ctucx.git: mobile-coverage-map

a map that allows comparison of various mobile networks

fbb1d8b - Katja (ctucx)2025-03-05 20:32
flake: refactor, remove `flake-utils` dependency
30a69ef - Isabelle2023-06-04 09:48
add o2-cz and vodafone.cz
5a4db67 - Isabelle2023-06-04 09:48
update telefonicaVersion to 269
96f78ab - Isabelle2023-03-26 14:26
update telefonicaVersion to 266
76c9f20 - Isabelle2022-12-25 12:38
update telefonicaVersion to 262
67d4f5e - Leah (ctucx)2022-12-10 15:32
add flake.nix
8f5d728 - Leah (ctucx)2022-09-14 10:02
remove `bundle.js`
dc33920 - Isabelle2022-05-31 13:28
move ORM layer above all others
fdfca20 - Leah (ctucx)2022-05-30 19:05
initial commit