ctucx.git: oeffisearch

[nimlang] fast and simple tripplanner

commit bee9d985eb9b977fc2f163c83f92262489917395
parent 16580bc85660a9a7a6811f9dce81ee5a6f2eaec3
Author: Leah (ctucx) <leah@ctu.cx>
Date: Sat, 13 Mar 2021 15:12:56 +0100

remove git-submodule hafas.nim, add hafas.nim as nimble dependency
10 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 204 deletions(-)
diff --git a/.gitmodules b/.gitmodules
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-[submodule "src/hafas"]
-	path = src/hafas
-	url = https://cgit.ctu.cx/hafas.nim
diff --git a/oeffisearch.nimble b/oeffisearch.nimble
@@ -12,3 +12,4 @@ bin           = @["oeffisearch"]
 # Dependencies
 requires "nim >= 1.0.4"
+requires "https://cgit.ctu.cx/hafas.nim"
diff --git a/src/cache.nim b/src/cache.nim
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 import tables, random, os, times, json, asyncfile, asyncdispatch
 import types, cache_types, utils
+import hafas
diff --git a/src/cache_types.nim b/src/cache_types.nim
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 import tables
-import types
+import hafas
   moreJourneysMode* = enum
diff --git a/src/endpoints/journeys.nim b/src/endpoints/journeys.nim
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 import json, tables, options, asyncdispatch
-import ../types, ../hafas/hafas, ../cache
+import hafas
+import ../types, ../cache
 when not defined(release):
   import hotcodereloading
diff --git a/src/endpoints/moreJourneys.nim b/src/endpoints/moreJourneys.nim
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 import json, tables, options, asyncdispatch, strutils
-import ../types, ../cache_types, ../hafas/hafas, ../cache
+import hafas
+import ../types, ../cache_types, ../cache
 proc moreJourneysEndpoint*(requestData: JsonNode): Future[JsonNode] {.async.} =
   var reqId = requestData{"reqId"}.getStr()
diff --git a/src/endpoints/refreshJourney.nim b/src/endpoints/refreshJourney.nim
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 import json, tables, options, asyncdispatch, strutils
-import ../types, ../cache_types, ../hafas/hafas, ../cache
+import hafas
+import ../types, ../cache_types, ../cache
 proc refreshJourneyEndpoint*(requestData: JsonNode): Future[JsonNode] {.async.} =
   let reqId     = requestData{"reqId"}.getStr()
diff --git a/src/endpoints/suggestions.nim b/src/endpoints/suggestions.nim
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 import json, options, asyncdispatch
-import ../types, ../hafas/hafas
+import hafas
 const ds100Json = staticRead "../../ds100reverse.json"
diff --git a/src/hafas b/src/hafas
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-Subproject commit e815bbfd2ef4f49c4e3a757739a60d802bcc53f5
diff --git a/src/types.nim b/src/types.nim
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
-import options
 import asynchttpserver

