ctucx.git: nixfiles

ctucx' nixfiles

commit eab5b8088f1762429f8fb43ceb35cdfd33ca484a
parent 7c261696367e639d615553ffb643350858289cdb
Author: Leah (ctucx) <leah@ctu.cx>
Date: Sun, 19 Jun 2022 10:39:38 +0200

machines/osterei/maddy: use nixos module
4 files changed, 245 insertions(+), 294 deletions(-)
diff --git a/machines/osterei/configuration.nix b/machines/osterei/configuration.nix
@@ -7,22 +7,33 @@
-    ../../configurations/services/prometheus-node-exporter.nix
+    # dns server
+    # monitoring
+    ../../configurations/services/prometheus-node-exporter.nix
+    ./prometheus.nix
+    ./grafana
+    ./fritzbox-exporter.nix
+    ./box-availablilty-checker.nix
+    # git server (gitolite+stagit)
+    # communication
-    ./maddy
-    ./prometheus.nix
-    ./grafana
+    ./maddy.nix
+    # cal- and card-dav server
+    # websites
-    ./fritzbox-exporter.nix
-    ./box-availablilty-checker.nix
   age.secrets.restic-server-lollo.file    = ../../secrets/restic-server/lollo.age;
diff --git a/machines/osterei/maddy.nix b/machines/osterei/maddy.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+  users.groups.maddy = {};
+  users.users.maddy = {
+    isSystemUser = true;
+    home         = "/var/lib/maddy";
+    group        = "maddy";
+    extraGroups  = [ "nginx" ];
+  };
+  age.secrets.restic-maddy.file = ../../secrets/osterei/restic/maddy.age;
+  restic-backups.maddy = {
+    user         = "maddy";
+    passwordFile = config.age.secrets.restic-maddy.path;
+    paths        = [ "/var/lib/maddy" ];
+  };
+  security.acme.certs."osterei.ctu.cx".reloadServices = [ "maddy.service" ];
+  networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [
+    25
+    143
+    465
+    587
+    993
+  ];
+  services.maddy = {
+    enable        = true;
+    user          = "maddy";
+    group         = "maddy";
+    hostname      = "osterei.ctu.cx";
+    primaryDomain = "ctu.cx";
+    localDomains  = [
+      "$(hostname)"
+      "$(primary_domain)"
+      "antifa.jetzt"
+      "thein.ovh"
+      "ctucx.de"
+      "trans-agenda.de"
+    ];
+    config = ''
+      log syslog
+      tls file /var/lib/acme/osterei.ctu.cx/fullchain.pem /var/lib/acme/osterei.ctu.cx/key.pem
+      # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      # Local storage & authentication
+      # pass_table provides local hashed passwords storage for authentication of
+      # users. It can be configured to use any "table" module, in default
+      # configuration a table in SQLite DB is used.
+      # Table can be replaced to use e.g. a file for passwords. Or pass_table module
+      # can be replaced altogether to use some external source of credentials (e.g.
+      # PAM, /etc/shadow file).
+      #
+      # If table module supports it (sql_table does) - credentials can be managed
+      # using 'maddyctl creds' command.
+      auth.pass_table local_authdb {
+          table sql_table {
+              driver sqlite3
+              dsn credentials.db
+              table_name passwords
+          }
+      }
+      # imapsql module stores all indexes and metadata necessary for IMAP using a
+      # relational database. It is used by IMAP endpoint for mailbox access and
+      # also by SMTP & Submission endpoints for delivery of local messages.
+      #
+      # IMAP accounts, mailboxes and all message metadata can be inspected using
+      # imap-* subcommands of maddyctl utility.
+      storage.imapsql local_mailboxes {
+          driver sqlite3
+          dsn imapsql.db
+      }
+      # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      # SMTP endpoints + message routing
+      msgpipeline local_routing {
+          dmarc yes
+          check {
+              require_mx_record
+              dkim
+              spf {
+                  permerr_action ignore
+              }
+          }
+          # Insert handling for special-purpose local domains here.
+          # e.g.
+          # destination lists.example.org {
+          #     deliver_to lmtp tcp://
+          # }
+          destination postmaster $(local_domains) {
+              modify {
+                  replace_rcpt static {
+                     entry postmaster           postmaster@$(primary_domain)
+                     entry leon@thein.ovh       leah@ctu.cx
+                     entry leah@thein.ovh       leah@ctu.cx
+                     entry leah@antifa.jetzt    leah@ctu.cx
+                  }
+                  # Implement plus-address notation.
+                  replace_rcpt regexp "(.+)\+(.+)@(.+)" "$1@$3"
+                  replace_rcpt regexp "(.+)@ctucx.de" "leah@ctu.cx"
+                  replace_rcpt regexp "(.+)@ctu.cx"   "leah@ctu.cx"
+              }
+              deliver_to &local_mailboxes
+          }
+          default_destination {
+              reject 550 5.1.1 "User doesn't exist"
+          }
+      }
+      smtp tcp:// {
+          limits {
+              # Up to 20 msgs/sec across max. 10 SMTP connections.
