ctucx.git: mobile-coverage-map

a map that allows comparison of various mobile networks

commit 30a69ef5132b8d53b68bde9149e8e8f43414745f
parent 5a4db6736141b61765406d46af8a201fd8499d1a
Author: Isabelle <hi@f2k1.de>
Date: Sun, 4 Jun 2023 09:48:59 +0200

add o2-cz and vodafone.cz
1 file changed, 85 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/main.js b/main.js
@@ -91,6 +91,14 @@ let sunriseURL            = 'https://maps.sunrise.ch/cgi-bin/mapserv?map=/opt/ap
 let saltAttribution       = '&copy; <a href="https://www.salt.ch/de/coverage/" target="_blank">Salt Netzbdeckung</a';
 let saltURL               = 'https://mapserver.salt.ch/public/gmaps';
+let o2czAttribution       = '&copy; <a href="https://www.o2.cz/osobni/mapa-pokryti" target="_blank">O2 Mapa pokrytí</a';
+let o2czVersion           = '230505.4';
+let o2czURL               = 'https://mapy.o2.cz/o2mapy/data/tiles/'
+let vodafoneczURL         = 'https://lte.mapy.vodafone.cz/tiles/';
+let vodafoneczAttribution = '&copy; <a href="https://www.vodafone.cz/mapa-pokryti/" target="_blank">Vodafone Mapa pokrytí</a';
 var map = new Map({
 	target: 'map',
 	maxTilesLoading: 512,

@@ -121,6 +129,81 @@ var map = new Map({
+		//
+		// Czech layer
+		//
+		new LayerGroup({
+			title: 'CZ',
+			layers: [
+				//
+				// o2 CZ
+				//
+				new LayerTile({
+					title: 'o2-cz 5G',
+					visible: false,
+					opacity: 0.3,
+					source: new SourceXYZ({
+						url: o2czURL + '5g/' + o2czVersion + '/{z}/{x}/{y}.png',
+						attributions: [ o2czAttribution ],
+						minZoom: 3,
+						maxZoom: 23
+					})
+				}),
+				new LayerTile({
+					title: 'o2-cz 4G',
+					visible: false,
+					opacity: 0.3,
+					source: new SourceXYZ({
+						url: o2czURL + '4g/' + o2czVersion + '/{z}/{x}/{y}.png',
+						attributions: [ o2czAttribution ],
+						minZoom: 3,
+						maxZoom: 23
+					})
+				}),
+				new LayerTile({
+					title: 'o2-cz 2G',
+					visible: false,
+					opacity: 0.3,
+					source: new SourceXYZ({
+						url: o2czURL + '2g/'  + o2czVersion + '/{z}/{x}/{y}.png',
+						attributions: [ o2czAttribution ],
+						minZoom: 3,
+						maxZoom: 23
+					})
+				}),
+				//
+				// Vodafone CZ
+				//
+				new LayerTile({
+					title: 'Vodafone.cz 5G',
+					visible: false,
+					opacity: 0.3,
+					source: new SourceXYZ({
+						url: vodafoneczURL + '5g700_5g1800_5g2100_5g3500/{z}/{x}/{y}.png',
+						attributions: [ vodafoneczAttribution ],
+						minZoom: 3,
+						maxZoom: 23
+					})
+				}),
+				new LayerTile({
+					title: 'Vodafone.cz 4G',
+					visible: false,
+					opacity: 0.3,
+					source: new SourceXYZ({
+						url: vodafoneczURL + 'lte800_lte1800_lte2100_lte2600_ltea_5g700_5g1800_5g2100_5g3500//{z}/{x}/{y}.png',
+						attributions: [ vodafoneczAttribution ],
+						minZoom: 3,
+						maxZoom: 23
+					})
+				})
+			]
+		}),
 		// Swiss layer

@@ -225,8 +308,8 @@ var map = new Map({
 						maxZoom: 19
-            ]
-        }),
+			]
+		}),