ];
+            "46-246-39-195.dynamic".A   = [ (a "") ];
+            "47-246-39-195.dynamic".A   = [ (a "") ];
+          };
+        };
-      "wifionic.de" = {
-        inherit SOA NS CAA;
-      };
+        "oeffisear.ch" = {
+          inherit SOA NS CAA;
+        };
-      "trans-agenda.de" = {
-        inherit SOA NS CAA;
-      };
+        "wifionic.de" = {
+          inherit SOA NS CAA;
+        };
-      "ctucx.de" = {
-        inherit SOA NS CAA;
+        "trans-agenda.de" = {
+          inherit SOA NS CAA;
+        };
-#        MX = MXApple;
-#        TXT = SPFApple ++ [ "apple-domain=dAXXtfWkKtR1aNoT" ];
-#        subdomains."sig1._domainkey".CNAME = [ "sig1.dkim.ctucx.de.at.icloudmailadmin.com." ];
-      };
+        "ctucx.de" = {
+          inherit SOA NS CAA;
+  #        MX = MXApple;
+  #        TXT = SPFApple ++ [ "apple-domain=dAXXtfWkKtR1aNoT" ];
+  #        subdomains."sig1._domainkey".CNAME = [ "sig1.dkim.ctucx.de.at.icloudmailadmin.com." ];
+        };
-      "thein.ovh" = {
-        inherit SOA NS CAA;
+        "thein.ovh" = {
+          inherit SOA NS CAA;
-#        MX = MXApple;
-#        TXT = SPFApple ++ [ "apple-domain=gUI16uTaoWHz1n0P" ];
-#        subdomains."sig1._domainkey".CNAME = [ "sig1.dkim.thein.ovh.at.icloudmailadmin.com." ];
-      };
+  #        MX = MXApple;
+  #        TXT = SPFApple ++ [ "apple-domain=gUI16uTaoWHz1n0P" ];
+  #        subdomains."sig1._domainkey".CNAME = [ "sig1.dkim.thein.ovh.at.icloudmailadmin.com." ];
+        };
-      "flauschehorn.sexy" = {
-        inherit SOA NS CAA;
+        "flauschehorn.sexy" = {
+          inherit SOA NS CAA;
-        MX  = with mx; [ (mx 10 "rx300.kunbox.net.") ];
-        TXT = [ "v=spf1 mx ~all" ];
+          MX  = with mx; [ (mx 10 "rx300.kunbox.net.") ];
+          TXT = [ "v=spf1 mx ~all" ];
-        subdomains = {
-          _dmarc.TXT            = [ "v=DMARC1; p=quarantine; rua=mailto:hostmaster@kunbox.net; ruf=mailto:postmaster@kunsmann.eu; fo=0:d:s; adkim=r; aspf=r" ];
-          "mail._domainkey".TXT = [ "v=DKIM1; k=rsa; p=MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAnh5Ym9PO7r+wdOIKfopvHzn3KU3qT6IlCG/gvvbmIqoeFQfRbAe3gQmcG6RcLue55cJQGhI6y2r0lm59ZeoHR40aM+VabAOlplekM7xWmoXb/9vG2OZLIqAyF4I+7GQmTN6B9keBHp9SWtDUkI0B0G9neZ5MkXJP705M0duxritqQlb4YvCZwteHiyckKcg9aE9j+GF2EEawBoVDpoveoB3+wgde3lWEUjjwKFtXNXxuN354o6jgXgPNWtIEdPMLfK/o0CaCjZNlzaLTsTegY/+67hdHFqDmm8zXO9s+Xiyfq7CVq21t7wDhQ2W1agj+up6lH82FMh5rZNxJ6XB0yQIDAQAB" ];
+          subdomains = {
+            _dmarc.TXT            = [ "v=DMARC1; p=quarantine; rua=mailto:hostmaster@kunbox.net; ruf=mailto:postmaster@kunsmann.eu; fo=0:d:s; adkim=r; aspf=r" ];
+            "mail._domainkey".TXT = [ "v=DKIM1; k=rsa; p=MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAnh5Ym9PO7r+wdOIKfopvHzn3KU3qT6IlCG/gvvbmIqoeFQfRbAe3gQmcG6RcLue55cJQGhI6y2r0lm59ZeoHR40aM+VabAOlplekM7xWmoXb/9vG2OZLIqAyF4I+7GQmTN6B9keBHp9SWtDUkI0B0G9neZ5MkXJP705M0duxritqQlb4YvCZwteHiyckKcg9aE9j+GF2EEawBoVDpoveoB3+wgde3lWEUjjwKFtXNXxuN354o6jgXgPNWtIEdPMLfK/o0CaCjZNlzaLTsTegY/+67hdHFqDmm8zXO9s+Xiyfq7CVq21t7wDhQ2W1agj+up6lH82FMh5rZNxJ6XB0yQIDAQAB" ];
+          };
-      };
-      "c3kuscheldistanz.de" = {
-        inherit SOA NS CAA;
-      };
+        "c3kuscheldistanz.de" = {
+          inherit SOA NS CAA;
+        };
-      "c3flauschdistanz.de" = {
-        inherit SOA NS CAA;
-      };
+        "c3flauschdistanz.de" = {
+          inherit SOA NS CAA;
+        };
+      };
diff --git a/configurations/linux/services/prometheus-exporters.nix b/configurations/linux/services/prometheus-exporters.nix
@@ -1,47 +1,58 @@
 { config, lib, pkgs, ...}:
+  cfg = config.ctucxConfig.monitoring;
-  services = {
-    prometheus.exporters = {
-      node = {
-        enable = true;
-        listenAddress = "[::1]";
-        port          = 9100;
-        enabledCollectors = [
-          "systemd" "processes"
-        ];
-      };
+in {