+              all rate 20 1s
+              all concurrency 10
+          }
+          source $(local_domains) {
+              reject 501 5.1.8 "Use Submission for outgoing SMTP"
+          }
+          default_source {
+              destination postmaster $(local_domains) {
+                  deliver_to &local_routing
+              }
+              default_destination {
+                  reject 550 5.1.1 "User doesn't exist"
+              }
+          }
+      }
+      submission tls:// tcp:// {
+          limits {
+              # Up to 50 msgs/sec across any amount of SMTP connections.
+              all rate 50 1s
+          }
+          auth &local_authdb
+          source $(local_domains) {
+              destination postmaster $(local_domains) {
+                  deliver_to &local_routing
+              }
+              default_destination {
+                  modify {
+                      dkim $(primary_domain) $(local_domains) default {
+                          newkey_algo ed25519
+                      }
+                  }
+                  deliver_to &remote_queue
+              }
+          }
+          default_source {
+              reject 501 5.1.8 "Non-local sender domain"
+          }
+      }
+      target.remote outbound_delivery {
+          limits {
+              # Up to 20 msgs/sec across max. 10 SMTP connections
+              # for each recipient domain.
+              destination rate 20 1s
+              destination concurrency 10
+          }
+          mx_auth {
+              dane
+              mtasts {
+                  cache fs
+                  fs_dir mtasts_cache/
+              }
+              local_policy {
+                  min_tls_level encrypted
+                  min_mx_level none
+              }
+          }
+      }
+      target.queue remote_queue {
+          target &outbound_delivery
+          max_parallelism 16
+          max_tries 4
+          autogenerated_msg_domain $(primary_domain)
+          bounce {
+              destination postmaster $(local_domains) {
+                  deliver_to &local_routing
+              }
+              default_destination {
+                  reject 550 5.0.0 "Refusing to send DSNs to non-local addresses"
+              }
+          }
+      }
+      # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      # IMAP endpoints
+      imap tls:// tcp:// {
+          auth &local_authdb
+          storage &local_mailboxes
+      }
+    '';
+  };
diff --git a/machines/osterei/maddy/default.nix b/machines/osterei/maddy/default.nix
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
-  maddyConfig = ./maddy.conf;
-in {
-  users.groups.maddy = {};
-  users.users.maddy = {
-    isSystemUser = true;
-    home         = "/var/lib/maddy";
-    group        = "maddy";
-    extraGroups  = [ "nginx" ];
-  };
-  age.secrets.restic-maddy.file = ../../../secrets/osterei/restic/maddy.age;
-  restic-backups.maddy = {
-    user         = "maddy";
-    passwordFile = config.age.secrets.restic-maddy.path;
-    paths        = [ "/var/lib/maddy" ];
-  };
-  security.acme.certs."osterei.ctu.cx".reloadServices = [ "maddy.service" ];
-  systemd.services.maddy = {
-    wantedBy      = [ "multi-user.target" ];
-    after         = [ "network.target" ];
-    serviceConfig = {
-      Type                    = "notify";
-      NotifyAccess            = "main";
-      User                    = "maddy";
-      Group                   = "maddy";
-      WorkingDirectory        = "/var/lib/maddy";
-      ConfigurationDirectory  = "maddy";
-      RuntimeDirectory        = "maddy";
-      StateDirectory          = "maddy";
-      LogsDirectory           = "maddy";
-      ReadWritePaths          = "/var/lib/maddy";
-      PrivateTmp              = true;
-      ProtectHome             = true;
-      ProtectSystem           = "strict";
-      ProtectKernelTunables   = true;
-      ProtectHostname         = true;
-      ProtectClock            = true;
-      ProtectControlGroups    = true;
-      RestrictAddressFamilies = "AF_UNIX AF_INET AF_INET6";
-      # Additional sandboxing. You need to disable all of these options
-      # for privileged helper binaries (for system auth) to work correctly.
-      NoNewPrivileges         = true;
-      PrivateDevices          = true;
-      RestrictSUIDSGID        = true;
-      ProtectKernelModules    = true;
-      MemoryDenyWriteExecute  = true;
-      RestrictNamespaces      = true;
-      RestrictRealtime        = true;
-      LockPersonality         = true;
-      # Graceful shutdown with a reasonable timeout.
-      TimeoutStopSec          = "7s";
-      KillMode                = "mixed";
-      KillSignal              = "SIGTERM";
-      # Required to bind on ports lower than 1024.
-      AmbientCapabilities     = "CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE";
-      CapabilityBoundingSet   = "CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE";
-      # Force all files created by maddy to be only readable by it.
-      UMask                   = 0027;
-      # Bump FD limitations. Even idle mail server can have a lot of FDs open (think
-      # of idle IMAP connections, especially ones abandoned on the other end and
-      # slowly timing out).
-      LimitNOFILE             = 131072;
-      # Limit processes count to something reasonable to
-      # prevent resources exhausting due to big amounts of helper
-      # processes launched.
-      LimitNPROC              = 512;
-      # Restart server on any problem.
-      Restart                 = "on-failure";
-      # ... Unless it is a configuration problem.