@@ -7,199 +6,5 @@ type
     msg*: string
     headers*: HttpHeaders
-  Stop* = object
-    id*:       string
-    name*:     string
-    location*: Location
-    products*: Products
-    station*:  Option[Station]
-  Station* = object
-    id*:       int
-    name*:     string
-    location*: Location
-    products*: Products
-  Location* = object
-    latitude*:  float
-    longitude*: float
-    name*:      Option[string]
-    address*:   Option[string]
-    id*:        Option[string]
-  Product* = enum
-    nationalExp, national, regionalExp, regional, suburban, bus, ferry, subway, tram, taxi
-  Mode* = enum
-    Train, Bus, Watercraft, Taxi, Walking
-  Products* = object
-    nationalExp*:     bool
-    national*:        bool
-    regionalExp*:     bool
-    regional*:        bool
-    suburban*:        bool
-    bus*:             bool
-    ferry*:           bool
-    subway*:          bool
-    tram*:            bool
-    taxi*:            bool
-  Point* = object
-    stop*:     Option[Stop]
-    location*: Option[Location]
-  Journey* = object
-    refreshToken*: string
-    lastUpdated*:  int64
-    legs*:         seq[Leg]
-    cycle*:        Option[Cycle]
-    price*:        Option[Price]
-  LegPart* = object
-    point*:                Point
-    plannedTime*:          int64
-    prognosedTime*:        Option[int64]
-    plannedPlatform*:      Option[string]
-    prognosedPlatform*:    Option[string]
-  Leg* = object
-    isWalking*:            bool
-    isTransfer*:           bool
-    cancelled*:            bool
-    departure*:            LegPart
-    arrival*:              LegPart
-    polyline*:             Option[Polyline]
-    distance*:             Option[int]              # required for isWalking or isTransfer
-    tripId*:               Option[string]           # required for not isWalking and not isTranfer
-    line*:                 Option[Line]             # required for not isWalking and not isTranfer
-    direction*:            Option[string]           # required for not isWalking and not isTranfer
-    cycle*:                Option[Cycle]
-    stopovers*:            Option[seq[Stopover]]
-    remarks*:              Option[seq[Remark]]
-  Line* = object
-    id*:                string
-    name*:              string
-    mode*:              Mode
-    product*:           Product
-    tripNum*:           string
-    productName*:       string
-    fullProductName*:   string
-    operator*:          Option[Operator]
-    additionalName*:    Option[string]
-    trainType*:         Option[string]
-    trainTypeShort*:    Option[string]
-  Operator* = object
-    id*:   string
-    name*: string
-  Cycle* = object
-    min*: Option[int]
-    max*: Option[int]
-    nr*:  Option[int]
-  # TODO: Make this unnecessary :3
-  Price* = object
-    amount*:   float
-    currency*: Option[string]
-  StopoverPart* = object
-    plannedTime*:          Option[int64]
-    prognosedTime*:        Option[int64]
-    plannedPlatform*:      Option[string]
-    prognosedPlatform*:    Option[string]
-  Stopover* = object
-    stop*:                           Stop
-    cancelled*:                      bool
-    departure*:                      StopoverPart 
-    arrival*:                        StopoverPart
-  Remark* = object
-    `type`*:  Option[string]
-    code*:    Option[string]
-    summary*: Option[string]
-    text*:    Option[string]
-    tripId*:  Option[string]
-  JourneysResponse* = object
-    earlierRef*:   string
-    laterRef*:     string
-    journeys*:     seq[Journey]
-  Accessibility* = enum
-    none, partial, complete
-  SuggestionsParams* = object
-    query*:      string
-    results*:    Option[int]         #default value: 10
-    stations*:   Option[bool]        #default value: true
-    poi*:        Option[bool]        #default value: true
-    addresses*:  Option[bool]        #default value: true
-  JourneysParams* = object
-    fromPoint*:          Point
-    toPoint*:            Point
-    viaPoint*:           Option[Point]              #default value: null      support in hafas backend: ✅
-    earlierRef*:         Option[string]             #default value: null      support in hafas backend: ✅
-    laterRef*:           Option[string]             #default value: null      support in hafas backend: ✅
-    results*:            Option[int]                #default value: 5         support in hafas backend: ✅
-    stopovers*:          Option[bool]               #default value: false     support in hafas backend: ✅
-    polylines*:          Option[bool]               #default value: false     support in hafas backend: ✅
-    remarks*:            Option[bool]               #default value: true      support in hafas backend:
-    bikeFriendly*:       Option[bool]               #default value: false     support in hafas backend:
-    tickets*:            Option[bool]               #default value: false     support in hafas backend: ✅
-    startWithWalking*:   Option[bool]               #default value: true      support in hafas backend: ✅
-    scheduledDays*:      Option[bool]
-    accessibility*:      Option[Accessibility]      #default value: none      support in hafas backend: ✅
-    transfers*:          Option[int]                #default value: -1        support in hafas backend: ✅
-    transferTime*:       Option[int]                #default value: 00        support in hafas backend: ✅
-    arrival*:            Option[int64]              #default value: null      support in hafas backend: ✅
-    departure*:          Option[int64]              #default value: null      support in hafas backend: ✅
-    products*:           Option[Products]           #default value: all true  support in hafas backend: ✅
-  RefreshJourneyParams* = object
-    refreshToken*:       string
-    stopovers*:          Option[bool]               #default value: false     support in hafas backend: ✅
-    polylines*:          Option[bool]               #default value: false     support in hafas backend: ✅
-    tickets*:            Option[bool]               #default value: false     support in hafas backend: ✅
-  Polyline* = object
-    `type`*:        string
-    features*:      seq[Feature]
-  Feature* = object
-    `type`*:        string
-    properties*:    Option[Stop]
-    geometry*:      FeatureGeometry
-  FeatureGeometry* = object
-    `type`*:       string
-    coordinates*:  seq[float]
   notFoundException* = object of ValueError
   errorException*    = object of ValueError
-  hafasExceptionKind* = enum
-  hafasException*    = ref object of ValueError
-    code*: hafasExceptionKind
-    message*: string
-    statusCode*: HttpCode
-const MODES* = [
-  Train,       # nationalExp
-  Train,       # national
-  Train,       # regionalExp
-  Train,       # regional
-  Train,       # suburban
-  Bus,         # bus
-  Watercraft,  # ferry
-  Train,       # subway
-  Train,       # tram
-  Taxi,        # taxi