-      systemd = {
-        enable = true;
-        listenAddress = "[::1]";
-        port          = 9558;
-      };
+  options = {
+    ctucxConfig.monitoring = {
+      exporters.enable = lib.mkEnableOption "prometheus exporters";
+    };
+  };
-      scaphandre = {
-        enable        = (if (builtins.elem "intel_rapl_common" config.boot.kernelModules) then true else false);
-        user          = "root";
-        group         = "root";
-        listenAddress = "::1";
-        port          = 9080;
-        telemetryPath = "scaphandre-exporter";
-      };
-    };    
-    nginx = {
-      enable = true;
-      virtualHosts."${config.networking.fqdn}" = {
-        enableACME = lib.mkDefault true;
-        forceSSL   = lib.mkDefault true;
-        kTLS       = lib.mkDefault true;
-        locations."/node-exporter".proxyPass       = "http://${toString config.services.prometheus.exporters.node.listenAddress}:${toString config.services.prometheus.exporters.node.port}/metrics";
-        locations."/systemd-exporter".proxyPass    = "http://${toString config.services.prometheus.exporters.systemd.listenAddress}:${toString config.services.prometheus.exporters.systemd.port}/metrics";
-        locations."/scaphandre-exporter".proxyPass = lib.mkIf config.services.prometheus.exporters.scaphandre.enable "http://[::1]:${toString config.services.prometheus.exporters.scaphandre.port}/scaphandre-exporter";
+  config = lib.mkIf cfg.exporters.enable {
+    services = {
+      prometheus.exporters = {
+        node = {
+          enable = true;
+          listenAddress = "[::1]";
+          port          = 9100;
+          enabledCollectors = [
+            "systemd" "processes"
+          ];
+        };
+        systemd = {
+          enable = true;
+          listenAddress = "[::1]";
+          port          = 9558;
+        };
+        scaphandre = {
+          enable        = (if (builtins.elem "intel_rapl_common" config.boot.kernelModules) then true else false);
+          user          = "root";
+          group         = "root";
+          listenAddress = "::1";
+          port          = 9080;
+          telemetryPath = "scaphandre-exporter";
+        };
+      };    
+      nginx = {
+        enable = true;
+        virtualHosts."${config.networking.fqdn}" = {
+          enableACME = lib.mkDefault true;
+          forceSSL   = lib.mkDefault true;
+          kTLS       = lib.mkDefault true;
+          locations."/node-exporter".proxyPass       = "http://${toString config.services.prometheus.exporters.node.listenAddress}:${toString config.services.prometheus.exporters.node.port}/metrics";
+          locations."/systemd-exporter".proxyPass    = "http://${toString config.services.prometheus.exporters.systemd.listenAddress}:${toString config.services.prometheus.exporters.systemd.port}/metrics";
+          locations."/scaphandre-exporter".proxyPass = lib.mkIf config.services.prometheus.exporters.scaphandre.enable "http://[::1]:${toString config.services.prometheus.exporters.scaphandre.port}/scaphandre-exporter";
+        };
-  };
-  networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ 80 443 ];
+    networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ 80 443 ];
+  };
diff --git a/configurations/linux/services/restic-server.nix b/configurations/linux/services/restic-server.nix
@@ -1,38 +1,50 @@
 { config, lib, pkgs, ...}:
+  cfg = config.ctucxConfig.resticServer;
-  age.secrets.restic-server-htpasswd = {
-    file  = ./. + "/../../../secrets/${config.networking.hostName}/restic-server-htpasswd.age";
-    owner = "nginx";
-  };
+in {
-  dns.zones."ctu.cx".subdomains."restic.${config.networking.hostName}".CNAME = [ "${config.networking.hostName}.ctu.cx." ];
+  options = {
+    ctucxConfig.resticServer = {
+      enable = lib.mkEnableOption "restic server";
+    };
+  };
-  systemd.services.restic-rest-server.onFailure = [ "email-notify@%i.service" ];