-      RestartPreventExitStatus = 2;
-      ExecStart               = "${pkgs.maddy}/bin/maddy -config ${maddyConfig}";
-    };
-  };
-  networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [
-    25
-    143
-    465
-    587
-    993
-  ];
diff --git a/machines/osterei/maddy/maddy.conf b/machines/osterei/maddy/maddy.conf
@@ -1,186 +0,0 @@
-## maddy 0.4 - default configuration file
-log syslog
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Base variables
-$(hostname) = osterei.ctu.cx
-$(primary_domain) = ctu.cx
-$(local_domains) = $(hostname) $(primary_domain) antifa.jetzt thein.ovh ctucx.de trans-agenda.de
-tls file /var/lib/acme/osterei.ctu.cx/fullchain.pem /var/lib/acme/osterei.ctu.cx/key.pem
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Local storage & authentication
-# pass_table provides local hashed passwords storage for authentication of
-# users. It can be configured to use any "table" module, in default
-# configuration a table in SQLite DB is used.
-# Table can be replaced to use e.g. a file for passwords. Or pass_table module
-# can be replaced altogether to use some external source of credentials (e.g.
-# PAM, /etc/shadow file).
-# If table module supports it (sql_table does) - credentials can be managed
-# using 'maddyctl creds' command.
-auth.pass_table local_authdb {
-    table sql_table {
-        driver sqlite3
-        dsn credentials.db
-        table_name passwords
-    }
-# imapsql module stores all indexes and metadata necessary for IMAP using a
-# relational database. It is used by IMAP endpoint for mailbox access and
-# also by SMTP & Submission endpoints for delivery of local messages.
-# IMAP accounts, mailboxes and all message metadata can be inspected using
-# imap-* subcommands of maddyctl utility.
-storage.imapsql local_mailboxes {
-    driver sqlite3
-    dsn imapsql.db
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# SMTP endpoints + message routing
-hostname $(hostname)
-msgpipeline local_routing {
-    dmarc yes
-    check {
-        require_mx_record
-        dkim
-        spf
-    }
-    # Insert handling for special-purpose local domains here.
-    # e.g.
-    # destination lists.example.org {
-    #     deliver_to lmtp tcp://
-    # }
-    destination postmaster $(local_domains) {
-        modify {
-            replace_rcpt static {
-               entry postmaster           postmaster@$(primary_domain)
-               entry leon@thein.ovh       leah@ctu.cx
-               entry leah@thein.ovh       leah@ctu.cx
-               entry leah@antifa.jetzt    leah@ctu.cx
-            }
-            # Implement plus-address notation.
-            replace_rcpt regexp "(.+)\+(.+)@(.+)" "$1@$3"
-            replace_rcpt regexp "(.+)@ctucx.de" "leah@ctu.cx"
-            replace_rcpt regexp "(.+)@ctu.cx"   "leah@ctu.cx"
-        }
-        deliver_to &local_mailboxes
-    }
-    default_destination {
-        reject 550 5.1.1 "User doesn't exist"
-    }
-smtp tcp:// {
-    limits {
-        # Up to 20 msgs/sec across max. 10 SMTP connections.
-        all rate 20 1s
-        all concurrency 10
-    }
-    source $(local_domains) {
-        reject 501 5.1.8 "Use Submission for outgoing SMTP"
-    }
-    default_source {
-        destination postmaster $(local_domains) {
-            deliver_to &local_routing
-        }
-        default_destination {
-            reject 550 5.1.1 "User doesn't exist"
-        }
-    }
-submission tls:// tcp:// {
-    limits {
-        # Up to 50 msgs/sec across any amount of SMTP connections.
-        all rate 50 1s
-    }
-    auth &local_authdb
-    source $(local_domains) {
-        destination postmaster $(local_domains) {
-            deliver_to &local_routing
-        }
-        default_destination {
-            modify {
-                dkim $(primary_domain) $(local_domains) default {
-                    newkey_algo ed25519
-                }
-            }
-            deliver_to &remote_queue
-        }
-    }
-    default_source {
-        reject 501 5.1.8 "Non-local sender domain"
-    }
-target.remote outbound_delivery {
-    limits {
-        # Up to 20 msgs/sec across max. 10 SMTP connections
-        # for each recipient domain.
-        destination rate 20 1s
-        destination concurrency 10
-    }
-    mx_auth {
-        dane
-        mtasts {
-            cache fs
-            fs_dir mtasts_cache/
-        }
-        local_policy {
-            min_tls_level encrypted
-            min_mx_level none
-        }
-    }
-target.queue remote_queue {
-    target &outbound_delivery
-    max_parallelism 16
-    max_tries 4
-    autogenerated_msg_domain $(primary_domain)
-    bounce {
-        destination postmaster $(local_domains) {
-            deliver_to &local_routing
-        }
-        default_destination {
-            reject 550 5.0.0 "Refusing to send DSNs to non-local addresses"
-        }
-    }
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# IMAP endpoints
-imap tls:// tcp:// {
-    auth &local_authdb
-    storage &local_mailboxes