ctucx.git: stagit

ctucx' stagit fork

commit 17e68fe3ad88042864fc7959498fa743fb2eacbf
parent 7a812ea9c3fb3ad923ddc96b85acc4e4595d6db5
Author: Leah (ctucx) <leah@ctu.cx>
Date: Thu, 26 May 2022 18:04:24 +0200

stagit-index: refactor html output
1 file changed, 41 insertions(+), 28 deletions(-)
diff --git a/stagit-index.c b/stagit-index.c
@@ -12,12 +12,12 @@ static git_repository *repo;
 static const char *relpath = "";
-static char description[255] = "Oscar Benedito's Git repositories";
+static char description[255];
 static char *pagename = "";
 static char *email = "";
+static char *category = "";
 static char *name = "";
 static char owner[255];
-static char category[255];
 /* Handle read or write errors for a FILE * stream */

@@ -98,33 +98,41 @@ printtimeshort(FILE *fp, const git_time *intime)
 writeheader(FILE *fp)
-	fputs("<!DOCTYPE html>\n"
-		"<html>\n<head>\n"
-		"<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=UTF-8\" />\n"
-		"<meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width, initial-scale=1\" />\n"
+	fputs("<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html><head>"
+		"<meta charset=\"utf-8\">"
+		"<meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0\">"
+		"<link href=\"/style.css\" rel=\"stylesheet\">"
 		"<title>", fp);
-	xmlencode(fp, description, strlen(description));
-	fprintf(fp, "</title>\n<link rel=\"icon\" type=\"image/svg+xml\" href=\"../%slogo.svg\" />\n", relpath);
-	fprintf(fp, "<link rel=\"alternate icon\" href=\"%sfavicon.ico\" />\n", relpath);
-	fprintf(fp, "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"%sstyle.css\" />\n", relpath);
-	fputs("</head>\n<body id=\"home\">\n<h1>", fp);
-	xmlencode(fp, description, strlen(description));
-	fputs("</h1>\n<div id=\"content\">\n"
-		"<h2 id=\"repositories\">Repositories</h2>\n"
-		"<div class=\"table-container\">\n<table id=\"index\"><thead>\n"
-		"<tr><td><b>Name</b></td><td><b>Description</b></td><td><b>Last commit</b></td></tr>"
-		"</thead><tbody>\n", fp);
+	xmlencode(fp, pagename, strlen(pagename));
+	fputs("</title></head><body>\n<header><h1>", fp);
+	xmlencode(fp, pagename, strlen(pagename));
+	fputs("</h1></header>\n<main>"
+		"<table class=\"repositories\"><thead><tr>"
+		"<td>Name</td>"
+		"<td>Description</td>"
+		"<td>Last commit</td>"
+		"</tr></thead><tbody>\n", fp);
 writefooter(FILE *fp)
-	fputs("</tbody>\n</table>\n</div>\n"
-		"<h2 id=\"contribute\">Contribute</h2>\n"
-		"<p>The best way to contribute to my repositories is through e-mail, check out <a href=\"https://git-send-email.io\">git-send-email.io</a> if you don’t know how to do that. Send your patches to <a href=\"mailto:patches@oscarbenedito.com\">patches@oscarbenedito.com</a> and change the subject prefix to specify the repository you are sending the patch for. You can do that running the following command from the git repository:</p>\n"
-		"<pre><code>git config format.subjectPrefix \"PATCH &lt;name-of-repository&gt;\"</code></pre>\n"
-		"<p>You can also contribute on <a href=\"https://github.com/oscarbenedito\">GitHub</a> doing pull requests (all my public repositories are mirrored there, as well as <a href=\"https://git.sr.ht/~ob\">SourceHut</a>).</p>\n"
-		"</div>\n</body>\n</html>\n", fp);
+	fputs("</tbody></table>\n", fp);
+	if (email[0]) fprintf(fp, "<h2 id=\"contribute\">Contribute</h2>"
+		"<p>The best way to contribute to my repositories is through e-mail, check out <a href=\"https://git-send-email.io\">git-send-email.io</a> if you don’t know how to do that. Send your patches to <a href=\"mailto:%s\">%s</a> and change the subject prefix to specify the repository you are sending the patch for. You can do that running the following command from the git repository:</p>"
+		"<pre><code>git config format.subjectPrefix \"PATCH &lt;name-of-repository&gt;\"</code></pre>\n" , email, email);
+	static char *gen_time;
+    time_t now = time(&now);
+	gen_time = ctime(&now);
+	gen_time[24] = '\0';
+	fprintf(fp, "\n</main><footer><p>Generated on %s (UTC)</p></footer></body></html>", gen_time);

@@ -155,7 +163,12 @@ writelog(FILE *fp)
 		if (!strcmp(p, ".git"))
 			*p = '\0';
-	fputs("<tr class=\"repo\"><td><a href=\"", fp);
+	if(!category[0]) {
+		fputs("<tr><td><a href=\"", fp);
+	} else {
+		fputs("<tr><td class=\"sublevel-repo\"><a href=\"", fp);
+	}
 	percentencode(fp, stripped_name, strlen(stripped_name));
 	fputs("/\">", fp);
 	xmlencode(fp, stripped_name, strlen(stripped_name));

@@ -222,10 +235,10 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
 			if (i == argc)
 				err(1, "missing argument");
-			repodir = argv[i];
-			fputs("<tr class=\"cat\"><td>", stdout);
-			xmlencode(stdout, repodir, strlen(repodir));
-			fputs("</td><td></td><td></td></tr>\n", stdout);
+			category = argv[i];
+			fputs("<tr><td class=\"reposection\" colspan=\"3\">", stdout);
+			xmlencode(stdout, category, strlen(category));
+			fputs("</td></tr>", stdout);