+  config = lib.mkIf cfg.enable {
-  services = {
-    restic.server = {
-      enable        = true;
-      listenAddress = "[::1]:8000";
-      appendOnly    = true;
-      extraFlags    = [ "--no-auth" ];
-      dataDir       = "/var/lib/restic";
+    age.secrets.restic-server-htpasswd = {
+      file  = ./. + "/../../../secrets/${config.networking.hostName}/restic-server-htpasswd.age";
+      owner = "nginx";
-    nginx = {
-      enable = true;
-      virtualHosts."restic.${config.networking.hostName}.ctu.cx" = {
-        enableACME = lib.mkDefault true;
-        forceSSL   = lib.mkDefault true;
-        kTLS       = lib.mkDefault true;
-        locations."/" = {
-          proxyPass   = "http://${toString config.services.restic.server.listenAddress}/";
-          extraConfig = ''
-            client_max_body_size 10G;
-            auth_basic           Auth;
-            auth_basic_user_file ${config.age.secrets.restic-server-htpasswd.path};
-          '';
+    dns.zones."ctu.cx".subdomains."restic.${config.networking.hostName}".CNAME = [ "${config.networking.hostName}.ctu.cx." ];
+    systemd.services.restic-rest-server.onFailure = [ "email-notify@%i.service" ];
+    services = {
+      restic.server = {
+        enable        = true;
+        listenAddress = "[::1]:8000";
+        appendOnly    = true;
+        extraFlags    = [ "--no-auth" ];
+        dataDir       = "/var/lib/restic";
+      };
+      nginx = {
+        enable = true;
+        virtualHosts."restic.${config.networking.hostName}.ctu.cx" = {
+          enableACME = lib.mkDefault true;
+          forceSSL   = lib.mkDefault true;
+          kTLS       = lib.mkDefault true;
+          locations."/" = {
+            proxyPass   = "http://${toString config.services.restic.server.listenAddress}/";
+            extraConfig = ''
+              client_max_body_size 10G;
+              auth_basic           Auth;
+              auth_basic_user_file ${config.age.secrets.restic-server-htpasswd.path};
+            '';
+          };
diff --git a/configurations/linux/services/syncthing-nginx.nix b/configurations/linux/services/syncthing-nginx.nix
@@ -1,28 +1,36 @@
 { config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+  cfg = config.ctucxConfig.syncthingWithNginx;
-  imports = [
-    ./syncthing.nix
-  ];
+in {
+  options = {
+    ctucxConfig.syncthingWithNginx = {
+      enable = lib.mkEnableOption "syncthing with nginx reverse-proxy";
+    };
+  };
-  dns.zones."ctu.cx".subdomains."syncthing.${config.networking.hostName}".CNAME = [ "${config.networking.fqdn}." ];
+  config = lib.mkIf cfg.enable {
+    ctucxConfig.syncthing.enable = true;
-  systemd.services.syncthing.onFailure = [ "email-notify@%i.service" ];
+    dns.zones."ctu.cx".subdomains."syncthing.${config.networking.hostName}".CNAME = [ "${config.networking.fqdn}." ];
-  services = {
-    syncthing = {
-      guiAddress = "[::1]:8384";
-      settings.gui.insecureSkipHostcheck = true;
-    };
+    systemd.services.syncthing.onFailure = [ "email-notify@%i.service" ];
+    services = {
+      syncthing = {
+        guiAddress = "[::1]:8384";
+        settings.gui.insecureSkipHostcheck = true;
+      };
-    nginx = {
-      enable = true;
-      virtualHosts."syncthing.${config.networking.hostName}.ctu.cx" = {
-        enableACME = true;
-        forceSSL   = true;
-        kTLS       = true;
-        locations."/".proxyPass = "http://${toString config.services.syncthing.guiAddress}";
+      nginx = {
+        enable = true;
+        virtualHosts."syncthing.${config.networking.hostName}.ctu.cx" = {
+          enableACME = true;
+          forceSSL   = true;
+          kTLS       = true;
+          locations."/".proxyPass = "http://${toString config.services.syncthing.guiAddress}";
+        };
diff --git a/configurations/linux/services/syncthing.nix b/configurations/linux/services/syncthing.nix
@@ -1,38 +1,46 @@
 { inputs, config, pkgs, lib, ... }:
+  cfg             = config.ctucxConfig.syncthing;
   syncthingConfig = import ../../common/syncthing-config.nix { inherit inputs pkgs config lib; };
 in {
-  age.secrets = {
-    syncthing-key = {
-      file  = ../../../secrets + "/${config.networking.hostName}/syncthing/key.age";
-      owner = "leah";
-    };
-    syncthing-cert = {
-      file  = ../../../secrets + "/${config.networking.hostName}/syncthing/cert.age";
-      owner = "leah";
+  options = {
+    ctucxConfig.syncthing = {
+      enable = lib.mkEnableOption "syncthing";
-  systemd.services.syncthing.onFailure = [ "email-notify@%i.service" ];
+  config = lib.mkIf cfg.enable {
+    age.secrets = {
+      syncthing-key = {
+        file  = ../../../secrets + "/${config.networking.hostName}/syncthing/key.age";
+        owner = "leah";
+      };
+      syncthing-cert = {
+        file  = ../../../secrets + "/${config.networking.hostName}/syncthing/cert.age";
+        owner = "leah";
+      };
+    };
-  services.syncthing = {
-    enable           = true;
-    openDefaultPorts = true;
+    systemd.services.syncthing.onFailure = [ "email-notify@%i.service" ];
-    user             = "leah";
-    group            = "users";
+    services.syncthing = {
+      enable           = true;
+      openDefaultPorts = true;
-    key              = lib.mkDefault config.age.secrets.syncthing-key.path;
-    cert             = lib.mkDefault config.age.secrets.syncthing-cert.path;
+      user             = "leah";
+      group            = "users";
-    dataDir          = lib.mkDefault "/home/leah";
-    configDir        = lib.mkDefault "/home/leah/.config/syncthing";
+      key              = lib.mkDefault config.age.secrets.syncthing-key.path;
+      cert             = lib.mkDefault config.age.secrets.syncthing-cert.path;
-    settings.devices = syncthingConfig.devices;
-    settings.folders = syncthingConfig.folders;
+      dataDir          = lib.mkDefault "/home/leah";
+      configDir        = lib.mkDefault "/home/leah/.config/syncthing";
+      settings.devices = syncthingConfig.devices;
+      settings.folders = syncthingConfig.folders;
+    };
diff --git a/machines/briefkasten/configuration.nix b/machines/briefkasten/configuration.nix
@@ -4,13 +4,13 @@
   deployment.targetHost = config.networking.secondaryIP4;
+  #this enables the following services: restic-server
+  deployment.tags       = [ "resticServer" ];
   imports = [
-    ../../configurations/linux/services/prometheus-exporters.nix
-    ../../configurations/linux/services/restic-server.nix
     # syncthing (and it's backup)
diff --git a/machines/briefkasten/syncthing.nix b/machines/briefkasten/syncthing.nix
@@ -17,9 +17,7 @@ let
 in {
-  imports = [
-    ../../configurations/linux/services/syncthing-nginx.nix
-  ];
+  ctucxConfig.syncthing.enable = true;
   age.secrets = lib.mapAttrs' (
     name: path: lib.nameValuePair "restic-syncthing-${name}" {
diff --git a/machines/trabbi/configuration.nix b/machines/trabbi/configuration.nix
@@ -2,12 +2,12 @@
+  #this enables the following services: dns
+  deployment.tags          = [ "dnsServer" ];
   imports = [
-    # dns server
-    ../../configurations/linux/services/dns.nix
     # git server (gitolite+stagit)

@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@
     # monitoring
-    ../../configurations/linux/services/prometheus-exporters.nix
diff --git a/machines/wanderduene/configuration.nix b/machines/wanderduene/configuration.nix
@@ -4,18 +4,17 @@
   deployment.buildOnTarget = false;
+  #this enables the following services: dns
+  deployment.tags          = [ "dnsServer" ];
   documentation.nixos.enable = false;
   imports = [
-    ../../configurations/linux/services/prometheus-exporters.nix
-    ../../configurations/linux/services/dns.nix
-#    ./reverse-proxy-stasicontainer.nix
   ] ++ (if nodes.briefkasten.config.networking.usePBBUplink != true then [